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Project Configuration Requirements

Abhideep edited this page Aug 23, 2020 · 1 revision

This page explains all the requirements about the project configuration requirement.

Confusion Buster

This is about the project Vicki and its configuration. No it is not. Here 'Project' means a project which will be configured when someone uses Vicki in their environment.

Flow of work

While using Vicki, the following will be the user workflow.

  1. Installation. This might be per project, per account or per organization. This is sole decision of users. For cost and performance optimized solution, its better to have one Vicki per account. Per project might end up too many deployments. Per org might end up too many projects on one Vicki and might turn into single point of failure.
  2. Admin login. After admin login, user must change the admin password.
  3. User creation. Admin should be able to create a Project and assign a project-admin to the created project. When admin does so, he should be able to get the random password, once he enters the project-admin user id. User id should be a valid email address. For now, lets assume, admin will send the email manually to the project admin and will give the user credentials and Vicki URL.
  4. Now the project admin can login to Vicki. He can choose to create more users to the project. He can cerate other project admin (user admin, modify and view), project leads (project modify and view) and project users (view only).
  5. Everything should be editable, if edit access is there.
  6. Next would be configuring the tools and other factors.
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