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Ed Tewiah edited this page Jan 5, 2017 · 1 revision

General FAQs


Q: What is PropertyWebBuilder?

A: PropertyWebBuilder is a toolkit for creating real estate websites. Out of the box you get a fully functional website that allows you to manage properties available for sale or rent throught the intuitive admin panel. It comes with great search functionality which allows users to search for properties by multiple criteria. The look and feel can be modified by adjusting colours, fonts, images etc. You can choose to display key information about your estate agency such as opening hours, location and your specializations.

See an example of a site built with PropertyWebBuilder here:

It is easy to deploy and will run on most servers that supports Ruby on Rails.

Q: Why is it open source?

A: This project is open source because that is essential for it to become successful. Creating a website for real estate listings is not a particularly high-value task and a lot of web developers will have created one at some point. The surprising thing then is that there are not many good quality open source projects to address this.

We want PropertyWebBuilder to be the base on which important value added functionality for the real estate sector can be built. That is where the real revenue opportunities lie. We have some ideas of our own and we plan to generate revenue by selling the extra services we build on top of the base product.

Q: Why would I choose PropertyWebBuilder over a WordPress plugin?

A: Essentialy because WordPress was not designed to be used for real estate websites. Using it for real estate websites involves fighting against a lot of the defaults.

More on that here.