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Gestalten in Code

"program the beautiful"
Max Bense

What is "Gestalten in Code"?
It is an exploration into the the depths of generative design. It is learning material for an upcoming seminar at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Germany) by Fabian Morón Zirfas. It is an attempt to apply the "Laws of Gestalt" in programming. Last but not least it is a comparison of several creative coding frameworks. To show how the same language can be applied in different contexts. .

The examples on this site are clustered in different ways. By categories like form, color, typography, by framework like Processing, P5.js, Basil.js and also by the Laws of Gestalt like the Law of Proximity, the Law of Similarity or the Law of Common Fate (to name a few). Some of them might appear in different categories. Feel free to explore them. If you run into any errors, have questions or contributions contact me on GitHub.

{% include thumb-noblock.html url="/frameworks" title="Frameworks" thumb="/assets/images/logo-thumb.png" %}

{% include thumb-noblock.html url="/laws" title="Laws of Gestalt" thumb="/assets/images/gest-thumb.png" %}

{% include thumb-noblock.html url="/categories" title="Categories" thumb="/assets/images/cats-thumb.png" %}

{% comment %} {% capture tgs %}{% for page in site.pages %}{% for tag in page.tags %}{{ tag}},{% endfor %},{% endfor %}{% endcapture %} {% assign tag_words = tgs | split:',' | sort | uniq %} {{tgs}}

{% for tg in tag_words %} {% for page in site.pages %} {% assign title = page.title | downcase | replace: '.','' | replace: ' ','-'| replace:'ä','ae' | replace:'ö','oe'| replace:'ü','ue'| replace:'ß','ss' %} {% assign tgtxt = tg | downcase | replace: '.','' | replace: ' ','-'| replace:'ä','ae' | replace:'ö','oe'| replace:'ü','ue'| replace:'ß','ss' %} {% if title == tgtxt %} found a match --> {{title}}:{{tg}}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endcomment %}