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do- edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the documentation wiki! is a non-OO MVC framework for developing intranet applications in Perl 5. It features:

  • the wish oriented programming conception (e. g. DB scheme is morphing as you wish, no need to explicitly ALTER a thing);
  • a handy set of advanced AJAX widgets available out-of-the-box (for example: radio group with any inputs as nested controls for individual options);
  • an advanced URL rewriting machinery;
  • a minimalistic but rich procedural API for common tasks;
  • default action handlers for trivial CRUD (with many-to-many relations) without specific programming. based application run on any Linux/Unix on NT platform together with following DBMS:

  • MySQL;
  • Oracle;
  • SQLite;
  • MS SQL Server;
  • PostGreSQL.

As of for now, the primary documentation site is in Russian. The English documentation will be published here. Please feel free to contact the author to clarify any particular detail.

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