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Deep learning driven structured illumination microscopy


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Deep learning enables structured illumination microscopy with low light levels and enhanced speed

Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) [1, 2] is one of most popular superresolution techniques in biological microscopy. Typically, it requires nine 2D or fifteen 3D images to compute a high resolution image. The microscope has to be well charactorized and the parameters for reconstrution need to be fine tuned to avoid artifacts during reconstrution [3]. Very few open-source packages are avaliable to handle SIM data [4, 5, 6].

Super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI) [7, 8] , Bayesian analysis of blinking and bleaching (3B analysis) [9, 10] and super-resolution radial fluctuations (SRRF) [11] are pure computational analyses based approaches to retrieve high frequency information from time serial image data. They are independent of the imaging platform and are compatible with most of the probes. However, they retrieve SR information by analyzing the spatial-temporal fluctuations from 200~1000 timelapse image, limiting the temporal resolution.

We adopted deep learning to serve the purpose of SIM (DL-SIM) and SRRF (DL-SRRF) reconstruction, particularly with a reduced number of frames. We could also restore high resolution information from raw data with extreme low photon budgets.

Specifically, we trained 4 models with different input and ground truth:

Model # Input Ground truth
1. U-Net-SIM15 fifteen SIM raw data single SIM reconstruction
2. U-Net-SIM3 three SIM raw data single SIM reconstruction
3. scU-Net fifteen SIM raw data (low light) single SIM reconstruction (normal light)
4. U-Net-SRRF5 five TIRF images SRRF reconstruction from 200 frames


  1. DL-SIM and DL-SRRF serve as an engine to perform SIM and SRRF reconstructions
  2. U-Net-SIM does SIM reconstruction with as few as 3 frames, instead of 9 or 15 frames
  3. U-Net-SRRF does SRRF reconstruction with as low as 5 frames, instead of 200 frames
  4. scU-Net recovers images from raw data with extreme low photon budgets (low SNR)

All models were trained with four different cellular structures: microtubules, mitochondrial, adhesion structures and actin filaments.

Folders organization

Folder Discription
1. Data_preprocessing Python codes to prepare datasets, calculates psnr, nrmse, etc
2. Fiji-scripts ImageJ/Fiji scripts to prepare traning datasets, calculate RSP etc.
3. Testing_codes Codes for the testing of different networks
4. Testing_data Raw data for the testing of microtubule networks
5. Training_data Codes for the training of different networks
6. longleaf-instructions useful commands to work on longleaf (a Linux-based cluster at UNC)
7. test_json use .json file to configure the training/testing parameters (under construction)
8. test_models codes for both training and testing (under construction)

System Requirements

DL-SIM and DL-SRRF packages have been tested on both a cluster, a regular PC and Google Colab.

Hardware requirements

Cluster: we use the Longleaf cluster (Linux-based) on UNC-Chapel Hill campus. Detailed information can be found here.

PC: we also tested our code on a Dell workstation (Dell Precision Tower 5810 ):

  • OS: Window 10
  • Processor: Intel Xeon E5-1620 V3 @ 3.5 GHz
  • Memory: 128 Gb
  • Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX1080 Ti, 11 Gb memory

Google Colab: We also tested our code on Google colabotory, which allows you to run the code in the cloud. You can access google colab for free with time limitations. The Colab section is under construction.

Python Dependencies

  • Anaconda3-4.7.12
  • Python 3.7
  • PyTorch 1.3.0
  • Scikit-image 0.14.3
  • Xlwt 1.3.0
  • Numpy 1.15.4
  • PIL 6.1.0
  • Pandas 0.23.4

0. Installation guide

  1. Install Anaconda3 following the instructions online.

  2. Create environment

    conda create -n your_env_name python=3.7
  3. Activate the environment and install python dependencies

    Source activate your_env_name
    conda install -c pytorch pytorch
    conda install -c anaconda scikit-image
    conda install -c anaconda xlwt
    conda install -c anaconda pil
    conda install -c anaconda pandas
  4. Download ImageJ/Fiji

1. Prepare training dataset

data augmentation

In SIM experiments, the size of the raw image stack was 512 × 512 × 15 (w x h x f, width x height x frame). To prepare the input for U-Net-SIM15, the raw stack was cropped into 128 × 128 × 15 (w x h x f) patches. For U-Net-SIM3, only the first phase of the three illumination angles were used, producing 128 × 128 × 3 (w x h x f) patches. In SRRF experiment, the original input images were cropped into 64 × 64 × 5 (w x h x f) and the original ground truth images were cropped into 320 × 320 (w x h). Since U-Net requires the width and height of the input images to match the ground truth images, we resized the input dataset using the biocubic interpolation function of Fiji. This file is used to do dataset cropping for the SIM experiment. This file is used to do dataset cropping for the SRRF experiment.

data normalization

We normalized the input images to the maximum intensity (MI) of the whole input dataset and the ground truth images to the MI of the SIM reconstruction dataset. This file is be used to determine the intensity ranges of your own dataset. The value of max_in and max_out will be used to normalize the datasets.

Separate dataset

After dataset augmentation, we obtained 800-1500 samples for different structures, which were then randomly divided into training, validation and testing subsets. Detailed information about each dataset is in Supplementary Table 1 of our manuscript.

2. Train a network

2.1 U-Net

The details of each network architecture are shown in and

Files below are used for the training of four different networks in the paper:


Files below are used for the testing of four different networks in the paper:


please modify file path and data ranges in the code before use

how to --->, and :

In class ReconsDataset( , change the value of max_out, max_in and train_in_size. The value of train_in_size is the number of channels of the input. Before using train, please use to generate the Max_intensity.npy for your dataset.

2.2 scU-Net

The details of each network architecture are shown in and

Files below are used for the training of scU-Net in the paper:


please modify the value of max_out, max_in and train_in_size

Files below are used for the testing of scU-Net in the paper:


please modify the value of max_out, max_in and train_in_size

3.Quantification of the training performance

RSP and RSE were introduced before to assess the quality of super-resolution data and were calculated using NanoJ-NanoJ-SQUIRREL (

The resolution of each cropped image was estimated using the ImageDecorrleationAnalysis plugin in Fiji/ImageJ with the default parameter settings. [12]

Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), normalized root-mean-square error (NRMSE) and structural similarity index (SSIM) were calcualted with a home-writtin script (

4. Run the demo

set up the enviroment before use

4.1 Run the training code

Step 1: download the code from the folder Training_codes
Step 2: prepare the training dataset
Step 3: modify the file path and data range (normalization)
Step 4: open the terminal 
Step 5: run: source activate your_env_name
Step 6: cd /file_path_for_training_code
Step 7: run: python train_***.py
Step 8: check the model

4.2 Run the testing cod

Step 1: download the code from the “Testing_codes”
Step 2: download the data from the “Testing_data”
Step 3: modify the file path and data range (normalization)
Step 4: open the terminal
Step 5: run: source activate your_env_name
Step 6: cd /file_path_for_testing_code
Step 7: run: python testing_***.py
Step 8: check the prediction images.
Step 9: Expected output was prepared in the folder “Testing_results”

5. Time estimation

Installing and configuring the python enviroment takes about 1 hour. This may vary depending on the speed of the network.

Typically, training a model on a “normal” desktop computer takes around 2 days for 2000 epoch. This may vary depending on the sample size, batch size and the frequency of saving the intermediate models.

Reconstructing a sample on a “normal” desktop computer takes about 1 second (not counting the time to load the model).

6. Note

Part of the code is modified from


Deep learning driven structured illumination microscopy







No releases published



Contributors 4
