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This library will help you to decouple your application of your secrets provider


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SecretsManager - Bancolombia

This library will help you to decouple your application of your secrets provider. It supports the following conectors to get secrets:

  • AWS Secrets Manager Sync
  • AWS Secrets Manager Async (Non blocking flows)
  • AWS Parameter Store Sync
  • AWS Parameter Store Async (Non blocking flows)
  • File Secrets (E.g Kubernetes Secrets )
  • Environment System Secrets (E.g Kubernetes Secrets )

How to use

SecretsManager require [Java] v8+

Secrets Manager Sync

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.bancolombia:aws-secrets-manager-sync:3.1.0'

String REGION_SECRET = "us-east-1";
String NAME_SECRET = "secretName";
GenericManager connector = new AWSSecretManagerConnector(REGION_SECRET);

try {
    DefineYourModel secret = connector.getSecret(NAME_SECRET, DefineYourModel.class);
} catch(Exception e) {

Remind you have to define your model with the fields you will need. You can find a default AWSSecretDBModel model, it includes default fields to connect a RDS database.

To convert JSON to a POJO, it uses Gson. If you need use field with custom names, you have to create your model like:



public class DefineYourModel {

    private String aesKey;

    private String rsaKey;



Secrets Manager Async (Compatible with Reactor)

dependencies {
    // Reactor Core is required! 
    implementation group: 'io.projectreactor', name: 'reactor-core', version: '3.4.17'
    // secrets-manager-async     
    implementation 'com.github.bancolombia:aws-secrets-manager-async:3.1.0'

Define your configuration:

// Default Config
AWSSecretsManagerConfig config = AWSSecretsManagerConfig.builder().build();

// Customized config
AWSSecretsManagerConfig config = AWSSecretsManagerConfig.builder()
				.region(Region.US_EAST_1) //define your region
				.cacheSeconds(600)  //define your cache time
				.cacheSize(300) //define your cache size
				.endpoint("http://localhost:4566") // Override the enpoint 

You can pass the following variables to AWSSecretsManagerConfig:

  • region: AWS Region that you are using, "us-east-1" (North virginia) is the default value.
  • cacheSeconds: During this time the secret requested to AWS Secrets Manager will be saved in memory. The next requests to the same secret will be resolved from the cache. The default value is 0 (no cache).
  • cacheSize: The maximum amount of secrets you want to save in cache. The default value is 0.
  • endpoint: The AWS endpoint is the default value but you can override it if you want to test locally with localStack or others tools.

Create the connector:

AWSSecretManagerConnectorAsync connector = new AWSSecretManagerConnectorAsync(config);

Get the secret in String:

    // ... develop your async flow

Get the secret deserialized:

connector.getSecret("pruebaLibreria", DefineYourModel.class)
    .doOnNext(secret -> {
       //... develop your async flow

Parameter Store Sync

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.bancolombia:aws-parameter-store-manager-sync:3.1.0'

String REGION_PARAMETER = "us-east-1";
String NAME_PARAMETER = "parameterName";
GenericManager connector = new AWSParameterStoreConnector(REGION_PARAMETER);

try {
    String parameter = connector.getSecret(NAME_PARAMETER);
} catch(SecretException e) {

Parameter Store Async (Compatible with Reactor)

dependencies {
    // Reactor Core is required! 
    implementation 'io.projectreactor:reactor-core:3.4.17'
    // parameter-store-manager-async     
    implementation 'com.github.bancolombia:aws-parameter-store-manager-async:3.1.0'

Define your configuration:

// Default Config
AWSParameterStoreConfig config = AWSParameterStoreConfig.builder().build();

// Customized config
AWSParameterStoreConfig config = AWSParameterStoreConfig.builder()
				.region(Region.US_EAST_1) //define your region
				.cacheSeconds(600)  //define your cache time
				.cacheSize(300) //define your cache size
				.endpoint("http://localhost:4566") // Override the enpoint 

You can pass the following variables to AWSParameterStoreConfig:

  • region: AWS Region that you are using, "us-east-1" (North virginia) is the default value.
  • cacheSeconds: During this time the secret requested to AWS Secrets Manager will be saved in memory. The next requests to the same secret will be resolved from the cache. The default value is 0 (no cache).
  • cacheSize: The maximum amount of secrets you want to save in cache. The default value is 0.
  • endpoint: The AWS endpoint is the default value but you can override it if you want to test locally with localStack or others tools.

Create the connector:

AWSParameterStoreConnectorAsync connector = new AWSParameterStoreConnectorAsync(config);

Get the secret in String:

    // ... develop your async flow

Environment System Secrets

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.bancolombia:env-secrets-manager:3.1.0'

File Secrets

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.bancolombia:file-secrets-manager:3.1.0'

How can I contribute ?

Great !!:

  • Clone this repo
  • Create a new feature branch
  • Add new features or improvements
  • Send us a Pull Request

To Do

  • New connectors for other services.
    • Vault
    • Key Vault Azure
  • Improve our tests


This library will help you to decouple your application of your secrets provider









  • Java 100.0%