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Implementation of LDA using Gibbs sampling
[email protected]

reference :

LDA : Topic modeling

Example : 6 docs, 2 topics

  • code
import numpy as np
import random


alpha = 0.1
beta = 0.001
topics = 2
epoch = 30

docs = np.array(("칼로리 레시피 서비스 식재료 먹거리",
                "도시락 건강식 다이어트 칼로리 레시피",
                "마케팅 다이어트 식재료 배송 칼로리",
                "여행 YOLO 혼술 휴가 연휴",
                "여행 예약 항공권 마케팅 연휴",
                "항공권 예약 호텔 다구간 서비스"))

words_full = []
words_uniq = []
doc_word = np.zeros((docs.shape[0]))
doc_words_size = np.zeros((docs.shape[0]))
a = 0
for doc in docs:
    doc_words = doc.split()
    words_full += doc_words
    doc_words_size[a] = len(doc_words)
    a += 1
words_full = np.array(words_full)
print ("words_full")
print (words_full)

words = np.array(list(set(words_full)))
words_uniq = np.unique(words_full)
words_uniq = np.reshape(words_uniq, (words_uniq.shape[0]))
print ("words_uniq")
print (words_uniq)

# word, doc num, topic num, unique word index
word_doc_topic = np.array(['keyword', 0, 0, 0])
for doc in docs:
    words = doc.split()
    for word in words:
        id_uniq = np.where(words_uniq == word)[0]
        to = random.randrange(0, topics)
        element = (word, a, to, id_uniq[0])
        word_doc_topic = np.vstack((word_doc_topic, element))
    a += 1
word_doc_topic = word_doc_topic[1:, :]
print ("word_doc_topic")
print (word_doc_topic)

theta_num = np.zeros((docs.shape[0], topics))
theta_prob = np.zeros((docs.shape[0], topics))
phi_num = np.zeros((words_uniq.shape[0], topics))
phi_prob = np.zeros((words_uniq.shape[0], topics))

def gibbs_proc(word_doc_topic_task, sample, idx):

    # make topic-doc relation
    for a in range(docs.shape[0]):
        for b in range(topics):
            count = np.count_nonzero((word_doc_topic_task[:, 1] == str(a)) & (word_doc_topic_task[:, 2] == str(b)))
            theta_num[a][b] = count + alpha

    for a in range(docs.shape[0]):
        for b in range(topics):
            count = np.sum(theta_num[a])
            theta_prob[a][b] = float(theta_num[a][b])/float(count)

    # make word-topic relation
    for a in range(words_uniq.shape[0]):
        for b in range(topics):
            count = np.count_nonzero((word_doc_topic_task[:, 0] == str(words_uniq[a])) & (word_doc_topic_task[:, 2] == str(b)))
            phi_num[a][b] = count + beta

    for a in range(words_uniq.shape[0]):
        for b in range(topics):
            count = np.sum(phi_num[a])
            phi_prob[a][b] = float(phi_num[a][b])/float(count)

    del word_doc_topic_task

    # allocate topic-word
    # sample [word, doc num, topic num, word uniq idx]
    if idx >= 0 :
        p_post = np.zeros((topics))
        for a in range(topics):
            p_topic_doc = theta_prob[int(sample[1])][a]

            topic_tot = np.sum((phi_num.T)[a])
            p_word_topic = phi_num[int(sample[3])][a]/topic_tot

            p_post[a] = p_topic_doc * p_word_topic

        topic_max = np.argmax(p_post)
        return topic_max

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # do gibbs sampling proc
    for a in range(epoch):
        for b in range(word_doc_topic.shape[0]):

            word_doc_topic_task = word_doc_topic.copy()
            sample = word_doc_topic_task[b]
            word_doc_topic_task = np.delete(word_doc_topic_task, b, axis=0)

            topic_max = gibbs_proc(word_doc_topic_task, sample, b)

            word_doc_topic[b][2] = topic_max
            del word_doc_topic_task

    # print final state
    gibbs_proc(word_doc_topic, [None, None, None, None], -1)

    print ("theta P(Topic;Doc)")
    for a in range(theta_num.shape[0]) :
        print ("Doc%d => %s = %s" % (a, str(theta_num[a]), str(theta_prob[a])))

    print ("phi P(Word;Topic)")
    for a in range(phi_num.shape[0]) :
        print ("%s => %s = %s" % (words_uniq[a], str(phi_num[a]), str(phi_prob[a])))

    print ("word_doc_topic")
    print (word_doc_topic)