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Known Issues & Solution Workaround

Raymond Xie edited this page Jan 14, 2016 · 4 revisions

Error AdMob undefined

This will happen if plugin is not correctly installed or referenced.


  • Double check cordova.js referenced in your index.html, though you do not have it in your www folder, it will be created in staging folder by Cordova CLI when prepare/build:
<script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>
  • Refresh the files by removing the platform then add it back. Sometimes Cordova CLI may make mistakes, and not add the plugins correctly.
cordova platform remove android
cordova platform add android

If banner at bottom, soft keyboard overlap input box (if it's in bottom half area)

This happen when banner already showed at bottom, soft keyboard will be unable to resize / push up the web content.

If you do have need for soft keyboard input, here are a few work arounds:

  • solution 1: put the banner at top.
  • solution 2: hide banner temporarily when input/textarea get focus.


Bottom banner location at middle of screen, if showed when keyboard open

This will happen when banner showed AFTER soft keyboard is already open.

Using following code will fix it by re-show the banner:

// jquery required for following code
$("input").focus(function (e) {      
  }, 250)
}).blur(function (e) {        
  }, 250)


Game FPS drop when banner showed

After some investigation, I found that the FPS issue caused by banner is quite common, either Cordova or Unity, as it's caused by AdMob SDK.

According to Andrew suggested in AdMob official forum:

Banner ads (from any provider) can sometimes require significant resources to load and display, and as you saw they can negatively impact game performance, especially on older devices. There really isn't any way around this fact.

For this reason, AdMob recommends placing banners on pause screens, end-of-level screens, and so on -- screens that are displayed when the user isn't actively playing the game. This will help your framerate, and has the added bonus of a better CTR, since users are less likely to tap on an ad (even one they're interested in) if they're actively playing a game.
