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Alethea Visualizations

City of Chicago

Welcome to our data visualization page for the City of Chicago! This is our attempt to illustrate and differentiate the different aspects of Chicago from various datasets. All data shown here is an amalgamation of predictions and analytics curated from datasets available at

We start the visualization journey by exploring the relationship between various types of robberies and the number of their occurrences throughout the year month-wise. You can view it through the eyes of a line graph. The next plot is a bar chart which aims to focus on the actual differences in occurrences of crime over different months of the year. Next, we move on to an interesting view which shows a bar chart with the number of restaurants open after failing a food inspection review for a certain range of years. Fortunately, the data here shows majority of the restaurants close within two years of a failed inspection! Next, we see an area chart showing the decrease in crimes by types of establishment throughout Chicago.

Overview of the flow:


Visit the site here to see the further visualizations and their inferences.

The project was developed by team 'ALETHEA' for the course of Introduction to Data Science for the Spring of 2018 at University of Illinois at Chicago. I plan on continuing to maintain it as long as I can.

This course was designed and taught by Prof. Isabel Cruz.

The teaching assistants for the course were:

Course website for this is here.

The sister repository for the ETL/ML code is here. It is private reach out to me if you need access.

Setup of the environment:

Pull the repository and run

npm install

After installing all dependencies

npm start

This will run the site locally.



  • Keras for Deep Learning
  • NumPy
  • SciPy
  • scikit-learn
  • Pandas python library
  • ScraPy
  • usaddress
  • TensorFlow
  • scrapy-beautifulsoup
  • ReactJS for website
  • ReCharts for data Visualization
  • react-leaflet for Heatmap
  • City of Chicago data portal for data sources
  • for data sources
  • Wunderground API for weather data
  • Python documentation, ReactJS Documentation
  • create-react-app for bootstrapping the project
  • Flask
  • ParticlesJS