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Azure IoT Solution

A complete solution combining several Azure IoT features and products:

ℹ️ All commands should be run from the project root

Cloud IoT

1 - Create the certificates

Start by creating the required certificates:

bash scripts/

2 - Create the Azure resources

Create the infrastructure:

terraform -chdir="infrastructure" init
terraform -chdir="infrastructure" apply -auto-approve

Run the extra configuration not available via Terraform:

bash scripts/

Change the hostname of the IoT Edge OS to edgegateway to match the certificates:

IoT Edge requires it to be exact or have the first component in the FQDN

Reboot is required

# Change to: edgegateway.fusiontech.iot
sudo nano /etc/hostname

Restart the VM: az vm restart -g rg-fusiontech -n vm-fusiontech-edgegateway

⚠️ After changing the hostname, need to add a manual DNS registry: edgegateway.fusiontech.iot A I should find a fix for this if I have time.

az network private-dns record-set a add-record -g rg-fusiontech -z fusiontech.iot -n edgegateway.fusiontech.iot -a ""

(Optional) Verify the cloud-init completion:

# Connect to the IoT Edge VM
ssh edgegateway@<public-ip>
ssh downstream@<public-ip>

# Check if the cloud-init status is "done", otherwise wait with "--wait"
cloud-init status

# Confirm that the IoT Edge runtime has been installed
iotedge --version

# Restart the VM to enable any Kernel updates
az vm restart -n "vm-fusiontech-edgegateway" -g "rg-fusiontech"
az vm restart -n "vm-fusiontech-downstream001" -g "rg-fusiontech"

3 - Configure the IoT Edge device

Run the configuration script locally:

# Run locally
bash scripts/

This will copy the prepared files to the IoT Edge device VM.

Now, in the remote VM shell, run the installation script:

# Run remotely in the Azure VM shell
sudo bash

Confirm that the IoT Edge runtime has been installed:

sudo iotedge system logs

# Add --iothub-hostname if using DPS to also test for IoT Hub
sudo iotedge check --iothub-hostname

4 - Deploy Modules

Create the deployment "RedisEdge":

az iot edge deployment create --deployment-id "gateway" \
    --hub-name $(jq -r .iothub_name infrastructure/output.json) \
    --content "@iotedge/deployments/gateway.json" \
    --labels '{"Release":"001"}' \
    --target-condition "tags.Environment='Staging'" \
    --priority 10

Check the portal and the IoT device:

# List the modules in the Azure VM
iotedge list

5 - Provision downstream devices

Upload the configuration:

bash scripts/

Register the downstream device:

# Get the IoT Edge Gateway device scope
az iot hub device-identity show --device-id "edgegateway.fusiontech.iot" --hub-name $(jq -r .iothub_name infrastructure/output.json) --query deviceScope -o tsv

# Create the downstream device identity
az iot hub device-identity create -n $(jq -r .iothub_name infrastructure/output.json) \
    -d "downstream-device-01.fusiontech.iot" \
    --device-scope "{deviceScope of gateway device}" \
    --am x509_ca

Verify the connectivity:

openssl s_client -connect edgegateway.fusiontech.iot:8883 -CAfile -showcerts

Run the downstream device code:


6 - Deploy a custom module

Get the credentials for the ACR:

az acr credential show --name acriotedgefusion789

Login to docker:

docker login -u acriotedgefusion789 -p <ACR password>

Login do ACR:

az acr login -n acriotedgefusion789

Create a copy of the deployment configuration:

cp ./iotedgesolution/deployment.template.json ./iotedgesolution/deployment.json

Change the myacr password placeholder <PASSWORD> in the deployment template.

Build the image:

# Build the image for the local registry
docker build --rm -f "./iotedgesolution/modules/filtermodule/Dockerfile.amd64.debug" -t localhost:5000/filtermodule:0.0.1-amd64 "./iotedgesolution/modules/filtermodule"

# Or build the image for an Azure Container Registry
docker build --rm -f "./iotedgesolution//modules/filtermodule/Dockerfile.amd64" -t "./iotedgesolution/modules/filtermodule"

Push the image to ACR:

docker push

Deploy the custom module:

az iot edge deployment create --deployment-id "new-custom-module" \
    --hub-name $(jq -r .iothub_name infrastructure/output.json) \
    --content "@iotedgesolution/deployment.json" \
    --labels '{"Release":"001"}' \
    --target-condition "tags.Environment='Staging'" \
    --priority 10

Python development

Local Python

cd device

Create the local development device certificates:


Create the .env and edit the PROVISIONING_IDSCOPE variable:

cp .example.env .env

Install and run the device:

pipenv install --dev
pipenv shell


docker build . -t iothub-pydevice:latest
docker run --rm iothub-pydevice:latest arg1 arg2
