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Blytz - Live Server & MySQL Chat Application

This Discord Clone was built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Zustand, Google Login, Prisma, MongoDB Atlas and Cloudinary.
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Table of Contents
  1. Built With
  2. Usage
  3. Clone project

Built With

  • Next
  • React
  • Typescript
  • TailwindCSS
  • MySQL
  • PlanetScale
  • LiveKit
  • Zustand
  • Prisma
  • ShadCN
  • Clerk
  • UploadThing


Deployment Tools:

This application was deployed using Railway and Route53.


  • Railway
  • AWSRoute53

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This is an Discord clone that allows you to create or join a server. If you create a server, you can add channels that will allow users to chat with each other through text, video and audio calls. Each server contains an invite link you can send to anyone that you want to join your server. If you are the owner of the server, you can manage users if someone needs to be removed.

If your server gets cluttered, find channels or users using the search functionality. The users can also direct message each other.

Product Name Screen Shot

Product Name Screen Shot

Product Name Screen Shot

For more examples, please take a look at the application

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Clone Project

To get a local copy up and running follow the steps below.


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone
  2. Install NPM packages

    npm install 
  3. Enter values in .env file

     NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY={clerk publishable key}
     NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_SIGN_IN_URL={clerk signIn url}
     NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_SIGN_UP_URL={clerk signUp url}
     NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_AFTER_SIGN_IN_URL={clerk after signIn url}
     NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_AFTER_SIGN_UP_URL={clerk after signUp url}
     DATABASE_URL="{mysql connection string}"
     UPLOADTHING_SECRET={UploadThing secret}
     UPLOADTHING_APP_ID={UploadThing appID}
     LIVEKIT_API_KEY={LiveKit key}
     LIVEKIT_API_SECRET={LiveKit secret}
     NEXT_PUBLIC_LIVEKIT_URL={LiveKit public url}

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