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Traverses Wikipedia graph, aggregates pages and applies tf-idf to text summarize content.


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Wiki Pi

This is an open source project based in Node.js and the Electron.js framework for using Wikipedia (English, text only, ~5,000,000 articles) on a Raspberry Pi to build a low-cost, Internet-free, education resource alternative.

Wiki Pi represents Wikipedia as a graph, takes articles as parameters and traverses them based on user-defined text similarity and relevance thresholds to aggregate related articles, and then uses natural language processing techniques/algorithms including Porter's Stemmer to normalize text and a modified algorithm using tf-idf (term frequency-inverse document frequency) to perform text summarization and generate "course content".

Considering the low cost of Raspberry Pi's themselves (~$35), and how the entirety of Wikipedia could be loaded onto a USB, the primary goal of this project is to create an educational resource that could be distributed to disadvantaged schools around the world with little to no internet access.

This project is built around the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, which can be found on Amazon here.

Starting Up

In the terminal:

npm start

For testing, babel transpiles client-side JavaScript from ES6 code to ES5 code, gulp-uglify minifies ES5 code, nodemon monitors changes and restarts server:

npm test

Note: this project will be moved to Electron.js.

Wikipedia Data

The dataset used in this project is extracted from a full Wikipedia English database dump from MTA Sztaki (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), of ~7 GB compressed, ~20 GB uncompressed data. Note: this is an older dump from 2014, but was still used for the purpose of proof of concept. Note: they do have a tool to convert new XML dumps to plain text.

The text content was extracted using the scripts in the python folder. The adjacency list for each article was built by making requests to the Wikipedia API. The index, article data and adjacency list were saved as a SQLite3 database for portability reasons with the Raspberry Pi. The total database size is ~36 GB. Note: graph databases, like Neo4j, were not used because of compatibility issues with the Raspberry Pi, as well as that they are too resource consuming for a device like the Raspberry Pi, of limited memory (1 GB) and CPU power (1.2 GHz ARMv8 processor).

The databases are saved onto a USB 3.0 drive (≥ 64 GB storage required) with the name WIKI-DRIVE, and the file structure is as follows:

├── adj
|   ├── 000000.db
|   ...
|   └── 004633.db
├── articles
|   ├── 000000.db
|   ...
|   └── 004633.db
├── index
|   └── index.db
├── courses
|   └── courses.db

The adjacency list (adj) and the articles files are large, so they are split into groups 000000.db - 004633.db, these numbers represent hash codes of the article titles.


The following descriptions and pseudocode give a general overview of how articles are selected, normalized and summarized, before being put together into a course.


As the section Wikipedia Data above describes, we deal with the index, articles and adjacency list database. The query is given by a starting article title and a threshold value for similarity between 0 and 100. The general idea is to run BFS starting from that article, aggregating all of its adjacent articles, running Porter's Stemmer to normalize the articles, and then converting them into a term frequency vector, with which we compare the cosine similarity to the starting article's term frequency vector. This cosine value is mapped to a value between 0 and 100, and articles where the similarity is less than the threshold are filtered out, and not considered part of the final course.


Index : Index[t] maps article title t to some hashcode value between 0 - 4633
Articles : Article[x] gets all of the articles whose titles hash to x, 
           Article[x][t] gets the text content of that particular article with 
           title t
Adj : Adj[x] gets all of the adjacency lists whose titles hash to x,
      Adj[x][t] gets the adjacency list of that particular article with 
      title t
s : starting article title
threshold : threshold value
Q : queue of articles yet to be processed
C : list of articles currently belonging to the course


threshold = threshold / 100 // convert threshold into a value between 0 and 1

while Q is not empty:
    current = Q.dequeue()
    hashcode = Index[current.title]
    textContent = Articles[hashcode][current.title]

    v = PorterStemmer.stem(textContent) // normalization step
    v = convertToTfVector(v)

    adj = Adj[hashcode][current.title]

    for title t in adj:
        hashcodeTemp = Index[t]
        textContentTemp = Articles[hashcodeTemp][t]

        u = PorterStemmer.stem(textContentTemp) // normalization step
        u = convertToTfVector(u)

        theta = arccos(dotProduct(v, u) / (norm(v) * norm(u)))
        similarity = (arccos(0) - theta) / arccos(0)

        if similarity >= threshold:

Normalizing and Summarizing

Text summarization of the articles is done through an extractive method that uses Porter's Stemmer and tf-idf. The main idea behind it is that after the text is normalized, the whole article text itself and the individual sentences are converted into vectors, and tf-idf is used to check the similarity/saliency of the sentences to the article as a whole, and if the sentence meets a similarity threshold, then the sentence is kept, otherwise it is omitted, and the first sentence is always kept. It uses log frequency weighting for tf. This approach can summarize texts fast, and maintains the relevancy of the sentences surprisingly well.


article : entire article text
summarizedText : list of sentence that are included in the final summary
svectors : list of sentence tf vectors
threshold : threshold value for similarity between 0 and 1
idf : maps each word in article to a count

sentences = tokenizeSentences(article)

firstSentence = sentences[0]
summarizedText = firstSentence.append(firstSentence) // first sentence is always kept

article = PorterStemmer.stem(article) // normalization step
article = convertToTfVector(article)
N = article.length

for sentence s in sentences:
    sv = PorterStemmer.stem(s)
    sv = convertToTfVector(s)

    for word w in s:

for word w in article:
    idf[word] = log(N/idf[word])
    w.tfIdf = (1 + log( * idf[word]

for vector sv in svectors:
    sv.tfIdf = 1 + log( * idf[word]

    theta = arccos(dotProduct(sv, article) / (norm(sv) * norm(article)))
    similarity = (arccos(0) - theta) / arccos(0)

    if similarity >= threshold:


Traverses Wikipedia graph, aggregates pages and applies tf-idf to text summarize content.








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