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Releases: dahall/Vanara

Release Notes - 4.0.2

24 Jun 19:40
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Breaking Changes

  • Exposed HRESULT in IShellItem.Compare as failing to will throw an exception when the items don't match.
  • Changed field type Kernel32.ACTCTX.lpResourceName to ResourceId from string to enable proper handling of resource identifiers.
  • Guid.KnownFolderId() and Environment.SpecialFolder.KnownFolderId were changed to return null when value is not found rather than throwing an exception.
  • Simplified Shell32.KNOWNFOLDER_DEFINITION to use strings instead of StrPtrUni field types. After testing, it appears that .NET does release the memory during the conversion process to System.String.
  • Changed TVGETITEMPARTRECTINFO to a struct and removed hidden memory allocation.


  • Added FunctionHelper.IidGetObj method to help extract interfaces from COM methods
  • Added HANDLEConverter class and added to common handles
  • Added IEmptyVolumeCache and supporting code
  • Added MsgParam attribute to all Property Sheet messages and notifications.
  • Added PROPERTYKEY.ctor(string) and CoerceToCanonicalValue
  • Added PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore overload to simplify
  • Added SHGetImageList overload
  • Added SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName overload to simplify getting interface
  • Added Shell32.SHSaveLibraryInFolderPath
  • Added ShellUtil. GetSize, GetWidth, and LoadImageFromImageFactory overloads
  • Added TreeView_ message macros. HTREEITEM constants, and (BREAKING CHANGE). Also cleaned and modernized code for TreeView.
  • Added Windows.Shell.ShellIconExtractor as a threaded way to get all icons for a folder or list of items.
  • Added a number of missing IShellLibrary macros.
  • Added additional enums and extension methods for IGlobalOptions.
  • Added advanced ctor for CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX
  • Added implicit conversion from IntPtr to BOOL
  • Added manifest to ComCtl32 to include v6 of the library and updated ComCtl32v6Context to use updated ACTCTX types
  • Added missing constants and macros from Prsht.h
  • Added missing message filters MSGF_COMMCTRL...
  • Added nullable param to IDataObjectV.EnumFormatEtc
  • Added optional attribute to fields of IFileSaveDialog.ApplyProperties
  • Added unit test for SearchApi, but couldn't get it to work per #447. Any help??


  • Add Pack stmt to Shell32.SHQUERYRBINFO to make compatible with 32 or 64-bit.
  • Changed IPropertyStore.SetValue extension so value is coerced to correct type before setting.
  • Changed MSG structure so mimics SDK with POINT field rather than each value separate. Should stay backwards compatible.
  • Changed from path to PIDL as base for PropertyStore lookup (faster)
  • Corrected problem with test code for DoSvc (#465).
  • Enhanced FunctionHelper.IidGetObj
  • Exposed ReadOnlyPropertyStore and PropertyStore as public non-abstract classes with constructors to get properties directly for a file system item. Adjusted properties and methods from ShellItemPropertyStore to lower-level classes.
  • Fixed #467 where IErrorHandler types threw error on ToString method after 4.0.1.
  • Fixed IDODownload.SetProperty extension to handle null values and fixed documentation.
  • Fixed bug affecting HRESULT.ToString in StaticFieldHasValue.TryGetFieldName
  • Fixed bug in IShellLibrary.GetFolderType and added extension methods to convert those Guids to FOLDERTYPEID enum value.
  • Fixed bug in ShellContextMenu.InvokeCommand where it wouldn't run if QueryContextMenu had not been called (#468). Thanks to @shuxb711 for the workaround.
  • Fixed parameters in INamespaceWalkCB (Shell32) to use PIDL rather than IntPtr
  • Made Vanara.Extensions.InteropExtensions.QueryInterface an extension method for object.
  • Minor code optimizations for DnsApi
  • More work on PropertyStore to remove blocking of file. Caused consolidation of ReadOnlyPropertyStore into PropertyStore. Locking seems to be fixed.
  • Updated ShellItem wrapper with changes to IShellItem.Compare
  • Updated nullability of ShlwApi IUnknown_xx method parameters

Full changelog

Release Notes - 4.0.1

30 Apr 18:46
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What's Changed

  • Added Vanara.PInvoke.ODBC32 package and supporting unit test
  • Added Vanara.PInvoke.OleDB with part of OleDB SDK. Missing about half of the interfaces still.
  • Fixed Shell32.STRRET under 64-bit (#453) and added Free function to release memory rather than having string methods unalloc.
  • Fixed false-positive with StrPtrAuto.IsNullOrEmpty (#455)
  • Added SafeAllocatedMemoryHandleBase.HandleChanged event and overrode SetHandle
  • Fixed marshalling for pszVerb in Shell32.IFolderView2.InvokeVerbOnSelection() #456
  • As alternative to #454 PR changing PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION with breaking field names and types, added properties to align with docs for GetProcessInformation
  • Added null handlers to SafeHANDLE equality methods. (#459)
  • Added backwards compatible StackTraceHiddenAttribute for pre-NET 6.0
  • Added ErrorHelper class to help retrieve messages from error codes that accepts alternate methods to FormatMessage. Moved FormatMessage method here from HRESULT. Converted error types to use new and hid stack mentions of ThrowIfError and related methods.
  • Added IConvertible to error base type in FieldValueHash
  • Fixed failure in CorrespondingTypeAttribute.GetCorrespondingTypes introduced in 4.0.0 that excluded null values. (#460) Updated failures due to correction of CorrespondingTypeAttribute.
  • Fixed windows platform warnings in FirewallApi missed since it's VB

Full Changelog:

Release Notes - 4.0.0

29 Mar 17:51
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  • Nullable notation added to every project
  • Lots of breaking changes from that nullability as I adjusted code based on new constraints
    • I'm still deciding on if I will try to backport fixes applied to the 4.0 branch to master or fold them together. Your feedback is appreciated.
  • Use of global using statements
  • Addition of .NET 7.0 and 8.0
  • Finally fixing and releasing VssApi
  • Fixed #392, #439, #441, #442, #443, #445, #448, #450

Full Changelog: v3.4.17...v4.0.0

Release Notes - 4.0.0 Beta

20 Nov 14:57
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  • Nullable notation added to every project
  • Lots of breaking changes from that nullability as I adjusted code based on new constraints
  • Use of global using statements
  • Addition of .NET 7.0
  • Updates and additions to unit tests

This will stay in beta status for about two months while I collect feedback and fix problems. I hope you'll try it and give me a hand finding the errors and inconsistencies.

Release Notes - 3.4.17

18 Oct 04:16
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  • Updated Kernel32 with functions and structures to handle resource message tables.
  • Added ShellItemImages.GetImage (non-async) method and changed ShellItem.GetImage to use it.
  • Added NtDll.RtlGetVersion per #421


  • Fixed incorrect AllocZeros value in HGlobalMemoryMethods
  • IpHlpApi struct fixes
  • Fixed bug in RECT type converter when serialized
  • Fixed bug in HRESULT type converter and added ability to add values and libs to error message cache
  • Fixed bug in SOCKET_ADDRESS.GetSOCKADDR that prevented 16 bit entries from translating
  • Changed visibility of MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY.GetText to internal
  • Fixed ResourceFile with updates to Kernel32
  • Fixes #427 - Bad impl of Kernel32.FILE_ID_128.Identifier
  • Fixed #428 (bad return value for User32.MB_GetString)
  • Fixed bug in SafeNativeArray.GetPointers

Release Notes - 3.4.16

07 Aug 18:41
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  • Updated NuGet packages
  • Update WinSCard.cs with nullable support and UIntPtr


  • Fixed SCardListReaders overloads (#402)
  • Fixed STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID enum values (#403)
  • Fixed SCardTransmit parameters (#404)
  • Applied suggested fix for IP_ADDRESS_PREFIX (#405)
  • Added missing enums to DOT11_PHY_TYPE #408
  • Fix IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG attributes (causing InvalidCastException) (#411)
  • Fix PROPVARIANT at 64-bit, Clearing string Vectors + UT (#413 and #416)
  • Added null checks to ShellItemImages.GetImageAsync to prevent #414
  • Added constants to DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT per #417
  • Addressed multi-thread issues with StaticFieldValueHash (#419)

Release Notes - 3.4.15

19 May 13:33
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  • Fixed bug with SetWindowSubclass, SUBCLASSPROC, and RemoveWindowSubclass (#393)
  • Fixed IDataObject.SetData extension to get CF_HDROP right with Unicode and changed DROPFILES.DangerousGetFileList to static function taking a DROPFILES pointer.
  • Fixed formatting
  • Fixed definition of WINDOWPLACEMENT (#394)
  • Fixed generic GetThemeColor (#395)
  • Fixed incorrect values in User32.WINEVENT (#398)
  • Added coclass for IApplicationDocumentLists #399
  • Added overload for Shell32.SHAddToRecentDocs and supporting structures #401
  • Removed ICOMEnum from IEnumObjects (it doesn't follow Next method pattern) and added an extension method for IEnumObjects.Enumerate that will enumerate the interfaces exposed by IEnumObject. Fixes #400

Release Notes - 3.4.14

15 Apr 18:33
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  • Added SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_MGD which will take memory tied to SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA and extract the correct values. (#374)
  • Added SetupDiEnumDriverInfo overload to enumerate values (#374)
  • Added CorrespondingTypeAttribute values to GetClassLongFlag enum


  • Changed parameters of SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail to use an IntPtr and a new overload to extract the results to SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_MGD.
  • Fixed stack overflow in POINT.X and POINT.Y (#375)
  • Fixed LOGPALETTE structure and associated functions
  • Added unit test and corrected return values in Lz32
  • Changed default flag for ShellItemPropertyStore to GPS_BESTEFFORT to prevent exceptions. #378
  • Fixed the DsFreeSpnArray function signature, as it was corrupting the native heap. (#382)
  • Added (#383) support for MessageBoxTimeout, an undocumented function.
  • Add two undocumented API in ntdll (#386)
  • Fixed IN6_ADDR.ToString and words property capturing and giving incorrect values (#388)

Release Notes - 3.4.13

04 Feb 22:52
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  • Added AvRt.dll support in Vanara.PInvoke.Avrt
  • Added tdh.dll methods to Vanara.PInvoke.Security.
  • Finished work on Vanara.PInvoke.CoreAudio
  • #371 Add Create method for types MONITORINFO and MONITORINFOEX
  • Added and modified classes supporting window creation and message pumps
  • Added conversion operator from FileSystemInfo to FILEDESCRIPTOR
  • Added CorrespondingTypeAttribute to WindowLongFlags values
  • Added equality ops to PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE and cleaned file
  • Added GetClassLongFlag enum and updated GetClassLong and SetClassLong parameter
  • Added CallWindowProc and FindWindowEx overloads
  • Added IComparable and IEquatable to SafeAllocatedMemoryHandle
  • Added MessagePump and ExaminedMessagePump as means to process Get/PeekMessage->DispatchMessage loops.
  • Added missing constants to UxTheme
  • Added missing DWM constants
  • Added missing WindowLongFlags values
  • Added Ole32.IDataObjectV for a more complete reference to IDataObject
  • Added Point.x and y properties to match some C++ implementations
  • Added SafeHANDLE.ThrowIfDisposed method to help implement safer calls.
  • Added SafeNativeArray.GetRefAt method to get a reference to an element in the array
  • Added SafeSyncHandle.Wait method wrapping WaitForSingleObject
  • Added some UxTheme method overloads taking enums


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Removed inaccurate tdh.h values from AdvApi32 class and put them in Tdh
  • More BREAKING CHANGES to NativeClipboard. (Sorry!) All atomic methods to set data have been removed due to inconsistencies and design challenges. New model forces all setting and getting to be done through IDataObject and it's methods and extensions. See documentation for class for example. Addresses #355.
  • Fixed and extended implicit operators for RECT and PRECT
  • Fixed bug in NativeClipboard.Clear
  • Fixed bug in NativeClipboard.SetText where only one value was getting set. (#355)
  • Fixed bug in User32.SetWindowLong
  • Fixed bug with CreateClassInfoEx
  • Fixed bug with WindowLongFlags additions
  • Fixed INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES value and type (#369)
  • Fixed packing on WINHTTP_CONNECTION_INFO (#368)
  • Hopeful fix for #373
  • Lots of work on WindowBase, VisibleWindow, WindowClass and MessagePump
  • Moved IWindowCore to MessagePump.cs
  • Reverted User32.BasicMessageWindow to previous, simpler implementation
  • Significant expansion to User32.WindowClass wrapper around WNDCLASSEX
  • Updates to synchapi method params and extension of SafeEventHandle

Release Notes - 3.4.12

15 Jan 22:56
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  • Added Vanara.PInvoke.DavClnt which takes methods out of NetApi32. Set those methods to Obsolete.
  • Added Vanara.PInvoke.PhotoAcquire assembly with interfaces for Photo Acquisition.
  • Updated NuGet package dependencies
  • Add implicit op from SafeHANDLE to HANDLE
  • Add MouseActivateCode as WM_MOUSEACTIVE response (#358)
  • Added tag to Directory.Build.props
  • Added ability for IDataObject.GetData to retrieve an HGLOBAL as an IStream
  • Added ability to pick character set in IDataObject.GetData method
  • Added CHANGEFILTERSTRUCT.Default field
  • Added Clipboard functions that wrap Unicode to Ansi and back conversions
  • Added DS_xx dialog box styles to User32 as DialogBoxStyles enum (#359)
  • Added enum overloads for PeekMessage and PostMessage
  • Added implicit op for SystemColorIndex to HBRUSH
  • Added locking to SafeMemoryHandle.ToType extension method
  • Added Missing Disk Management Control Codes #345
  • Added mssing Pack = 1 to TASKDIALOG_BUTTON (#351)
  • Added NativeClipboard.GetFileNameMap, GetShellItemArray, IsFormatAvailable(string) and SetShellItems methods (#353)
  • Added Null field to all GDI handles
  • Added OBM_ constants
  • Added SafeMoveableHGlobal.CallLocked method
  • Added SetWindowAttributes in DwmApi from Windows 11. (#363)
  • Added Shell32.SHCreateDataObject overload to simplify use and prevent unintentional bugs using PIDL class.
  • Added support for memory classes and interfaces to indicate if they zero memory on initialization to prevent re-zeroing.
  • Added Type.GetConstants extension method
  • Added WideCharToMultiByte and MultiByteToWideChar overloads taking byte arrays.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed parameters of Ole32.IStreamV.Seek and CopyTo methods to use out parameters. Cost of throwing away value was determined to be zero.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Made NativeClipboard a static class and removed dependencies on User32.
  • Changed ASCII encoder to UTF8 encoder in string helper classes for broader character support.
  • Changed NativeClipboard.SetShellItems functionality and added overlaod.
  • Changed return value of User32.GetMessage to int so value of -1 can be returned. Fixes #360.
  • Changed VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_PROP to struct for marshaling
  • Fixed #357 (set moniker on IFileSystemImage2.BootImageOptionsArray)
  • Fixed alignment of SET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO (#356)
  • Fixed bug in IEnumString.Enum extension method
  • Fixed bug in InteropExtensions.Write(IEnumerable...) method that wiped out existing values if an offset was provided.
  • Fixed bug in ShellLink.ShowState that was carried over from old code. (#349)
  • Fixed definition problem with IDataTransferManagerInterop.GetForWindow (#354)
  • Fixed exceptions being thrown by BOOL and BOOLEAN when interacting with int and ! operator
  • Fixed layout of TOUCHPREDICTIONPARAMETERS (#347)
  • Fixed NativeClipboard GetText and SetText methods. Also changed ctor so that if no HWND is passed, it uses the Desktop's window handle. Fixes #355.
  • Fixed optional param problem with DateTime APIs in Kernel32.
  • Fixed unbounded recursion in SafeLPSTR, SafeLPTSTR and SafeLPWSTR implicit cast operators from string by inverting the types.
  • Fixes access violation when calling TaskDialogIndirect
  • Got the VssApi projects to build
  • Removed dependencies on all x64 preprocessor indications and just made all structures work for both 32 and 64-bit (#346)
  • Removed platforms from solution leaving only AnyCPU
  • Tons of fixes and updates to IDataObject and Clipboard methods and wrapper classes.
  • Updated NUnit package version for tests
  • Updated SafeMoveableHGlobalHandle class and added tests.