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378 lines (257 loc) · 9.16 KB

Set-up {{ project_name }}

Make sure you are working from the virtual environment

You should always do this.

source /usr/local/bin/
workon env_{{ project_name }}

Move the local settings file

mv {{ project_name }}/ {{ project_name }}/settings/

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements/development.txt

This will install Django 1.4 and all other packages that you will be using. It may take some time.

Test drive

Create a default sqlite database, perform initial migrations and start the local development server.

python migrate
python runserver

If all goes well you should go to and see "Hello!".

You can now start playing with your new awesome app or you can continue reading to see how you can deploy your app on a real server for people to enjoy.


'Development' describes the state of things when you are working on your application locally on your machine.


Set-up version control using git. This will make deployments much easier.

  • local git repo
  • remote git repo (code hosting)


From now on, whenever you wish to work on your awesome project you need to initialize the virtual environment you previously created. Switch to your project folder, if not already there, and:

source /usr/local/bin/
workon env_{{ project_name }}

Whenever you make changes to your database Models, add new apps or remove existing apps, you need to syncronize the database and perform any necessary migrations.

python syncdb
python migrate

When you update the files under the requirements folder or the requirements.txt file itself you need to install or update dependencies.

pip install -r requirements/development.txt to install.

pip install -U -r requirements/development.txt to update.



Update settings files to suit your needs. Make sure you update the following:

  • AWS credentials (under settings/
  • Database connections (under settings/



When you are done writing code on your machine it's time to push the code on a server for the world to enjoy:

On your local machine:

  1. Commit your changes

  2. Push your changes to your production server git repo.

  3. Push your changes to your git hosting repo.

On the server:

Once you have pushed your code to the server (using git push) you need to re-generate your static files and upload them to Amazon S3.

  1. Compress JS & CSS (django-compress):
python compress
  1. Copy files from /assets/ to /static/ and push them to Amazon S3 (django-storage):
python collectstatic --noinput
  1. If you have made changes to your database you need to run migrations (south)
python syncdb
python migrate

Deploy your Django app on Webfaction

Create a new Django application on webfaction called {{ project_name }}.

SSH to your webfaction account

ssh account@ip-address

Create a new folder to place your app. It is adviced to keep your code under app as that folder is referenced in other places as well.

mkdir ~/webapps/{{ project_name }}/app

The myproject folder created by webfaction will not be used so remove it.

rm -r ~/webapps/{{ project_name }}/myproject

Make sure we work with Python 2.7

Add some aliases on .bash_profile to reference python2.7 instead of an older version and reload the file.

echo "alias python=python2.7" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "alias pip=pip-2.7" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "alias easy_install=easy_install-2.7" >> ~/.bash_profile
mkdir ~/lib/python2.7
source ~/.bash_profile

Install Pip

Pip is a python package manager we will be using for installing and updating python libraries and third-party django apps.

easy_install pip

Install virtualenv & virtualenvwrapper

pip install virtualenv
pip install --install-option="--user" virtualenvwrapper

Set Environment Variables

echo "PYTHONPATH=~/lib/python2.7" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PYTHONPATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python2.7" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PROJECT_HOME=~/webapps" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PIP_VIRTUALENV_BASE=$WORKON_HOME" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PIP_RESPECT_VIRTUALENV=true" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "if [ -f ~/bin/ ]; then" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "    source ~/bin/" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "fi" >> ~/.bash_profile

Set-up git

Create a Git application on Webfaction called git.

Then create a new git repo and set up a post-receive hook so that whenever you push to that repo the code is checked out under ~/webapps/{{ project_name }}/app and is ready to start serving.

GIT_REPO=$HOME'/webapps/git/repos/{{ project_name }}.git' 
git init --bare $GIT_REPO
touch $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
echo "#!/bin/sh" >> $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
echo "echo 'Executing post-receive'" >> $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
echo "APP_DIR=$HOME/webapps/{{ project_name }}" >> $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
echo "GIT_WORK_TREE=\$APP_DIR/app git checkout -f" >> $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
echo "GIT_WORK_TREE=\$APP_DIR/app git reset --hard" >> $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
echo "rm \$APP_DIR/app/{{ project_name }}/settings/" >> $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
chmod +x $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
rm -r $HOME/webapps/git/repos/proj.git

If you want to auto compress and move the static files to Amazon S3 on every push (not advised) also do the following:

echo "source $HOME/bin/" >> $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
echo "workon env_{{ project_name }}" >> $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
echo "python $APP_DIR/app/ compress" >> $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
echo "python $APP_DIR/app/ collectstatic  --noinput" >> $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive
echo "deactivate" >> $GIT_REPO/hooks/post-receive

Create a new virtual env on the server

On the server:

source ~/bin/
mkvirtualenv env_{{ project_name }}
workon env_{{ project_name }}

Create and set-up the Database

On Webfaction ..

On your settings/ file change the DATABASE entry with the credentials given by Webfaction. You will need to specify the NAME, USER, and PASSWORD entries.

Specify AWS Credentials and S3 bucket name

On your settings/ file change the AMAZONS3 entry with your Amazon Security Credentials. You will need to specify your ACCESS_KEY_ID, your SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and the name of the BUCKET where you want to upload your static files.

Note that bucket names are global on Amazon's servers so you need to pick a unique name for that.

Change your apache config file to match your project settings


  • Replace the YOUR_WEBFACTION_USERNAME portion of the following line with your username on webfaction (the name of your account).

  • Replace the YOUR_WEBFACTION_APP_PORT portion of the following line with the port of your application. It's the number in brackets next to your app's name on

On your machine:

sed 's/__/YOUR_WEBFACTION_USERNAME/g' webfaction/apache.conf > webfaction/apache2.conf
sed 's/00000/YOUR_WEBFACTION_APP_PORT/g' webfaction/apache2.conf > webfaction/httpd.conf
rm webfaction/apache.conf

Push your local code to the server

On your machine from within your project's directory

Create a new repo if you haven't done so already:

git init
git add {{ project_name }} requirements webfaction .gitignore requirements.txt
git commit -am 'First commit'

Add the remote git repo we created above.

git remote add wf ssh://[email protected]/~/webapps/git/repos/{{ project_name }}.git

Push the code to webfaction's server.

git push wf master

Move the apache configuration file to the appropriate folder.

On the server

mv ~/webapps/{{ project_name }}/app/webfaction/httpd.conf ~/webapps/{{ project_name }}/apache2/conf

Install requirements

On the server

cd ~/webapps/{{ project_name }}/app
pip install -r requirements.txt

Initialize the database

On the server

cd ~/webapps/{{ project_name }}/app

Create database tables.

python syncdb

You will be asked to create an admin user. Go ahead and do that.

Then set-up database migrations.

python migrate

Compress JS & CSS:

python compress

Copy files from /assets/ to /static/ and push them to Amazon S3:

python collectstatic --noinput

(Re)Start the server

~/webapps/{{ project_name }}/apache2/bin/restart

Set-up a website and domain

On Webfaction's control panel..


If all went well, going to should display ..