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Unique pointers

Rust is a systems language and therefore must give you raw access to memory. It does this (as in C++) via pointers. Pointers are one area where Rust and C++ are very different, both in syntax and semantics. Rust enforces memory safety by type checking pointers. That is one of its major advantages over other languages. Although the type system is a bit complex, you get memory safety and bare-metal performance in return.

I had intended to cover all of Rust's pointers in one post, but I think the subject is too large. So this post will cover just one kind - unique pointers - and other kinds will be covered in follow up posts.

First, an example without pointers:

fn foo() {
    let x = 75;

    // ... do something with `x` ...

When we reach the end of foo, x goes out of scope (in Rust as in C++). That means the variable can no longer be accessed and the memory for the variable can be reused.

In Rust, for every type T we can write Box<T> for an owning (aka unique) pointer to T. We use Box::new(...) to allocate space on the heap and initialise that space with the supplied value. This is similar to new in C++. For example,

fn foo() {
    let x = Box::new(75);

Here x is a pointer to a location on the heap which contains the value 75. x has type Box<isize>; we could have written let x: Box<isize> = Box::new(75);. This is similar to writing int* x = new int(75); in C++. Unlike in C++, Rust will tidy up the memory for us, so there is no need to call free or delete1. Unique pointers behave similarly to values - they are deleted when the variable goes out of scope. In our example, at the end of the function foo, x can no longer be accessed and the memory pointed at by x can be reused.

Owning pointers are dereferenced using the * as in C++. E.g.,

fn foo() {
    let x = Box::new(75);
    println!("`x` points to {}", *x);

As with primitive types in Rust, owning pointers and the data they point to are immutable by default. Unlike in C++, you can't have a mutable (unique) pointer to immutable data or vice versa. Mutability of the data follows from the pointer. E.g.,

fn foo() {
    let x = Box::new(75);
    let y = Box::new(42);
    // x = y;         // Not allowed, x is immutable.
    // *x = 43;       // Not allowed, *x is immutable.
    let mut x = Box::new(75);
    x = y;            // OK, x is mutable.
    *x = 43;          // OK, *x is mutable.

Owning pointers can be returned from a function and continue to live on. If they are returned, then their memory will not be freed, i.e., there are no dangling pointers in Rust. The memory will not leak. However, it will eventually go out of scope and then it will be freed. E.g.,

fn foo() -> Box<i32> {
    let x = Box::new(75);

fn bar() {
    let y = foo();
    // ... use y ...

Here, memory is initialised in foo, and returned to bar. x is returned from foo and stored in y, so it is not deleted. At the end of bar, y goes out of scope and so the memory is reclaimed.

Owning pointers are unique (also called linear) because there can be only one (owning) pointer to any piece of memory at any time. This is accomplished by move semantics. When one pointer points at a value, any previous pointer can no longer be accessed. E.g.,

fn foo() {
    let x = Box::new(75);
    let y = x;
    // x can no longer be accessed
    // let z = *x;   // Error.

Likewise, if an owning pointer is passed to another function or stored in a field, it can no longer be accessed:

fn bar(y: Box<isize>) {

fn foo() {
    let x = Box::new(75);
    // x can no longer be accessed
    // let z = *x;   // Error.

Rust's unique pointers are similar to C++ std::unique_ptrs. In Rust, as in C++, there can be only one unique pointer to a value and that value is deleted when the pointer goes out of scope. Rust does most of its checking statically rather than at runtime. So, in C++ accessing a unique pointer whose value has moved will result in a runtime error (since it will be null). In Rust this produces a compile time error and you cannot go wrong at runtime.

We'll see later that it is possible to create other pointer types which point at a unique pointer's value in Rust. This is similar to C++. However, in C++ this allows you to cause errors at runtime by holding a pointer to freed memory. That is not possible in Rust (we'll see how when we cover Rust's other pointer types).

As shown above, owning pointers must be dereferenced to use their values. However, method calls automatically dereference, so there is no need for a -> operator or to use * for method calls. In this way, Rust pointers are a bit similar to both pointers and references in C++. E.g.,

fn bar(x: Box<Foo>, y: Box<Box<Box<Box<Foo>>>>) {;;

Assuming that the type Foo has a method foo(), both these expressions are OK.

Calling Box::new() with an existing value does not take a reference to that value, it copies that value. So,

fn foo() {
    let x = 3;
    let mut y = Box::new(x);
    *y = 45;
    println!("x is still {}", x);

In general, Rust has move rather than copy semantics (as seen above with unique pointers). Primitive types have copy semantics, so in the above example the value 3 is copied, but for more complex values it would be moved. We'll cover this in more detail later.

Sometimes when programming, however, we need more than one reference to a value. For that, Rust has borrowed pointers. I'll cover those in the next post.


In C++11 the std::unique_ptr<T> was introduced that may be in some aspects associated to Rust Box<T> but there are also significant differences.

std::unique_ptr<T> like Box<T> automatically releases the memory being pointed once it goes out of the scope and has only move semantics.

In some way the let x = Box::new(75) may be interpreted as const auto x = std::unique_ptr<const int>{new int{75}}; in C++11 and const auto x = std::make_unique<const int>{75}; since C++14.

But there are still important differences between Box<T> and std::unique_ptr<T> that should be taken into account:

  1. If std::unique_ptr<T> is created by passing the pointer to its constructor there is a possibility to have several unique pointers to the same memory that is not possible with Box<T>
  2. Once std::unique_ptr<T> is moved to another variable or to function dereference of this pointer causes undefined behavior that is also impossible in Rust
  3. Mutability or immutability does not go "through" std::unique_ptr<T> -- dereferencing a const std::unique_ptr<T> still yields a mutable (non-const) reference to the underlying data. In Rust, an immutable Box<T> does not allow mutation of the data it points to