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Fortify SSC Sample Parser Plugin - Usage


Fortify Application Security provides your team with solutions to empower DevSecOps practices, enable cloud transformation, and secure your software supply chain. As the sole Code Security solution with over two decades of expertise and acknowledged as a market leader by all major analysts, Fortify delivers the most adaptable, precise, and scalable AppSec platform available, supporting the breadth of tech you use and integrated into your preferred toolchain. We firmly believe that your great code demands great security, and with Fortify, go beyond 'check the box' security to achieve that.

This project provides an alternative implementation for the Fortify SSC sample parser provided at Compared to the original sample parser:

  • This project only provides parser functionality; it currently doesn't include functionality for generating sample parser input.
  • This alternative implementation provides better separation of concerns:
    • The main parser plugin class just provides very simple implementations for the parser SPI methods; actual parsing is done by dedicated parser classes.
    • Functionality for technical JSON parsing (looking for start and end of objects/arrays) is provided by the fortify-ssc-parser-util library
    • Parser implementations define handlers or use domain objects containing @JsonPropery-annotated fields for handling specific JSON elements.
  • This implementation includes some incomplete unit tests. These unit tests will try to parse a sample input file, failing if there are any parsing exceptions. Information about the parsed data is sent to stderr, but the unit tests don't test whether the actual data was parsed correctly.

Plugin Installation

These sections describe how to install, upgrade and uninstall the parser plugin in SSC.

Install & Upgrade


  • In Fortify Software Security Center:
    • Navigate to Administration->Plugins->Parsers
    • Select the parser plugin that you want to uninstall
    • Click the DISABLE button
    • Click the REMOVE button

Obtain results

Sample data is included in the sampleData directory. Additional sample data can be obtained using the original sample parser code; see for instructions.

Upload results

Results can be uploaded through the SSC web interface, REST API, or SSC client utilities like FortifyClient or fcli. The SSC web interface, FortifyClient and most other Fortify clients require the raw results to be packaged into a zip-file; REST API and fcli allow for uploading raw results directly.

To upload results through the SSC web interface or most clients:

  • Create a file containing a single line as follows:
  • Create a zip file containing the following:
    • The file generated in the previous step
    • The raw results file as obtained from the target system (see Obtain results section above)
  • Upload the zip file generated in the previous step to SSC
    • Using any SSC client, for example FortifyClient or Maven plugin
    • Or using the SSC web interface
    • Similar to how you would upload an FPR file

Both SSC REST API and fcli provide options for specifying the engine type directly, and as such it is not necessary to package the raw results into a zip-file with accompanying file. For example, fcli allows for uploading raw scan results using a command like the following:

fcli ssc artifact upload -f <raw-results-file> --appversion MyApp:MyVersion --engine-type SAMPLE_ALTERNATIVE

Developing your own parser plugin

The official documentation for developing SSC parser plugins is available at, and the official sample plugin implementation is available at

If you want to use this alternative example as a starting point for developing your own custom SSC parser plugin:

  • Generic changes:
    • Update settings.gradle according to the name of your project.
    • Rename packages/classes according to the type of data that you will be parsing.
    • Update src/main/resources/images with your plugin icon and logo.
    • Update src/main/resources/resources with relevant message properties.
    • Update src/main/resources/viewtemplate with the SSC view template used to display issue details.
    • Update src/main/resources/plugin.xml with your plugin name, icon/logo, message property files, view template, ...
    • Update to reflect the custom issue attributes that can be reported by your plugin.
    • Implement the actual functionality for parsing your data.
    • Update the main parser plugin class to invoke your actual parser implementations, and log the appropriate start/stop messages.
    • Add one or more sample input files in sampleData, and create/update corresponding JUnit tests (see
    • Update src/main/resources/plugin.xml based on all changes above and other plugin configuration.
    • Update src/main/resources/META-INF/services/com.fortify.plugin.spi.ParserPlugin to point to your renamed parser plugin class.
    • If you need any additional/other dependencies for your plugin, update build.gradle.
  • If you need to parse JSON data, use the fortify-ssc-parser-util-json library
  • If you need to parse XML data, use the fortify-ssc-parser-util-xml library
  • If you need to parse other types of data, consider developing a similar library and contributing this back to the fortify-ssc-parser-util project

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