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Releases: ess-dmsc/nexus-constructor


19 Sep 14:57
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This is the final release to support NXgeometry. Instead, templates should use the field depends_on and NXtransformations to position components, and use NXoff_geometry to describe volume shapes. NXcylindrical_geometry can be used for exactly cylindrical components.

There are various bug fixes included in this release compared to v2.2.0.


24 Jan 19:48
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What's Changed

  • Done button in array dataset widget by @kmurica in #1018
  • Fixed issue with unflattened lists by @kmurica in #1019
  • Adding handling for float case that was missed in previous PR by @kmurica in #1020

Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v.2.2.0


19 Dec 11:04
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0

NeXus Constructor v2.0.0

18 Oct 08:35
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A major overhaul of the NeXus constructor has been done in 2021 and 2022.
The most impactful changes that the user will directly notice are following:

  • Changes to NeXus tree structure and tree view. It is now possible to build any arbitrary NeXus structure by adding and editing groups, components, transformations and file writer modules.
  • Upgrade from PySide2 to PySide6.
  • Overall improvements to the graphical user interface such as component highlights in 3D view, colors, camera settings and many more.
  • Countless bug fixes.

What's Changed

Read more


16 Mar 15:02
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New Features

  • Live File-writer control window - #635
    • Adding persistent settings for filewriter control window - #656
  • Maximising main window by default - #638
  • Mantid IDF support - #655
  • Non-scalar magnitudes now show UI values which update the 3d view, as well as on file load - #647
  • Mesh generation optimisations - #682
  • Default type in stream objects is now double - #667

Bug Fixes

  • Units not being displayed properly for transforms - #646
  • Recursive, relative transforms now working - #651
  • Units not validated against correctly - #675
  • Byte-string values not displayed correctly in field widget - #677
  • 3d view not updating when link is deleted - #684
  • edit component button not greyed out when transformation is selected - #680
  • end-of-chain depends on transformation error - #674
  • transformations not being deleted when component is deleted (high priority as it renders the program unusable) - #672


13 Feb 10:03
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New features

  • Pixel data is now filled in when editing a component - #522
  • Fields are now filled in when editing a component
  • Attributes can now be set on fields - #436
  • Transformations are now loaded into the UI when a file is loaded - #512
  • value_units can now be set on f142 fields - #588
  • Higher precision for scalar vector values - #555
  • User can now zoom into components - #582
  • senv stream support added - #556
  • Default broker can be used for f142 json output - #592
  • Streams, arrays, groups, links etc can now be used for transformation magnitude - #609
  • Transformation view UI improvements - #511

Bug fixes

  • Scaling/DPI issues - #545
  • Type conversion - #515, #519
  • Preventing dependee_of field from being added to the filewriter JSON - #521
  • Shapes not clearing after a new file is loaded - #528
  • (Windows) - chopper drawing issues - #529
  • Some values not changing when updating components - #533
  • Exceptions when cylinder geometry based component is edited - #539
  • UI issues when editing component, ok button greyed out - #541
  • Edit component window no longer has "add component" as the title - #547
  • (Windows) component selection highlight not working, UI improvements in general - #549
  • Stream groups, loading and writing incorrectly - #558
  • attrs validity not reevaluating when dtype changes - #581
  • Loading bytestrings from nxs file - #586
  • Blank options no longer being added to filewriter JSON - #589
  • Misleading placeholder for topic in stream options - #591
  • Stopping NC-specific NX_classes from being added to JSON, causing potentially incorrect NX_class values - #605
  • Axis direction when editing a cylinder with zero height - #610


31 Oct 15:18
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Several bug fixes, adds 3d transformations, forwarder and file-writer command JSON writing and file-writer command JSON reading, as well as stream fields, pixel data, links and adding the ability to edit an existing component.


05 Apr 10:41
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Bug fixes

  • Updated version number in


04 Apr 09:27
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First release for the NeXus-constructor.

Binaries available for Linux and Windows.

Known bugs:

  • Adding a transform in the "add component" or "edit component" window does not work. Workaround: add the transform after adding the component in the left pane. (#112)
  • Several QML warnings (see current issues #136, #179, #149)
  • Program segfaults after selecting a file twice (#169)

Features added:

  • Unit validation
  • Dummy object for no geometry component
  • Various UI changes such as scrollbars and removing bounce animations
  • Selectable text fields
  • File validation
  • Executables on every PR build
  • Updated to Qt 5.12.2
  • Axis are now displayed in 3d view

Developer notes:

  • Removed vector class and replaced with Qvector3D
  • Unit tests added and some code refactored in the data model to make more readable and testable
  • General OOP changes
  • Added black formatting
  • More documentation
  • Wiki addition