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aptly-ctl -- Convenient aptly API client

aptly-ctl is a command line tool for managing aplty repositories remotely via API. This tool tries to group most common repository operations into composite ones, more convenient for humans, and maintain ability to perform any atomic API request at the same time. aptly-ctl is built upon aptly-api-client library and MIT licensed.


  • put subcommand uploads deb package to aptly instance, adds it to specified local repo and updates all publishes that depend on that local repo;
  • remove subcommand removes deb packages from local repos and updates publishes that depend on those repos;
  • search subcommand is self-explanatory. Is searches using aptly package query format;
  • copy subcommand copies packages between local repos and updates dependent publishes;
  • repo and publish subcommand are intended to perform atomic API operations like creation, deletion etc.


$ pip3 install aptly-ctl

or from source code directory

$ python3 install


aptly-ctl has the following config format:

  - name: local
    url: http://localhost:8090/api
      gpgkey: "DC3CFE1DD8562BB86BF3845A4E15F887476CCCE0"
      passphrase: "secret"
  - name: remote
    url: http://user:password@remote:8090/api
      gpgkey: "[email protected]"
      passphrase_file: "/etc/aptly/gpg_pass"
        skip: true

Each profile element describes configuration for one aptly instance. By default, aptly-ctl uses the first one listed. To select profile, use -p or --profile argument to select by position (e.g. -p 0, --profile 1), by name (e.g. --profile local) or by partial name match (-p l or -p r would suffice for this case). url is an aplty API endpoint to connect to. signing is a default signing config. It may contain

  • skip -- skip signing at all. Default: true;
  • batch -- enable batch mode used when passing passphraze. Generally you want it always true. Default: true;
  • gpgkey -- gpg key name (key fingerprint or email). No default;
  • keyring -- gpg keyring file name local to server. Default: gpg defaults;
  • secret_keyring -- gpg secret keyring file name local to server. Default: gpg defaults;
  • passphrase -- gpg key passphrase. No default;
  • passphrase_file -- gpg passphrase file local to server. No default.

signing_overrides dictionary is optional and used to override default signing config for some publishes. Specify publish in form [<storage>:]<prefix>/<distribution>. Root prefix is .. Configuration is the same as for signing.

To specify config location use -c argument, or save it in one of the following locations (using the first found, searching from the first to the last):

  1. $HOME/aptly-ctl.yml;
  2. $HOME/aptly-ctl.yaml;
  3. $HOME/aptly-ctl.conf;
  4. $HOME/.aptly-ctl.yml;
  5. $HOME/.aptly-ctl.yaml;
  6. $HOME/.aptly-ctl.conf;
  7. $HOME/.config/aptly-ctl.yml;
  8. $HOME/.config/aptly-ctl.yaml;
  9. $HOME/.config/aptly-ctl.conf;
  10. /etc/aptly-ctl.yml;
  11. /etc/aptly-ctl.yaml;
  12. /etc/aptly-ctl.conf.

If aptly-ctl cannot find config in listed locations, you can specify configuration keys on command line and still have a valid config which allows to run aptly-ctl without config at all. Specify them usging -C <key>=<value> argument, where <key> components are separated by a dot e.g.

$ aptly-ctl -C "url=http://localhost:8090/api" -C "signing.skip=true" repo list

Some aptly-ctl subcommands print to STDOUT output parsable by other subcommands. Check out subcommand's --help to get some hints on how to use it in conjunction with other ones.


Search for a package containing 'nginx':

$ aptly-ctl search 'Name (~ nginx)'
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-full-dbg 1.9.9-2~didww+8.2 c89ebe5a0ac7e146"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-full-dbg 1.10.0-0~didww+8.4 25d7ab9574e3de74"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-full-dbg 1.10.1-0~didww+8.4 1cc12f74c9a28368"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-light 1.9.9-2~didww+8.2 d34ac5a2789f3126"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-light 1.10.0-0~didww+8.4 c154f10a23232451"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-light 1.10.1-0~didww+8.4 3f9d1d3d63a569e6"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-light-dbg 1.9.9-2~didww+8.2 ba326e19379f7be"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-light-dbg 1.10.0-0~didww+8.4 a5069fb4d70aab16"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-light-dbg 1.10.1-0~didww+8.4 b57b8645f8d17e26"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-naxsi 1.9.9-2~didww+8.2 868e43c45e4f8493"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-naxsi 1.10.0-0~didww+8.4 7a51d45d80536ce5"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-naxsi 1.10.1-0~didww+8.4 907034c9442a2ca9"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-naxsi-dbg 1.9.9-2~didww+8.2 3b51a3c9d9031da5"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-naxsi-dbg 1.10.0-0~didww+8.4 9cb058b4ce84d690"
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-naxsi-dbg 1.10.1-0~didww+8.4 ccc5f79434c67dec"
"stretch_main_stable/Pamd64 libnginx-mod-http-auth-pam 1.12.0 78c35d6a10bead1"
"stretch_main_stable/Pamd64 libnginx-mod-http-auth-pam-dbgsym 1.12.0 3aca8eef59f9216"
"stretch_main_stable/Pamd64 libnginx-mod-http-cache-purge 1.12.0 ffe2d6f3c00a1dbe"
"stretch_main_stable/Pamd64 libnginx-mod-http-cache-purge-dbgsym 1.12.0 658e2d13463bf4ac"


$ aptly-ctl search --name nginx

Remove particular packages:

$ aptly-ctl remove \
"stretch_main_stable/Pamd64 libnginx-mod-http-cache-purge-dbgsym 1.12.0 658e2d13463bf4ac" \
"jessie_main_stable/Pamd64 nginx-light-dbg 1.9.9-2~didww+8.2 ba326e19379f7be"

Verbosely upload packages from local file system to aptly, add them to specified repo and update it's publish:

$ aptly-ctl -v put stretch_main packages/*
INFO put(6860) Loadded config from "/etc/aptly-ctl.yml"
INFO put(6860) Running put subcommand.
INFO put(6860) Uploading the packages to directory "stretch_main_1537258123"
INFO put(6860) Deleting directory 'stretch_main_1537258123'.
"stretch_main/Pamd64 libnginx-mod-http-auth-pam 1.12.0 78c35d6a10bead1"
"stretch_main/Pamd64 libnginx-mod-http-cache-purge 1.12.0 ffe2d6f3c00a1dbe"
"stretch_main/Pamd64 libnginx-mod-http-dav-ext 1.12.0 1d4bed1e2358a7ad"
INFO put(6860) Updating publish with prefix ".", dist "stretch"
INFO put(6860) Updated publish with prefix ".", dist "stretch".

Upload packages without config file (e.g. from CI server):

$ aptly-ctl \
-C "url=http://user:[email protected]:8090/api" \
-C "[email protected]" \
-C "signing.passphrase_file=/etc/gpg_pass" \
put my_repo *.deb

Leave only 2 most recent versions of a package nginx-full in repo stretch_main and do it verbosely:

$ aptly-ctl -v search -r stretch_main --rotate 2 nginx-full | aptly-ctl -v remove
INFO remove(6946) Loadded config from "/etc/aptly-ctl.yml"
INFO remove(6946) Running remove subcommand.
INFO search(6945) Loadded config from "/etc/aptly-ctl.yml"
INFO search(6945) Running search subcommand.
INFO search(6945) Searching in repos stretch_main
INFO search(6945) Query: nginx-full
INFO remove(6946) Removed "Pamd64 nginx-full 1.13.4-1 6173d29295cbacab" from stretch_main
INFO remove(6946) Removed "Pamd64 nginx-full 1.13.5-1 3b1dc91fbe2a9254" from stretch_main
INFO remove(6946) Removed "Pi386 nginx-full 1.13.4-1 39fbaa9e4fcd58e3" from stretch_main
INFO remove(6946) Removed "Pi386 nginx-full 1.13.5-1 2b3998898bb9e56d" from stretch_main
INFO remove(6946) Updating publish with prefix ".", dist "stretch"
INFO remove(6946) Updated publish with prefix ".", dist "stretch".

Publish local repo stretch_extra:

$ aptly-ctl publish create -s local --architectures amd64 extra/stretch stretch_extra=extra
    Source kind: local
    Prefix: extra
    Distribution: stretch
    Architectures: amd64
        stretch_extra (extra)


Convenient command line Aptly API client





