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Simon Graband edited this page Aug 19, 2021 · 4 revisions

What is it

The emf-json jackson module provides JSON serialization and deserialization for the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). It is based on the popular JSON library for Java, Jackson.

The emf-json jackson module is meant to be used by EMF application developers who want to replace the default XML serialization with JSON.

Where can I use it

The emf-json jackson module can be used in standalone Java applications as well as in OSGI based Java application, such as Eclipse plugins.


It can be downloaded from the maven central repository by build tools such as Maven or Gradle. It can also be downloaded from a p2 update site


To use it in Maven, add this following dependency in your project pom file.

    <version>{{ site.version.jackson }}</version>


To use it in a Gradle build, add this dependency in your project gradle file.

compile 'org.eclipse.emfcloud:emfjson-jackson:{{ site.version.jackson }}'

Eclipse update site

For Eclipse plugins developers, a p2 update site is available and can be used to install this module inside Eclipse as a plugin, and also be used with Maven/Tycho.

Link to the update site

To use emf-json jackson with Maven/Tycho, add the following to your project pom file.


Download the jars

The jar file can be found in the sonatype repository, here.

Note that if you choose to download this jar directly you will also need to download the EMF and Jackson jars.

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