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Change History

Emmanuel Blondel edited this page Apr 14, 2020 · 6 revisions

0.3-1 | CRAN_Status_Badge


  • #26 Additional name argument in addCreator record method


  • #27 Issue with multiple identical communities with addCommunity

0.3 | CRAN_Status_Badge

New features

  • #23 Methods to search published records (other than own depositions)


  • #24 Exact search/matching with concept DOI doesn't work

0.2 | CRAN_Status_Badge

New features

  • #7 Function to get for a record the citation for a given format
  • #8 Support function to create and list record version(s)
  • #10 Add method to get concept DOI (generic DOI)
  • #11 Support adding/removing references
  • #12 Methods for journal metadata elements
  • #13 Methods for conference metadata elements
  • #14 Methods for 'imprint' metadata elements
  • #15 Methods for 'partof' (book/chapter) metadata elements
  • #16 Methods for 'thesis' metadata elements
  • #17 Methods for 'grants' metadata elements + list supported grants/funders
  • #18 Method for 'contributor' metadata elements
  • #20 Enable methods to get deposition by DOI / concept DOI
  • #21 Support edit operation for already submitted records
  • #22 Add method to discard record changes


  • #19 Enable query 'q' Elasticsearch parameter in getDepositions / deleteRecords


  • #4 deleteRecords returns an error
  • #5 getDepositions returns always 10 records
  • #9 uploadType "other" is not managed by setUploadType


No issues

0.1 | CRAN_Status_Badge

First version

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