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Releases: ezratweaver/UltimateMathFlashCards

Ultimate Math Flash Cards v1.1

12 Apr 23:57
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Ultimate Math Flash Cards

A Python program, using tkinter GUI libraries to create a math flash card game.



  • Score and Highscore System
  • Timed Flash Card Gameplay
  • Dynamic Settings for Time, Difficulty, and Operation
  • Game Log System to Track Your Progress
  • User Management System
  • User Data Encryption to Deter Tampering and Cheating
  • Fully Implemented Sound Effects
  • User Grading System to Track Overall Performance
  • Anti Problem Duplication System

Learn Math

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Want to get better at multiplication tables? Want to sharpen your math skills? Thats what were here for! This software offers simple math gameplay to iron out your math speed, while keeping a close eye on your progression.

Game Score and Logging

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Keep a close eye on your math progression, track your highs and your lows. This software tracks the time and date, correct and incorrect answers, the mode played, and the percentage score.

User Management System

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Multiple people on the same computer? No problem. With the user system you can have up to 4 different users on the same computer with one software instance. Each user with their own game log, highscores, and grade.

Diverse Options

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Why stop at multiplication? With the latest version, you can pick between addition, subtraction, multiplication, different difficulties, and times!

Wanna Contribute?

We would be glad to have you contribute to this software, and are welcome for all contributions. Please keep in mind that to run the source code in Python 3.11.2, you need a few things to run the code.

  • Clone Repo
git clone
  • Install Requirements Inside Repo
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Code!

Py-Math-Flash-Cards v1.0

12 Apr 23:12
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Py-Math Flash Cards v1.0

An unfinished taste of the complete overhaul!


○ New GUI, With Multiple Screens

○ User Management System

○ More Secure Highscore System

○ Different Operator, Time, and Difficulty Settings

○ New Sound Effects

Screenshot of the current GUI

v1 1
v1 2
v1 3
v1 5
v1 4

Py-Math-Flash-Cards v0.2.3.1

18 Feb 20:20
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Python-Tkinter Math Flash Cards

A Python program, using tkinter GUI libraries to create a working math flash card game, with a working timer, score, trackable highscore, and sound effects, that quizzes you up to the 12's!

Keep in mind that the source code has various dependencies on different libraries, so make sure they are all fully installed!

New and improved Math Flash Cards utilizing the tkinter GUI library on the version v0.2.3.1!

Newest Features

○ New GUI

○ Scoring system

○ Timer

○ Countdown timer

○ Anti-Duplicate math problem code, to prevent the same problem twice!

○ Trackable highscore

○ Lose points for wrong answers

○ New and Improved sounds!

○ Algorithm to feed back wrong answer to you until you get them right! (This is still very experimental and has some kinks to iron out)

Screenshot of the current GUI

Screenshot 2023-02-18 130651

Required Libraries


Please note that ONLY if your trying to run on Linux or Mac YOU MUST download the required libraries, and run through the file, however if your a windows user, the script is packaged up with all the necessary libraries needed to run

This build has also only been tested python version 3.10.10

The beautiful GUI was created and generated with the Tkinter Designer Tool!

Py-Math-Flash-Cards v0.2.2

18 Feb 20:14
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Python-Tkinter Math Flash Cards Release v0.2.2

New and Improved GUI, New Sounds!

This version brings a new, better looking GUI, as well as new sounds! This code is very inefficient and simplistic, but it works!

Screenshot 2023-02-18 140758
Screenshot 2023-02-18 140809

Py-Math-Flash-Cards v0.2.1

18 Feb 20:04
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Python-Tkinter Math Flash Cards Release v0.2.1

The release updates the GUI to make it pretty! this is the first build to use tkinter designer, other than the GUI change not much else was done!

Screenshot 2023-02-18 135852

Py-Math-Flash-Cards v0.1.0-v0.2.0 LEGACY

18 Feb 19:51
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Python-Tkinter Math Flash Cards Legacy Release

This release contains some of the old code that I used to get to where the project is today! These are very much early experimental builds, with many bugs, and anti-user friendly practices


Very very early code, and some of the first python code I ever wrote, this doesn't even use tkinter, so technically the title is lying, however this code is used in all the future builds, however in future builds (mainly v0,2.3) this code was tweaked

Screenshot 2023-02-18 132735

Screenshot 2023-02-18 132852


Again very bare bones, however now actually using tkinter! this is the same code as the one used in V0.1.0 but implemented with tkinter, many graphical bugs, and arguably worse off the the V0.1.0 build, but this is my first attempt with tkinter

Screenshot 2023-02-18 133235

Screenshot 2023-02-18 133247