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floatinghotpot edited this page Sep 16, 2014 · 19 revisions

AdMob Plugin Pro

Present AdMob Ads in Mobile App/Games natively from JavaScript.


  • Support Banner Ad and Interstitial Ad.
  • Multiple banner size, also support custom size.
  • Fixed and overlapped mode.
  • Most flexible, put banner at any position with overlap mode.
  • Auto fit on orientation change.
  • Latest iOS SDK,
  • Latest Android Google play services.
  • Easy-to-use APIs. Can display Ad with single line of Js code.
  • Actively maintained, prompt support.
  • Compatible with Intel XDK/Crosswalk.
  • Recommended by Scirra Construct 2 Officially.


This AdMob Plugin Pro is published in a win-win partnership model:

  • It's FREE.
  • It's closed source.
  • 2% Ad traffic will be shared, as return for the support and maintenance effort.
  • You will get commercial-level support with high priority, prompt and professional.

If you hope to make the Ad 100% under your control and keep 100% Ad revenue, you can also consider spending $9.99 to get a license key to remove the 2% Ad traffic sharing. It's much cheaper than the $50.00 AdMob plugin for unity.

Then set the license key in options (either API setOptions, or createBanner, or prepareInterstitial):

    license: '[email protected]/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',

AdMob Plugin Pro is your best choice for HTML5/Cordova/PhoneGap/XDK/Construct2 app/games.

  • Recommended by Telerik in Verified Plugins Marketplace. read more ...
  • Recommended by William SerGio in code project (20 Jun 2014), read more ...
  • Recommended by Arne in Scirra Game Dev Forum (07 Aug, 2014), read more ...
  • Recommended by Intel XDK / Crosswalk (08/22/2014), read more ...
  • Recommended by Scirra Construct 2 (09/12/2014) official release, read more ...

More Cordova plugins by Raymond Xie, click here.

Project outsourcing and consulting service is also available. Please contact us if you have the business needs.