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Explore movies 🎬, Watch their trailers πŸŽ₯, Check out its actors πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ€πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ€.

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πŸŽ₯ Movie Finder 🦾

Explore movies and recognize its actors easily!

A web app for exploring movies, watching their trailers and checking out its actors.





✨ Features

  • Movies Search (Search up your fav movies)

  • Hovercard Info (Hover on each actor's names to view their pic and info)

  • Movie Trailer (Watch a trailer of the movie you searched)

🌴 Branches

  • main - production ready code
  • staging - testing/development
  • gh-pages - deployment of bundled app

βŒ› Status

βœ… Early Development: Start building a barebones version of the project (Movies Search).
β›”οΈŽ Actor Face Recognition: Work on recognizing actor's faces from the movie poster - stopped. See #1.
βœ… Hovercard Info: Displaying actor profile images and info.
βœ… TypeScript: Converted codebase from JS to TS.
βœ… Movie Trailer: Trailer for searched movies.
βœ… Migration: Migrated from CSS to Sass.
βœ… Caching: In-Memory cache for storing searched movies, document fragments, API requests/responses, images.
βŒ›οΈ Local Storage: Persisting cached data to local storage.
βŒ›οΈ Loading Status: Displaying loading effects when movies are searched.
βŒ›οΈ Redesign/write: Implementation of the 2nd re-design. See
βŒ›οΈ Recommendation Engine: Recommending movies to users. See

πŸ“š Tech Stack

This is currently a frontend focused app so everything is browser rendered.

🎨 Frontend

Typescript . Sass . HTML (bundled with Webpack + Babel)

πŸ’« Hosting

Github Pages (currently)

πŸš€ Continuous Deployment

Github Actions


All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run start Starts local dev server at localhost:8080
npm run start:remote-dev Starts local dev server at localhost:8080 in a remote development environment eg: Gitpod
npm run build Build the production site to ./build/
npm run build:serve-local Build the production site to ./build/ and serve it locally

How To Run

Clone the app

git clone

Navigate to the cloned directory

cd movie-finder

Install dependencies

npm i

Add personal RapidAPI token (free)

We recommend setting this up when running the project locally, as we use the RapidAPI to fetch movies data.

  • Sign up to create a RapidAPI account and follow these steps to get a RapidAPI token
  • In local repo root directory: Make a copy of .env.example and name it .env
  • Copy & paste your new RapidAPI token into .env
// .env Example (an invalid key):

Quick Start

  • To run the development server:
npm run start
  • To build the app:
npm run build
  • To build and serve the production build locally:
npm run build:serve-local