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Doxygen document generation

Gordon Williams edited this page Feb 23, 2017 · 2 revisions

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The project has chosen Doxygen as the documentation generation system. You should install the Doxygen application following its own set of instructions. The master configuration file for the Doxygen document generation for the project can be found in Doxyfile at the root of the project. To generate the documentation, change to the root directory of the project and run:

doxygen Doxyfile

The results will be written into the directory called doxygen. Within doxygen\html you will find a file called index.html which should be opened in a browser. From there you can find the documentation.

##Modifying Doxyfile Doxyfile is a configuration file controlling how Doxygen behaves. It is full of options, all of which are documented within the Doxygen documentation at the Doxygen web site. There are some parameter in Doxyfile that have been customized for this project. These include:

####OUTPUT_DIRECTORY This is the directory into which Doxygen will generate its output. This is configured to be doxygen and there doesn't appear to be an obvious reason to ever want to change that.

####INPUT This names the directories which will be scanned looking for source files and header files to be parsed to build the documentation.

####RECURSIVE This specifies whether or not directories contained in the input directories should also be scanned. This has been set to YES.

####EXCLUDE_PATTERNS This describes file patterns to be excluded from parsing. Examples that we would want to exclude would be *.md.

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