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Shoes classifier


This is a little beginner computer vision project to learn a bit more about it hands-on, using the fastai library, timm pytorch models and the nike-adidas-and-converse-imaged kaggle dataset as well as scraped images.


  • Experiments: Run a few quick experiments to achieve a sort of "good enough" results for a first iteration
  • Evaluate model: Evaluate model on whole validation split
  • Extend dataset: Create a new test dataset by downloading (a few hundred) photos from the internet
  • Evaluate model: Evaluate model on the test dataset



In this notebooks I document a handful of quick experiments that I ran trying to solve this task. As you will see, there is nothing crazy systematic going on, just a few tries applying the heuristic of starting with a model that performs acceptably in general and can be trained fast.

After inspecting the dataset I decided to experiment with a couple of augmentations (rotation, zoom). I tried two sizes of a convnext architecture, the smaller one for quick experiments, the larger for final scaling.

Overall my impression is that this task is relatively simple and requires no so much fiddling around and/or sophisticated techniques. For example the augmentations showed relatively unstable performance improvements and having a larger network pretty much equates the best performance achieved with the smaller net. Also, as it can be seen in the experiments, the fine-tuning was almost already enough to get the maximum performance that I achieved in the experiments. I don't know exactly on which original dataset the convnext networks were trained, but I can imagine there were similarities with the dataset at hand here.

By looking at the confusion matrix and the test-time-augmented error rate I judged the performance was OK so I just decided to keep things simple and to stick to the larger net for inference on the test split.

A few examples were still wrongly classified and, interestingly enough, almost all models I tried got at least some of those example wrong (so that might be an interesting aspect to look into in the future). I also ran longer trainings (more epochs), but no meaningful improvement were seen.

Since I ran all the experiments with this train/valid split provided by the kaggle dataset, I then wanted to test how well the model generalizes. For that, I collected (web scraping) new photos that I used as a test split after finishing the experiments. I was surprised with the model's ability to generalize to unseen data, as we could see on the test-split results.

A few other takeaways/learnings

Rotation augmentation: Rotating the images seemed to be an obviously benefitial augmentation to me a priori because many images are themselves rotated in the original dataset. Still, I found it was pretty easy to mess up things by rotating too much (eg 60°).

Learning rate tuning: It is well known that this hyperparameter is absolutely critical. I thought I could make a better job of fine-tuning by doing some one-cycle frozen epochs and then re-running the fastai's LRFinder to adjust it more carefully after unfreezing and setting some tailored differential learning rates. Some experiments had better results, but not very consistently. Take away: the built-in heuristic to adjust the learning rate in the fastai's fine_tune method is pretty good (at least for this dataset and these architectures)!

In hindsight, sticking to the smaller model could have been better – it was a bit annoying to run the model evaluation on my small laptop and a similar performance could have been achieved by training longer/using more augmentations (as we saw in the experiments). Maybe \o/

Run the code

The easiest way is to create a conda virtual environment:

conda env create -f environment.yml

The names of the notebooks reflects the order of the work I did.

Further work

  • analize similarity (are we cheating by looking at same image twice (after download)?)
  • randomized crop augmentation might be worth trying
  • The model seems to still make some mistakes on what to my eyes are "easy" examples. It may be worth investigating why.
  • Deploy little app


An image classifier built with fastai







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