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Design goals

A self-explaining computing system would need a high-level programming language. Cant is meant to be both the main language you use in this fantasized environment and the language it's mainly written in. For the whole system to be simple enough to learn completely, Cant must be, too -- much simpler than, say, Python, which is easy to start learning but rather complex in sum. Most Python programmers don't know all of Python.

Since the FantasyOS ought to offer capability security, so should this language (though it doesn't quite yet). Ordinary Scheme almost does, as explained by Jonathan Rees's "A Security Kernel Based on the Lambda Calculus". But I think, from trying it in consp, that Scheme doesn't make the capability style comfortable. Cant aims to help by approximating the slogan "all you can do is send a message". That is, where Scheme has a variety of data types and procedures that expect to be given data of just the right type -- signaling an error if given an impostor -- in Cant most operations instead amount to sending a message. So Scheme has output ports and procedures taking them (write, display, newline, and the rest) and you can't in standard Scheme call write with a whole new kind of object you made up as the output port to write to. (XXX still true in latest Scheme standards?) Cant's equivalent of an output port is just another object responding to the kind of messages output ports receive; and restricting the capability for output doesn't require interposing the imports of all of write, display, and so on, but only of the output ports themselves. (For more on these distinct styles, see William Cook's "On Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited".)

This new programming environment should make sense in its own terms: the implementation's internal state should be viewable and to some extent manipulable from Cant itself, as Cant objects.

I have prejudices about what makes code readable, which I've indulged. This indulgence goes to a frankly silly degree of abandoning familiar Scheme names and syntax that were not really a problem, such as lambda, car, cdr, and way beyond that. I bikeshedded long-settled conventions just to open up a space where more-significant new ideas might come in -- which I guess mostly haven't, though maybe they will to you.

This guide's goals

Many hobby-language intros go like a reference manual: here are the lexical forms, here the basic kinds of expressions, next the compound ones... It makes sense for an author to lay it out this way, but tests my patience as a mildly curious reader trying to skim for the beef. What are the neat new ideas? What does it feel like to read a real program in this?

Cant is not really about new ideas -- the ideas new to some are from E, so start there if you wish to learn them. Cant is about finding a smallest arrangement of old ideas supporting a programming style I can enjoy working in a lot.

So, why not address the second question by jumping right into the examples? That would work if Cant were designed to look familiar to existing programmers, of Scheme especially. This doc aims to cover for the missing surface familiarity; I think you'll get the most out by reading on from here until the first twinge of impatience, then switching to browsing the examples in another window, searching the guide in this window when you hit anything puzzling.

Why read this at all?

If something about the above goals resonates with you. If you think you may see better ways to reach them -- then it'd be nice if you opened an issue to tell me.

What changed from Scheme, basically?

Cant supports OO in a way that's not classy or prototypey; the expression to make an object is more like a Scheme lambda-expression. It's sort of like the message-passing objects in SICP chapter 3, but streamlined, with pattern-matching. (See the E programming language for the actual inspiration.) Instead of inheritance there are 'traits'.

Patterns are supported everywhere you can bind a variable. Definitions work the same at top level as in nested scopes. The scope of a binding is the whole sub-block it's in -- recursion and forward references aren't special. (A use-before-define error can happen at runtime.) Variables are immutable. (There's a 'box' type for when you need a mutable variable; also, for development/debugging, you can update definitions in an 'interactive setting' such as the usual listener.)

Collections follow a common protocol. Every collection is a kind of map. (Lists are sequences, which are maps from a natural-number index to a value (plus some extra methods).)

Lists and strings are immutable. Currently the built-in hashmaps, arrays, etc. are mutable, though I think now they shouldn't be. (As a placeholder towards that future, there's an immutable map type, though it's an association list under the hood.)

Scheme has lots of undefined behavior; in Cant the ideal is for any nondeterminism to be explicit. Since there's no spec, this is currently just a matter of what style of language we're aiming for someday.

I said that almost all you can do is send a message. A big exception is testing for equality with =. For objects you create with make, equality is identity, as with Scheme's eq?. For built-in pure data, and compound data called 'terms', equality is structural. I want to support creating new kinds of pure-data objects, but haven't yet got to it or even fully designed it. (Probably that'll follow E's example again.)

A procedure call is a special case of sending a message: (foo bar baz), when foo is not defined as syntax (a special form or macro), is sugar for (call foo {~ bar baz}). In turn, (call receiver message) is a special form meaning to evaluate receiver and message and send message to receiver. The form {~ bar baz} evaluates bar and baz and creates a 2-tuple of the values of bar and baz: a kind of 'term' as mentioned above. Tuples and other terms are distinct from lists.

Other terms are distinguished from tuples by a tag different from ~. For example, examples/intset2.cant has terms like {empty} and {extension n s}. This example shows pattern-matching on terms, in a style like ML or Haskell code.

Why have this 'term' type, when Lisp could already represent the same structures by lists and symbols? Because our lists expose a rich interface (the collections protocol above); I want this kind of richness only where it's meaningful. You can of course trivially get the arguments of a term as a list.

The variation (foo .bar baz), with a . starting the first argument, means (call foo {.bar baz}): that is, with .bar as the term tag instead of as an argument to a tuple. Think of {.bar baz} as a message to an object, in OO style. Compare examples/intset1.cant, an OO verson of intset2.

One more bit of sugar for calls: is shorthand for (foo .bar) (meaning, again, (call foo {.bar})).

The implementation

It's sort of Smalltalky, where for now the interpreter internals always appear as meta-objects with no optimization, and even primitive objects execute via high-level scripts (in abcs/00-primordia/). This is motivated by the goal of a self-sustaining whole system eventually supporting powerful debugging. To not be incredibly slow, the design will need to get fancier.

The interpreter and core library, at this writing, amount to ~5000 lines of Scheme and Cant. Back in the 1990s I used a bytecode Scheme of my own at ~5000 lines of C and Scheme, and that size would not be too crazy a goal for this... if we stopped counting blank lines and comments, sigh. Over 10k lines would be disappointing.

It seems hard to find systems anywhere near as small as the educational toys but with realistic support for real use requiring debugging, etc. I want to make that system or learn why I can't. (But 'real' here does not include interoperating with other, already-complex systems.)

There's plenty of unfinished crap in this repo, not clearly marked.

To start the listener

Run incant. (It's in the same directory as this guide.) In this example session your input is right of the prompts ->:

$ ./incant
-> (to (I-am name) (out .say "Hi, ~w!\n" name))
-> (I-am 'Alice)
Hi, Alice!

The less-happy path:

-> (I-am 'but 'human)
Error! Traceback:
  (call '#<print-result:listener<-> ^)
  {~ ^^^}
Match failure: (#<I-am> {~ but human})
Enter ,d to debug.

That is, I-am was called with the message {~ but human} but it expected an arity-1 message like {~ Alice}. (The traceback shows not actual source code, but barely-readable reconstituted AST data structures.)

This debugger is almost useless, but it's there as a last resort:

-> ,d
Enter ? for help.
debug-> ?
? help      - this message
q quit      - quit the debugger
r resume    - continue from here, with the value of an expression
u up        - up to caller
d down      - down to callee
e env       - enumerate the variables in the current setting
v value     - evaluate an expression in the current setting
b backtrace - show all of the stack up from here
debug-> q

Getting into the example code

There are example programs in examples/ and library/. To run an example (FizzBuzz here):

$ ./incant examples/fizzbuzz.cant

You can also say incant -i filename.cant to load the file and then start the listener. If you're already in the listener, use (load "filename") or ,l filename for short:

$ ./incant
-> ,l examples/fizzbuzz.cant

The primitive functions and types are defined by abcs/ (plus a handful of modules from library/). Not that these make great example code necessarily, but they're the first places to look to clear up questions you may have.

The underlying interpreter in Scheme lives in player/; notably, Cant's syntactic sugar is defined by parse.scm. There's a metacircular version of the core interpreter which is much shorter, though less clarifying as explanation.

Don't forget plug-ins/cant-mode.el if you use Emacs.

The bikeshedding

Let's start with the equivalents of familiar Scheme syntax:

Scheme Cant Note
(define x 42) (let x 42) Returns 42 as the value. Definitions are expressions.
(define (f x) e) (to (f x) e)
(define (f x) (lambda (y) x)) (to ((f x) y) x)
(lambda (x y) e) (on (x y) e)
(begin a b c) (so a b c)
(let () a b c) (do [] a b c)
(if t p q) (if t p q) p and q are in nested scopes, as if in hide blocks.
(and x y) (and x y) Similarly, y is in a nested scope.
(or x y) (or x y) Ditto.
(if p (begin a b)) (when p a b) a and b are in their own common nested scope.
(if (not p) (begin a b)) (unless p a b)
(cond (p a) (else b)) (hm (when p a) (else b)) Explained below.
#t #yes
#f #no
(let looping ((v init)) body) (do looping [(v init)] body) The 'ing' is a convention.
(lambda () e) ($ e)
(lambda (it) (turn it 90)) `

The hm form, like Scheme's cond, is complex enough to need explanation. It typically goes like (from examples/games/2048.cant)

(let score (hm (if (lost? board) "You lose!")
               (if forfeit?      "You forfeit.")
               (if (won? board)  "You win!")
               (else             "")))

the equivalent to Scheme's

(define score (cond ((lost? board) "You lose!")
                    (forfeit?      "You forfeit.")
                    ((won? board)  "You win!")
                    (else          "")))

I dropped cond for clashing with Cant's style in two ways: the name is an abbrev instead of an English word, and it lacks syntactic guideposts to its subparts, making code harder to read when there are many clauses. (Yes, few clauses are nicer than many clauses, but sometimes a chain of if-then-elses is just the most direct expression of the logic.)

You could replace any cond with a chain of if expressions, but those would nest and indent progressively to the right. With hm you write the parts linearly instead of nested: (hm (if a b) c ...) is sugar for (if a b (hm c ...)). Other kinds of clauses are supported besides if: (from abcs/00-primordia/types/text.cant)

(to ~.trim-right
  (do scanning [(i me.count)]
    (hm (when (= i 0)
        (let c (me i.-1))
        (unless c.whitespace?
          (me .from 0 i))
        (else (scanning i.-1)))))

corresponding to Scheme

(define (trim-right string)
  (let scanning ((i (string-length string)))
    (if (= i 0)
        (let ((c (string-ref string (- i 1))))
          (if (not (char-whitespace? c))
              (substring string 0 i)
              (scanning (- i 1)))))))

I considered making hm a naively structural macro which would unnest any kind of form of its arguments. But that would be more error-prone. Instead it complains if any of the subforms is not syntax it knows about: if, when, unless, let, do, may, and, or, or else. If there's no else clause, then running off the end will cause a runtime error: so you'll occasionally see code like (from examples/nand-circuit-optimizer.cant)

(hm (when (< gate.+1 n-gates)
      (sweeping gate.+1))
    (when (= wanted (mask .and value))
      (found? .^= #yes)
      (print-formula L-input R-input))

OK, moving on. Scheme functions on lists:

Scheme Cant Note
(cons x xs) (link x xs) Or (link x1 x2 xs), etc.
(append xs ys) (chain xs ys)
(list x y z) (list<- x y z) Though it's more common to use quasiquoting.
(null? xs) xs.none? or (= '() xs) All collections answer .none?, though not all objects. The = test is for when you don't know if the argument is a collection.
(pair? x) (link? x)
(or (null? x) (pair? x)) (list? x) Cant doesn't plan to support improper lists, though I haven't got around to making them an error. Cyclic lists are not constructible.
(car xs) xs.first
(cdr xs)
(length xs) xs.count
(list-ref xs n) (xs n)
(list-tail xs n) (xs .from n) There's also (xs .from start-index after-index)
(member x xs) (xs .from (xs .find x)) (Provided x is in xs. More on .find below.)
(cadr (assoc 'x '((a b) (x y)))) ((map<-lists '((a b) (x y))) 'x) More on maps below.

The accessors on lists above are all generic. They apply to texts (strings) too, for a start:

Scheme Cant Note
(string? x) (text? x)
(string a b c) (text<- a b c)
(list->string chars) (text<-list runes) runes may be any sequence with .first and .rest methods. I guess the function's misnamed. Or, really, we should call the concrete type 'link-list' and the abstract one 'list' instead of 'sequence'. TODO?
(string->list s) s.values .values in general returns a sequence which needn't be a link-list: but it should be efficient to walk through with .first/.rest.
(string-length s) s.count Just like .count on lists.
(string-ref s n) (s n) Likewise.
(string-append s1 s2) (chain s1 s2)
(substring s i1 i2) (s .from i1 i2)

Same drill with vectors:

Scheme Cant Note
(vector? x) (array? x)
(vector a b c) (array<- a b c)
(list->vector xs) (array<-list xs)
(make-vector n init) (array<-count n init)
(vector->list v) v.values
(vector-length v) v.count
(vector-ref v n) (v n)
(vector-set! v n x) (v .set! n x) There's nothing like Common Lisp setf, so far.

So you access a collection by sending a message. What kinds of collections does the library offer, and what's their protocol?

Collections fit in this taxonomy:

      list    -- special in being a 'value' type already. N.B. immutable.
      text    -- ditto
      array, flexarray
      march, lazy list, enumeration
    grid-2d   -- Just because this came up a lot in Advent of Code;
              -- we don't have general multidimensional arrays as yet.

The most general kind of collection, a map m from keys to values, can take the following messages. So can more specialized collection types like bags/sets/sequences.

Expression Result
(m key) The value for this particular key, or raise an error if it's absent. The primitive = function defines sameness between the map's key and the value key provided in the message.
(m .get key) Ditto, except the result is #no if the key is absent.
(m .get key default) Ditto, except default instead of #no.
m.none? Does m have any keys? #yes or #no.
m.some? Complement of .none?.
m.keys A sequence of the keys, in some defined order. If m is mutable, the result should present a snapshot of the state as of this call. (For a hashmap, currently, the order is arbitrary, but I intend to make it insertion order when I get around to it.)
m.values A sequence of the values corresponding to the keys, in the same order.
m.items A sequence of key-value tuples. (The name items is from Python; any ideas for a better name? mappings?)
(m .maps? key) Is key one of m's keys?
(m .find? value) Is value one of m's values?
(m .find value) A key corresponding to value, if any; else an error. If m is a sequence, then the result should be the first corresponding key in m.items. I haven't thought about whether that should be expected in general or if it may be any corresponding key at m's discretion.
(m .find value default) Ditto, except if value is missing then answer default. (Hm, it's a bit of a wart that .find doesn't work exactly like .get in reverse: i.e. .get is not an error on missing.)
m.domain m's keys as a set. (Maybe not the best name, since 'domain' could be taken to be the type of values the keys must have. Would key-set or something be better?)
m.range m's values as a set.
m.inverse A map from each of m's values to a corresponding key. If this is ambiguous, then error.
(m .intersects? m2) Do m and m2 have any key in common?
(m .disjoint? m2) Do m and m2 have no key in common?

In mutable maps:

Expression Result
(m .set! key value) Update so key maps to value.
(m .delete! key) Remove key and its value. No effect if key already absent. (Should that be an error?)
(m .get-set! key make-value) Like (m key) except inserting (make-value) first if key is absent.
m.clear! Reset the whole map to empty.

Equality of mutable maps, as for any object that's not pure data, is by identity.

You can create a mutable map with (!map<-) (initially empty), or immutable with (map<-). These constructors can take arguments, like (map<- (~ 'first-name 'kermit) (~ 'last-name 'frog)). There's shorthand (export x y z) for (map<- (~ 'x x) (~ 'y y) (~ 'z z)); dually (import m x y) is like (so (let x (m 'x)) (let y (m 'y))).

(Warning: the current implementation in Chez Scheme can't hash consistently with the equality test, in general. You're safe using keys that are purely data (such as a link-list all of whose elements are pure data as well, and so on recursively). A mutable object or e.g. a list of mutable objects is not expected in this interim implementation to work, unless you happen not to mutate it. This is because Chez Scheme doesn't offer a way to make a hashtable keying on a mix of identity (eq?) hashing and a user-defined equality predicate; it has to be one or the other, and then what do you do with a key that's a combination? We could've still dealt with this by not representing primitive Cant objects by the same primitive Scheme type, but that would've created other hassle and expense, which I considered not worth the cost. The goal of this Cant implementation is to work out the design, not to be useful. A mythical future real Cant system needs to define its hashmaps primitively.)

(Related bug: (= [] []) is supposed to be yes, but is no in this implementation. To fix this I'd have to represent [] as something other than an empty Scheme vector. That's more doable but still doesn't seem worth the trouble yet.)

A bag is a kind of mutable map whose values are all counts. (Maybe we should support negative values too, like Python's Counter?) For a key that's absent from the bag's explicit set of keys, (bag key) is 0 rather than an error. (bag .add! key) increments the count for key. There are some more convenience methods I'll document later.

(I'll need to revisit all this when we make collections immutable.)

A set is a kind of bag whose nonzero counts are 1. This is another case of this design prioritizing substitutability over specializing every subtype's interface.

A list or sequence is a map whose keys are natural numbers. (Cant calls a natural number a 'count', in its ridiculous stamp-out-jargon reform campaign.) There are a few extra operations like chaining two sequences.

You can make lazy sequences with link$, like cons-stream in SICP. (It doesn't memoize, so 'lazy' is a bit of a misnomer -- sorry, I should change the name or the behavior.)

Lists are immutable, arrays are mutable. A flexarray can grow and shrink, a plain array has fixed length.

Iterating through collections will be explained below, under the for form.

Cant doesn't intend to support improper lists -- that is, anything like classical Lisp's (cons 'thing 'not-a-list) producing (thing . not-a-list). At the moment you can get away with (link 'thing 'not-a-list) in Cant until you call a sequence method, such as .count, on it. I think I want to make it an error to construct the improper list in the first place; it's allowed for now because it can be useful when you replace this not-a-list with an object that acts like a list. That's how link$ above is implemented, in fact. For link to complain about non-lists at construction time, we'll need a way to certify new objects as legitimate lists.

Terms, patterns, and objects

Expressions like m.keys and (bag .add! key) are syntactic sugar:

Expression After reading After parsing Note
m.keys (m .keys) (call m {.keys})
(bag .add! key) (bag .add! key) (call bag {.add! key})
(f x y z) (f x y z) (call f {~ x y z}) (Assuming f is not defined as syntax.)

The subexpression {tag e1 e2 e3} evaluates its subexpressions e1, e2, e3, and creates a datum called a term. A term has a tag and arguments. A term is data, not an object with identity; its equality test is structural. If the arguments can be ordered, then so can the term. Terms are distinct from all other data types.

In Cant, (call receiver message) is a special form. It evaluates the receiver, evaluates the message, and sends the latter to the former.

When parsing an implicit call (that is, where the first element of a compound expression is not the name of a special form or macro), it's sugar for an explicit call with a term as the message expression. If there's a dotted symbol as the second element, that symbol will be the term's tag, as in the first two lines above; else the tag is ~, the convention for a tuple, as in the third line.

(TODO explain (f @args) too)

The make special form creates and returns a new object:

-> (make alice
     (to (~ .greet someone) `("hey" ,someone))
     (to ~.scram            "see ya"))
-> (alice .greet "bob")
("hey" "bob")
-> alice.scram
"see ya"

This definition had a name and a list of clauses. At creation time, the name was bound to the new object. At call time, the message gets matched against the pattern of each clause in turn until a match succeeds. A match may bind variables (such as someone, above). Then the corresponding body is evaluated in the setting created by the match.

You can use terms and patterns in non-OO code as well. For instance, patterns work in let forms and function parameters:

(to (c+ {complex x1 y1} {complex x2 y2})    ;; from library/complex.cant
  {complex (+ x1 x2)
           (+ y1 y2)})

(let {pq min1 rest1} pq1)                   ;; from library/pairing-heap.cant

The may form, like make, finds the first successful match in a sequence of clauses and then evaluates the body of that clause:

(may (m .get key)
  (be #no   "Missing key")
  (be value `("The result is" ,value)))

The difference is that the subject being matched against is the value of the first subexpression, (m .get key) here.

If in the may every match fails, a match error is raised.

Kinds of patterns

The pattern syntax is hopefully obvious enough to pick up everything common by example, but here it all is for reference:

  • Just _ matches anything.

  • Any other symbol like variable also matches anything, and binds variable to the subject in this scope. It's a syntax error to have two binding instances of the same variable.

  • A constant like 42 -- any constant that may also be written as an unquoted expression.

  • A quoted constant 'whatever.

  • A term {tag pattern1 pattern2 ...} matches the tag literally and the subpatterns recursively. Similarly the array literal [pattern1 pattern2 ...] matches an array subject when the subpatterns match the array's elements.

  • (list<- pattern1 pattern2 ...) matches a list in the same way the array literal above matches an array. In general, a pattern that is a Lisp list like (foo x y z ...) is interpreted specially according to foo: other special foo's follow below.

  • (-- pattern1 pattern2 ...) matches when the subject matches all of the subpatterns, trying them each in left-to-right order.

  • (-> expression1 expression2 ... pattern1) transforms the subject before matching against pattern1 at the end. It works like so: evaluate expression1, then call this value with the subject as argument, then take the result as the new subject for the next expression treated the same way. Continue until you reach the end, pattern1. Match the now-current subject against pattern1.

The remaining kinds of pattern are syntactic sugar implemented on the above:

  • {tag pattern1 ... @rest-pattern} and similar for [] and (list<-): matches when the subpatterns match corresponding subparts, but with rest-pattern matching zero or more remaining subparts. rest-pattern will be bound to a list, even if the subject is a term or an array.

  • A quasiquote pattern works like a quasiquote expression, but for matching.

  • (? expression) evaluates expression, then calls the value with the subject, then succeeds iff the result is #yes. (I suppose it should be an error if the result is not #yes or #no. Currently it can be anything.)

  • (? expression pattern) is sugar for (-- (? expression) pattern).

  • (when expression) ignores the subject. It evaluates expression and succeeds iff the result is not #no.

  • (unless expression) is like (when (not expression)).

  • (= expression) evaluates expression and succeeds if the value equals the subject.

  • (optional pattern1 ... pattern_n) matches a list of length 0 to n, where any elements that do exist match the corresponding subpattern.

  • (or pattern1 ... pattern_n) tries each pattern in turn, and succeeds iff any pattern succeeds. There's an obvious issue: what if the different patterns produce different bindings? The answer is that just as conditional expressions put each branch in a subscope, so does each subpattern of an or-pattern. Any bindings don't escape. (TODO maybe warn if any of them does create a binding. Maybe ultimately we should export the bindings, and require them to be consistent.)

The callable-message idiom

Consider (each ~.count rows). It calls ~.count on each row of rows (like Scheme map). But then what do we mean by (~.count row)? It's sugar for (call {.count} {~ row}). The behavior of a term, like {.count}, on receiving a message like {~ row}, is to call row with the term as the message, as if you'd written row.count.

So, for example,

(let r-lengths (~.keys (~.range (each ~.count r-matches))))

could have been written

(let r-lengths (((each ~.count r-matches) .range) .keys))

but I'd find that center-embedding harder to follow, and rather un-Lispy. (So why wasn't Cant syntax designed with the selector in 'car' position all the time? It was at the very beginning, but in time it just felt more right to keep the message part of the call expression in one piece.)

The same works for more complex messages: (each (~ .get 0 padding) lists) for each list gets the first element, or padding if empty. But in general you still may have to fall back to function syntax: (each ||("~w" .format it) squares)

Input and output

As we saw at the start, there's an object out which can write to standard output:

(to (I-am name) (out .say "Hi, ~w!\n" name))

It's an instance of the 'sink' type. You can see its protocol in sink.cant (defining primitive sinks) and sink-trait.cant (a trait to help you define new sink types).

Conversely, a primitive 'source' reads from an input file. (See source.cant. There's no trait yet because I haven't had occasion to define new source types.) When a source reaches end-of-file, it returns a special object for which (zilch? x) is true.

Standard input is named in. Yes, I feel greedy for snatching such a short name out of your namespace -- but keep in mind that you shouldn't need to write most of your code in the full-powered setting where in is defined. In other modules the name will be free. (I need to make sure this style is convenient.)

You connect sources and sinks to named files using open-input-file and open-output-file. Normally you use the convenience functions with-input-file and with-output-file which close the files once you're done -- just grep for examples in the codebase.

Input and output are our first examples of powers that require capabilities. Code in a module does not have capabilities by default.

(Modules will get something like Javascript's 'console.log', which in strict terms is a power, but should 'not matter' insofar as you don't delegate these debug capabilities, because no ordinary code, including the modules themselves, will have read access to the logs. For now, this is just a sink named btw, identical to out but provided in library settings.)

'Text sinks' implement the sink protocol but just produce a text out of the runes (characters) they are given. The constructor text-sink<- is in the computational setting, not a capability, because creating a text is not an effect. (Consuming time, space, energy are not considered to be 'effects'.) You'd typically use the convenience function text<-writer which creates a text sink, calls your writer with it, and then returns the text:

-> (text<-writer (on (sink) (sink .say "hel") (sink .say "lo")))

There ought to be corresponding text sources, but I haven't got around to them.

Settings for interpretation

Lisp is known for eval; Cant's equivalent needs an explicit argument for the 'setting' for evaluation: (cant .play expression setting).

You can create one with e.g. (empty-setting .extend '(x y) '(42 137)). There are others presupplied:

  • computational-setting defines most names from this guide, but leaving out any capabilities.
  • full-powered-setting adds the capabilities, like in and out.
  • main-interactive-setting is the mutable setting of the listener, extending full-powered-setting.

The runtime in abcs/ is loaded in a primordial setting which binds a bunch of implementation primitives (to names like __vector-set!) some of which could corrupt the system if misused. These primitives are not directly accessible to other code, but you can get to them through the debugger (or, at the moment, just intercepting an error). I'm not currently aspiring to finer-grained debug capabilities, e.g. so you could give a debug capability to an execution of some of your code to another user without exposing the whole system. Of course that goal is a reasonable wish, and doable.


(use 'library-name) interprets the Cant source code from <this-Cant-directory>/library/<library-name>.cant in a new extension of computational-setting. The result is the value of the whole file, as if wrapped in (so ...). (The result is then globally cached for subsequent calls of the same (use 'library-name).).

(use "filename") -- similar but getting the source code from the named file, with the .cant filename extension added. (Currently not sandboxed, until I finish converting the codebase.)

If the filename is given as a relative path, it's to be relative to the directory of the code that this appearance of use was loaded from. (Well, that was how I wanted to define it, but currently as a hack this base directory is a dynamic variable rather than a lexical one.)

Normally modules export their definitions for the user to import, though that's up to you.

Boxes and assignment

There's a fairly awkward substitute for mutable variables, the box type:

-> (let c (box<- 0))
<box 0>
-> c.^
-> (c .^= (+ c.^ 1))
-> c.^
-> c.+1!     ;; just a convenience
-> c.^

Notice that the listener didn't show any value for (c .^= (+ c.^ 1)). The value of that expression was a special object named void, which is the conventional result of an operation done for its effect. The listener omits printing void.

(On the other hand, the .+1! method did return a meaningful value. What gives? I guess I haven't settled on a coherent design. The principle of least authority justifies returning void from .^=, while .+1! is unlikely to hurt, since a number is just data, not a capability.)


We've defined how objects are the same or not, as reported by =. Some objects can be ordered, with <, >, <=, >=. Also there's <=> meaning both <= and >=. These functions work by calling the .compare method: (< a b) means that (a .compare b) is -1. An error is raised if the result is not that or 0 or 1.

Primitive data like numbers, lists, and terms define .compare in the usual way, requiring compatibly-typed arguments. They complain if asked to compare, e.g., 1 to x.


Non-integer number types aren't really supported, except by accident insofar as Chez Scheme primitives make them work. The reader doesn't know about floats, for instance. This needs filling in relatively early, compared to other features still on the wishlist.

Abstract data types, synergy, trademarks

Don't exist yet. Only the vaguest notions. This needs to be addressed for users to be able to define new types of data -- as we've seen, an object you can make with make differs in an essential way from a datum like a term, behaving differently under =. Lists are data, but object-like too, and so they had to be primitive. We might like to be able to define new kinds of numbers as well, interoperating with the primitive ones.

(I guess you can fake it well enough already for some purposes using = on capabilities, but we'll need language support to make the above wishlist practical.)


We've seen how to define objects, but nothing like inheritance. In place of inheritance, Cant objects can delegate messages to other objects. If you want open recursion, the delegatee must receive the original receiving object along with the message. You could make this happen by hand like

(to (delegatee receiver message)
  (may message
    (be ~.bump receiver.thump)
    (else (miranda-trait receiver message))))   ; Explained below.

(make delegator
  (to ~.thump "Ka-THUMP")
  (to message (delegatee delegator message)))

delegator.bump  ;; => "Ka-THUMP"

The miranda-trait is a presupplied delegatee-of-last-resort which implements default responses to standard messages -- it's how, for instance, you get a default visible representation for an object like this:

-> (make example)

Here example implicitly ends with a to clause like (to message (miranda-trait example message)). When the listener tries to print this example object, it does a call like (example .selfie out) which ends up handled by a primitive method in miranda-trait.

There's some moderately helpful syntax we could've used to define delegatee and delegator above:

(make-trait delegatee receiver
  (to ~.bump receiver.thump))

(make delegator {extend delegatee}
  (to ~.thump "Ka-THUMP"))

This seems the most simpleminded way to provide open recursion, where wanted, without making it ubiquitous where not. The syntactic sugar for it has not been considered much so far, either. We might change all this to a 'real' trait system in the future, perhaps like the traits of newer Smalltalks.

Traits are used in the codebase primarily for the collections hierarchy, in abcs/00-primordia/. They come up too in factoring common behavior out of variable-arity primitives: runtime.cant (and elsewhere). There's also a small example of a game in OO style, examples/games/hunt-the-wumpus.cant. (I wouldn't recommend making a habit of creating stateful traits as that example does, but that's how it worked out.)

More syntax: for

The for form is syntactic sugar primarily for iterating over sequences, though it has other uses as well. For instance, (for each [(x xs)] (foo x)) is equivalent to (each (on (x) (foo x)) xs) which is mostly equivalent to (each foo xs), which is Cant's name for Scheme's (map foo xs).

The for form, (for fn [(x e) ...] body ...), just rearranges its parts in the same way that Scheme's let rearranges (let ((x e) ...) body ...), but with fn stuck in front.

Some functions useful with for:

(each f '(a b c)) = (list<- (f 'a) (f 'b) (f 'c)). You can also do (each f xs ys) which works similarly but calling (f x y) for each corresponding x and y. (It's an error if the lists are different lengths.) And so on for any number of lists. Many of the functions below also work in this variable-arity way.

(each! f xs) calls (f x) for each x in xs, in order, for the sake of any side effects.

(gather f '(a b c)) = (chain (f 'a) (f 'b) (f 'c))

(keep ~.even? '(3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6)) = '(4 2 6)

(some pass? xs) = does pass? approve any x in xs? More precisely, the first non-#no result of (pass? x) for x in xs, or else #no. Check the xs in order, short-circuited.

(every pass? xs) = does pass? approve every x in xs? More precisely, if xs is empty then #yes, else #no if for some x in xs (pass? x) is #no, else #yes. (Perhaps we should define that last case as (pass? xs.last)` instead.) In order, short-circuited.

(yeahs maybe xs) = a list of the non-#no results of (maybe x) for x in xs, in order.

(where pass? map) = a list of the keys of map whose corresponding values are approved by pass?.

(fold f '(a b c) z) = (f 'a (f 'b (f 'c z)))

(amass f z '(a b c)) = (f (f (f z 'a) 'b) 'c)

The meaning of for with the fold/amass functions is initially less obvious, but soon becomes familiar, e.g.

(for amass [(state initial-state) (input inputs)]
  <compute the next state from the current state and input>)
;; => final state

Like fold but requiring xs to be nonempty: (fold1 f '(a b c)) = (f 'a (f 'b 'c))

(sum-by f '(a b)) = (+ (f 'a) (f 'b))

(tally-by f '(a b)) = (+ (~.count (f 'a)) (~.count (f 'b)))

(max-by f xs) = an x in xs giving the maximum value of (f x).

(min-by f xs) = similar

(mayhap f ?thing) is (f ?thing) unless ?thing is #no, preserving no-ness.

There are lazy-list versions of many of these, with names like each$.

Traversing sequences

The previous section described many functions on lists. Those actually all work on generic sequences: most or all of them (TODO any exceptions?) traverse their sequence arguments using the .first/.rest/.none?/.some? methods. These methods are presumed to be an efficient-enough way to walk the sequence, which assumption could go wrong: for instance, for an array, you might expect .rest to return the suffix as another, copied array, implying a quadratic cost of traversal. This traversal would not represent a snapshot of the array's contents, either, since arrays are mutable; but nor would it represent the latest contents.

Wouldn't it be better to just change the performance profile of these .rest methods? There are a couple ways that could go: a rope-style representation (at least for the immutable sequences), or a reference-into-a-shared-array one. The former is clean and robustly-performing but with greater complexity and overhead; the latter has a harder-to-think-about performance profile (a small peek into a big array shielding it from GC, with this phenomenon then tempting us towards fancier tricks in the core implementation to make the problem come up less). I think in Cant we want the core to be able to be implemented in a simple pretty-efficient way, letting you get fancier in your own code where you need it -- granted that the current implementation is not at all efficient.

So we follow a convention: .first/.rest are defined only for immutable sequences, and should be efficient to walk through. (For a mutable array, you can still call .values to get an immutable, traversable snapshot. On an already immutable sequence, .values is effectively the identity. For collections in general, .values returns a sequence of the values from its key/value pairs.) The result of .rest need not be the same concrete type as the sequence itself: for the text type, it's currently a list, avoiding the quadratic-copying blowup.

When you have an array and actually want its first or rest, those are still doable with (array 0) or (array .from 1). The first/rest methods are meant for traversal.

This business of calling .values yourself is definitely a wart. I can see two ways to improve on it: make the language or the library call .values for you implicitly (for example, if we specialized the for syntax to be just for traversals), or change the common traversals from being defined as functions on sequences to being methods on collections, defined in the collections traits, with potentially specialized implementations.

We may end up doing something like one of those, but the current simpleminded design has been holding up well enough to go on with. I'm unhappy with the idea of making .values implicit because I don't like too much going on under the hood for very-common operations. The functions-to-methods change would need some kind of syntax change to take the place of the current trivially-simple for macro, and would mean relying even more on traits, which are OO in principle but stand in some tension with the principle of least authority.

Another weakness of the design of traversals is the tendency to eagerness. The sequence you pass in needn't be materialized: it can be a lazy list, or another incrementally-produced representation such as an arithmetic progression. So in principle there may be no need for iterators, a whole separate kind of thing in the ontology of many other languages. However, Cant doesn't make it as convenient to create a lazy sequence as an eager one, or as natural to remember that you may be consuming a lazy sequence which may have side effects. With iterators, these issues would be abated. (I was aware of this design problem when I chose to make sequence traversals just work directly on sequences. This sort of pattern has been common in this project: "Ugh, I know this has problems, but so far as it goes it seems simpler than the alternatives; maybe living with it for a while will make it clear what to do" -- trying to learn from the simplest thing that could possibly work, acknowledging that often it won't. A better designer could work out a lot more issues more in advance.)

More list functions

(sum xs) just adds up xs.

(tally xs) sums x.count for each x.

(zip xs ys zs ...) = a list of (~ x y z ...) for each x in xs and positionally-corresponding y in ys, etc. The inputs must all have the same length.

(grid* xs ys) = a list of lists, pairing each x in xs with every y in ys. (It's concerning that Cant has multiple reasonable ways to represent a pair: tuples, lists, arrays...)

More syntax: given

To create an anonymous single-argument function with multiple pattern-action clauses:

  (be pattern1 action1)
  (be pattern2 action2)
  (else action3))

This feature will probably be dropped; it doesn't come up often, and doing without is never much worse. (I'm keeping it for now since it's used in the desugaring of may, plus it feels like there may be some worthwhile idea somewhere in the neighborhood.)

More syntax that'd occasionally be nice if it existed: a (matcher pattern) creating a single-argument function that returns #yes if the argument matches the pattern. Maybe better to name this (? pattern), an expression dual in a way to the pattern (? expression) -- though I guess that'd be too terse.

More idioms

The function (hey focus action1 action2 ...) returns its first argument, focus, after sending it to each of the actions. For example,

     ||(surely (not (zilch? it))))

returns the next rune from standard input, but raises an assertion error if it's the end-of-file. (I know, using an assertion here was lazy and sinful.) Perhaps more commonly you'd use hey to create a new object (the focus) and initialize it (the actions).

The function (-> input f g h) is like (h (g (f input))). It's occasionally handy in place of things like Clojure's threading macros. (-> as a pattern works similarly, (-> f g h output-pattern), but there the input comes from the context.)


Sometimes you want to nonlocally bail from a computation. In Scheme you use call/cc. Cant has a more limited feature, ejectors.

-> (+ 1 (with-ejector (on (ejector) (+ 2 (ejector .eject 3)))))
-> (let the-ejector (with-ejector itself))  ; (itself is the identity function)
-> (the-ejector .eject 'hey)
Error! Traceback:
  (call '#<print-result:listener<-> ^)
  {~ ^^^}
Tried to eject to a disabled ejector: (#<ejector>)
Enter ,d to debug.

The first interaction worked like call/cc. The next two showed that an ejector becomes 'disabled' once we've returned from the with-ejector call that created it -- whether by a normal return or an ejection.

For an example of real use there's library/bounded-writer.cant.

When an ejector bails, there may be unwinding actions to perform, installed by ejector-protect (like Common Lisp unwind-protect).


Sometimes the system signals an error, or you signal one in your code:

-> (oops "This is bad" 'bad 'hombre)
Oops! Traceback:
  (call '#<print-result:listener<-> ^)
  {~ ^^^}
This is bad: (bad hombre)
Enter ,d to debug.

Either way, Cant gets its current 'signal handler' and calls it with two arguments: the 'sequel' and the 'evil'. In the transcript above, the default signal handler responded by printing the traceback of the sequel, followed by the evil, then stashed them where the debugger can retrieve them, then finally went back into a listener loop -- an ordinary top-level one.

The debugger can inspect the sequel and the evil, and 'resume the sequel' (continue the computation) if you wish.

'Sequel' is Cant jargon for the current continuation. If the signal handler ever returns, that will terminate the whole Cant session: i.e., the extra, implicit sequel to the signal handler is a top-level quit, like the implicit sequel to the listener at startup.

In a full-powered setting like the listener, you can manage the signal handler yourself:

-> the-signal-handler
<box #<listener-handler:listener<->>

There's an example of programmatically recovering from an error at examples/failing.cant. The signal-handler management is done in abcs/50-top.cant.

Ejectors and ejector protection are not unwound before the signal handler gets called. If you resume the error's sequel, then the unwinding happens in the ordinary course of that computation. Currently it happens to be possible to resume the sequel more than once, like a Scheme continuation, but that ability is an artifact of the implementation.

This error-handling scheme isn't the product of much thought. It gets you back into the listener or the debugger, and that's almost all I've wanted so far. Even if we keep this design, we'll at least need a less-powerful wrapper around it, in the computational setting which must not offer raw access to the sequel. As we'll see next, the sequel has dangerous powers.

More fancy debugging features

There's a special form yo, as in (yo (dawg)), which does (dawg) and has the same value, but also prints a labeled message to the btw sink, which looks like

yo (dawg): ...result...

You can also break into the debugger from any point in your code by calling avast, as in (avast (matey)) or just (avast). In the former case it displays the value of (matey) before the debugger prompt.

You can trace a function's execution by editing its definition from: (to (foo x) ...) to: (to/trace (foo x) ...) and reloading. See cant-tracer in abcs/30-functions.cant. for the code to mess with if you want it even fancier.

The listener has a few other frills you can find in its code in abcs/50-top.cant. E.g. $$ holds the last result printed out.


The error handlers above printed out a traceback of the sequel. They could because a sequel is an object with methods besides just resuming: it can present itself as a list of stack frames, deepest first.

A stack frame usually represents a moment in the evaluation of a Cant AST in a particular setting. You can ask for the setting or for the frame to .selfie itself (producing the tracebacks we've seen).

I expect the eventual 'real' debugger to be centered around ASTs. You can see examples of the current ASTs outside of the debugger:

-> (cant .parse-expression '42)
#<expr {constant 42}>
-> (~.unparse (cant .parse-expression '(+ 2 3)))
(call + {~ 2 3})

The selfie of a stack frame generally looks like the .unparse of an AST with one part replaced by a ^ signifying the 'hole' where the frame is waiting for a result to resume with. Already-evaluated parts are replaced by a pseudo-expression like 'value. (The future real debugger ought to be more readable, showing actual source code.)

The ASTs and sequels are objects rather than terms to allow for very different representations later.

By now the metacircular interpreter, operating on ASTs, hopefully makes sense. You can see it getting the smoke test in test/test-metacircular.cant.

What's missing?

At this writing, both debugging and performance really suck. They need to be the next priority.

The biggest practical hole in the language and library is probably floating point.

The lack that most affects library and program design, I think, is listed above under "Abstract data types, synergy, trademarks".

I need to finish converting all code loaded by use into the computational setting, or maybe decide on some other course.

While an in-process debugger would be a great improvement over what we have now, ultimately we want a fault-tolerant system, which needs communicating processes. The model I have in mind is E's yet again.

To keep evolving the design without being held back by too much example code, it'd help to have better refactoring tools. (There's a beginning illustrated by examples/search-for-list-pats.cant, but I had to manually edit the parts of the codebase that it found for me.)

This needs to work with some kind of external libraries someday, if I want to keep using it.

There's an infinity of smaller issues. This Robinson-Crusoe business might've been a dumb idea.


Another convenience of do: (do foo [x ...] ...) is short for (do foo [(x x) ...] ...). Also, if you leave out the foo, (do [...] ...) acts like Scheme's let (creates a nested scope with a sequence of forms for its body).

more syntax: be?

more naming conventions:

arg conventions to work nicely with `for`

parson, simple-parser (need to extract it)
text .format

load, repl, debug stuff, command line

read syntax: [] {} @ ...?

cheat sheet, like


problems about the syntax

request for ideas:

  • collections read syntax
  • module refs without listing them all at import
  • better support for mutables?