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The 7-11-12 Model of Universal Consciousness: Dimensions, Densities, and Matrices

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Universal Consciousness

The 7-11-12 Model of Universal Consciousness: Dimensions, Densities, and Matrices

About This Repo

This repo holds a summary of a model of universal structure and consciousness. All lessons are in Markdown format, with images and sources where applicable.

This content was created for a video course called Universal Consciousness: Densities, Dimensions, Matrices + Grids, now available in PDF and video on with the new lesson on Ascension through the densities, udemy, and youtube.

The version on also includes the corresponding full text from this repository with each video lesson.

Repo Instructions

Open the sole folder in this repo to read all of the lessons in .md format, right here on Github. Or, click a link below to visit any lesson directly.


  1. Introduction
  2. Course Overview
  3. Disclaimer
  4. Universal Matrices
  5. Dimensions of Reality
  6. Densities of Consciousness
  7. Densities and Spirituality
  8. Grids
  9. Putting it All Together
  10. Outro

Errata / Clarifications / Omissions

Clarification: Archangels in the Upper Matrices (Video Course Only) Lesson: Matrices In the original script I included information (Source: Aridif) about how Archangels were from the 12th density. I decided to leave it out of the video version, but left it on Github.

Clarification: 0th and 10th dimension are the same Lesson: Dimensions 0th and 10th dimensionality are both the omnipresence connecting All. They are the same, like 360° and 0° on a circle, though in this case the circle is a torus.

Clarification: 0th and 10th dimension are the unity point of every density level For densities and dimensions to co-exist, consciousness must be present at each point the densities can express. The ever-presence of the 0th dimension, which is the 10th dimensional "All-as-One" create this link between all consciousness and all "physical" experienceable reality.

Clarification: 4th, 5th, and 6 densities can have collective consciousness experiences In the course, 7th density marks the first non-physical collective conscious experience. While the 7th density if the first true collective experience, removed from physicality, the lower densities (particularly 4, 5, 6, though truly all the way down) have collective experiences which become more integrated as the densities are progressed.

Clarification: Distortion of the containing (higher) density's tori's information (From A.A Exclusive density lesson) Every piece of the galaxy remains in a level of resonance with the galaxy itself. The level of resonation can be thought of as a lack of distortion of a signal. Though information may become distorted in chaotic sections of the universe, every conscious being is able to reduce this distortion by returning to their core (tuning the antenna). Conversely, it is this distortion that gives the conscious being it's unique most probable path to ascension.

Clarification: Nature of the Seventh Dimension In the course, we discuss the seventh dimension as a line of other universes. While conceptual, it's still important to realize that this line is different versions of OUR universe. This is like the "small" multiverse, and may have different "universal constants" and such. When we expand into the eighth dimension, that's when we really get the realities much different, and in the ninth, all possibilities of reality formation.

Erratum: Saying that we had courses by myself and compiled works on Aquarius Academy We have a wonderful Taoist Yoga course by Heng Ni on Aquarius Academy as well. We hope to welcome many more instructors in the future!

Omission: 0th Density This was omitted purposefully without a source, but is important to consider. The 13th density of consciousness is also the 0th density, or the starting point which the creator grows into atoms. This is also the same as the 0th and 10th dimensions. This link between consciousness (densities) and physical reality (dimensions) is the foundation of reality in our universe.

Critical Thinking Questions

Answer these questions to test your comprehension and find where you would like to do more research.

  1. List all the densities, and figure out what dimensions are most crucial to the operation of each density and why.
  2. Do you think there is another 3-axis system above the 9th dimension (10, 11, and 12)? Why or why not?
  3. What do you think is the relation between first density and 13th density?

Video Course Image / Video Credits

Fractal Light tree Image by Maria Celeste G VelAja TalaLei

Metatron Cube Visualizations

Content Credits

Entities TReb Bor yit-NE and Aridif channeled by Rob Gauthier provided all of the information on Matricies, and all of the information on densities above the seventh, and some of lower density information also. (Specific source information in lessons)

The Ra Material provided some of the information about densities 1-7.

Rob Bryanton's explanations of the 10 Dimensional model were the foundation for our interpretation of dimensions.

Bashar was also referenced both directly and in spirit.


Script by Douglas Butner

Video editing by Karelia Blum

About Aquarius Academy

Aquarius Academy serves as a catalyst for collective consciousness connection. "Aquarius" is our current astrological age, and the "Academy" is the conscious connection happening throughout the Milky Way in this age.

Here are some of our other free + Premium courses

enter image description here

  1. Taoist Yoga: An Introduction for All Levels

  2. A Brief Introduction to Alien Races

  3. Five Steps to Awakening your True Self

  4. Intro to Chi Energy

  5. Smiling to Success


The 7-11-12 Model of Universal Consciousness: Dimensions, Densities, and Matrices







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