diff --git a/docs/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/FAQ.po b/docs/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/FAQ.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e2997a84a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/FAQ.po @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: remix-translation\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-09-12 15:35-0400\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-17 13:52\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: Chinese Simplified\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project: remix-translation\n" +"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 431830\n" +"X-Crowdin-Language: zh-CN\n" +"X-Crowdin-File: /[ethereum.remix-ide] master/docs/_build/gettext/FAQ.pot\n" +"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 6454\n" +"Language: zh_CN\n" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:1 +msgid "FAQ" +msgstr "常見問題" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:3 +msgid "Supported devices & Browsers" +msgstr "支援的裝置和瀏覽器" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:5 +msgid "**Q:** What browsers will Remix work on?" +msgstr "**問:** Remix 可在哪些瀏覽器上運行?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:7 +msgid "**A:** We support Firefox, Chrome, and Brave. We do not test or look for errors in Safari, Edge or other browsers." +msgstr "**答:** 我們支援Firefox、Chrome和Brave。我們沒有在Safari、Edge或其他瀏覽器中進行測試或查找錯誤。。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:9 +msgid "**Q:** Will Remix work on a tablet or mobile device?" +msgstr "**Q:** Remix能在平板電腦或移動裝置上運行嗎?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:11 +msgid "**A:** We do not support the use of Remix on tablets or mobile phones." +msgstr "**答:** 我們不支援在平板電腦或移動裝置上使用Remix。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:13 +msgid "General" +msgstr "常規" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:15 +msgid "**Q:** Are there keyboard shortcuts in Remix?" +msgstr "**問:** Remix中是否有鍵盤快速鍵?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:17 +msgid "**A:** Yes - here is the list of keyboard shortcuts:" +msgstr "**答:** 是 - 這裡是鍵盤快速鍵清單:" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:19 +msgid "`Ctrl+S`: Compiles the active Solidity file" +msgstr "`Ctrl+S`: 編譯選中的 Solidity 檔案" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:21 +msgid "`Ctrl+Shift+S`: Compiles a Solidity file and runs a script when the script is displayed in the editor.
(go [here](running_js_scripts.html#compile-a-contract-and-run-a-script-on-the-fly) for more info about this functionality)" +msgstr "`Ctrl+Shift+S`:當腳本在編輯器中顯示時,編譯一個 Solidity 檔案並運行腳本。 (點選 [here](瞭解更多關於這個功能的資訊(running_js_scripts.html#compile-a-contract-and-run-a-script-on-the-fly))。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:23 +msgid "`Ctrl+Shift+F` : Opens the File Explorer" +msgstr "`Ctrl+Shift+F`: 打開檔案瀏覽器" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:25 +msgid "`CTRL+Alt+F` : Formats the code in the current file" +msgstr "`CTRL+Alt+F` : 對當前檔案中的代碼進行格式化" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:27 +msgid "`Ctrl+Shift+A` : Opens the Plugin Manager" +msgstr "`Ctrl+Shift+A` : 打開插件管理器" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:29 +msgid "Solidity compiler" +msgstr "Solidity 編譯器" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:31 +msgid "**Q:** Error: compiler might be in a non-sane state" +msgstr "**問:**錯誤:編譯器可能處於非正常狀態" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:38 +msgid "**A:** Old versions of solidity compiler had this problem with chrome. Please change the compiler version in Solidity Plugin to the newer one or use another browser." +msgstr "**答:**舊版本的solidity 編譯器在chrome 中存在這個問題。請將 Solidity Plugin 中的編譯器版本更改為較新的版本或使用其他瀏覽器。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:41 +msgid "**Q:** I’m getting an issue with Maximum call stack exceed and various other errors, can't compile." +msgstr "**問:** 我遇到了一個問題:超過了最大調用棧,還有其他各種錯誤,最終無法編譯。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:43 +msgid "**A:** Try a different browser or a newer solidity compiler version." +msgstr "**答:**嘗試不同的瀏覽器或更新的solidity 編譯器版本。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:45 +msgid "**Q:** How to verify a contract that imports other contracts?" +msgstr "**問:**如何驗證導入其他合約的合約?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:47 +msgid "**A:** The verification tool does not recursively go through the import statements in a contract. So can only verify a 'flattened' contract." +msgstr "**答:**驗證工具不會遞迴遍歷合約中的導入語句。 所以只能驗證一個「扁平化」的合約。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:49 +msgid "A contract can be 'flattened' by right-clicking on it in the File Explorer and choosing the `Flatten` option. This will assemble all the original code as well as the imported code into a single file." +msgstr "可以透過在檔案資源管理器中右鍵點選合約並選擇「 Flatten」選項來對合約進行「扁平化」處理。這將把所有原始代碼和導入的代碼壓縮到單個檔案中。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:51 +msgid "Deploy & Run" +msgstr "部署和運行" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:53 +msgid "**Q:** I am using an Infura endpoint in my app, but when I try to deploy against that endpoint in Remix IDE selecting \"External HTTP Provider\" and putting my endpoint in, it's telling me that it can't connect" +msgstr "**問:** 我在我的應用程式中使用Infura節點,但是當我嘗試在Remix IDE中選擇「外部HTTP提供者」並將我的節點放入以便基於該節點進行部署時,它告訴我無法連接。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:55 +msgid "**A:** If the endpoint you are using is http, it won't work." +msgstr "**答:** 如果您使用的端點是http,它將無法正常運行。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:57 +msgid "**Q:** Where is deploy button?" +msgstr "**問:** 部署按鈕在哪裡?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:59 +msgid "**A:** It's in the **Deploy & Run Transactions** module." +msgstr "**A:**它位於**部署和運行交易**模組中。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:61 +msgid "**Q:** How to pass a tuple to a public function in Remix?" +msgstr "**問:**如何將元組傳遞給 Remix 中的公共函數?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:63 +msgid "**A:** Pass it as an array []." +msgstr "**答:** 將其作為陣列 [] 傳遞。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:65 +msgid "**Q:** How to input a struct as input to a parameter of a function in the Deploy & Run module?" +msgstr "**問:** 如何在Deploy & Run模組中輸入一個struct作為函數參數的輸入?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:67 +msgid "**A:** For inputting a struct, just like a tuple, pass it in as an array []. Also you need to put in the line:" +msgstr "**答:** 輸入一個結構體,就像一個元組一樣,將它作為一個陣列[] 傳入。 您還需要輸入以下內容:" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:69 +msgid "`pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;` at the top of the solidity file." +msgstr "`pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;` 在solidity檔案的頂部。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:71 +msgid "For example, here's a solidity file with a struct as an input parameter." +msgstr "例如,這是一個具有結構體作為輸入參數的 Solidity 檔案。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:103 +msgid "The input of initPeepToPeeps takes a struct. If you input `[1,2]` the transaction will go through." +msgstr "initPeepToPeeps的輸入需要一個結構體。如果您輸入`[1,2]`,交易將會通過。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:107 +msgid "Plugin Developers" +msgstr "插件開發者" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:109 +msgid "**Q:** Where do plugin developers go with their questions?" +msgstr "**問:** 插件開發人員可以去哪裡解決他們的問題?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:111 +msgid "**A:** First, join our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/zUNteAzJs3) and then go to the development-plugin channel." +msgstr "**A:**首先,加入我們的 Discord (https://discord.gg/zUNteAzJs3) 然後前往 development-plugin 頻道。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:113 +msgid "Analytics" +msgstr "資料分析" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:115 +msgid "**Q:** What information does Remix save when Matomo Analytics is enabled?" +msgstr "**問:** 當Matomo Analytics啟用時,要保存哪些資訊?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:117 +msgid "**A:** We want to know:" +msgstr "**答:** 我們想知道:" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:119 +msgid "Which plugins get activated & deactivated" +msgstr "哪些插件被啟動和停用" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:120 +msgid "If users check the box to publish a contract's metadata when deploying" +msgstr "如果用戶在部署合約時,勾選了發佈合約中繼資料的選項" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:121 +msgid "Which themes are used/used most/not used at all" +msgstr "哪個主題被使用/使用最多/根本不使用" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:122 +msgid "The usage of the links to documentation" +msgstr "檔案連結的使用" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:123 +msgid "On the homepage, which file importing buttons are used" +msgstr "在主頁上使用了哪個檔案導入按鈕" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:125 +msgid "**Q:** Is it opt-in or opt-out?" +msgstr "**問:** 需要使用者主動選擇加入還是主動選擇退出?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:127 +msgid "**A:** We use Matomo as an opt-in analytics platform." +msgstr "**答:** 我們使用的是Matomo分析平臺,需要使用者同意加入後才能獲得資訊。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:129 +msgid "**Q:** Where is the info stored? Is the info shared with 3rd parties?" +msgstr "**Q:** 資訊存儲在哪裡?資訊是否與第三方共用?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:131 +msgid "**A:** All data collected through Matomo is stored on our server. No data is given to third parties." +msgstr "**A:** 透過 Matomo 收集的所有資料都存儲在我們的伺服器上,不會提供給第三方" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:133 +msgid "We respect your privacy and do not collect nor store any personally identifiable information (PII)." +msgstr "我們尊重您的隱私,不會收集或儲存任何可識別個人身份的資訊。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:135 +msgid "**Q:** What does Remix do with this info?" +msgstr "**問:** Remix使用這些資訊做什麼?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:137 +msgid "**A:** Our goal is to understand how many users we have, what plugins people are using, what is not getting used, what is not being used to its full potential." +msgstr "**答:** "我們的目標是瞭解我們有多少用戶,人們正在使用哪些插件, 哪些插件沒有被使用,哪些插件沒有充分發揮它們的潛力。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:139 +msgid "With this understanding, we can make adjustments to the UI as well as providing more tips and documentation. It's a way of getting constant anonymous feedback from our users." +msgstr "借助這些資訊,我們可以調整使用者介面,並提供更多的建議和檔案。 這是從使用者那裡獲得匿名回饋的一種方式。" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:141 +msgid "**Q:** After I agree opt-in, can I change my mind?" +msgstr "**問:** 在我選擇同意加入後,我能否改變主意?" + +#: ../../FAQ.md:143 +msgid "**A:** You can turn off or on Matomo in the Settings panel. There are no consequences for not opting-in or opting-out." +msgstr "**答:** 您可以在設置面板中關閉或在 Matomo 上關閉。無論是否選擇加入或退出,都不會產生任何後果。" +