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floatinghotpot edited this page Nov 29, 2014 · 19 revisions

GoogleAds PluginPro

Easy to Use

With this plugin, you can show Mobile Ad to earn money with 1 line of javascript code.

AdMob.createBanner({ adId:'ca-app-pub-xxx/9375997553', 

Stable & Proven

It has been tested with:

  • Apache Cordova CLI, v3.0+ (How To ...)
  • Intel XDK, r1095+ (How To ...)
  • IBM Worklight, v6.2+ (How To ...)
  • Google Mobile Chrome App (How To ...)
  • Adobe PhoneGap Build, NOT suported yet. (Reason: PhoneGap Build not accept binary files, even the jar or lib from official SDK.)

Fully Documented

Quick start, simply copy & paste:

API Reference:

Other Documentations:


  • Easy-to-use: Display Ad with single line of javascript code.
  • Powerful: Support banner, interstitial, and video Ad.
  • Max revenue: Support mediation with up to 8 leading mobile Ad services.
  • Multi-size: Multiple banner size, also support custom size.
  • Flexible: Fixed and overlapped mode, put banner at any position with overlap mode.
  • Smart: Auto fit on orientation change.
  • Same API: Exactly same API with other Ad plugins, easy to switch from one Ad service to another.
  • Up to date: Latest SDK and Android Google play services.
  • Good support: Actively maintained, prompt response.

Platforms supported:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows Phone

With mediation adapter, it can work with many other Ad networks and maximize your revenue. Tested:

  • AdMob (built-in)
  • DFP (DoubleClick for Publisher, built-in)
  • Facebook Audience Network
  • Flurry
  • iAd
  • InMobi
  • Millennial Media
  • MobFox