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Accompanying data and source code for the manuscript

The different subdirectories contain:

  • 00-algorithm: source code for our network generation algorithm, and a raw mySQL dump of the database used to perform the study
  • 01-pathways-per-genus: source code for the pathway inference algorithm
    • 01-pathways-per-genus/validate_inference: code and data for validating genus-level core genome prediction (used here for pathway inference) using MAGs and isolate genomes
  • 02-network-generation: commands and auxiliary data used for network generation and annotation
    • 02-network-generation/ commands used to generate the individual per-environment networks
    • 02-network-generation/01-output: output of running the commands in 02-network-generation/ For each environment, this includes a presence-absence matrix of genera in samples, and the resulting networks in the gpickle and xml formats
    • 02-network-generation/ commands used to combine the individual environmental networks into a multi-environment network, and perform phylogenetic and functional annotation
    • 02-network-generation/02-output: output of running the commands in 02-network-generation/
      • 02-network-generation/02-output/merged6.2.unlooped.avgFunPhyl.pathways.xml: final combined and annotated network
      • 02-network-generation/02-output/merged6.2.networkTable.csv: network table containing annotations for each node in the network
      • 02-network-generation/02-output/consensusNet.sif: consensus network (edge support > 70) in the SIF format
    • 02-network-generation/goodMetaCyc: accompanying data
      • 02-network-generation/goodMetaCyc/oct2020.combined_noPWY0-1324.tsv: fraction of genomes from each genera containing any given pathway
      • 02-network-generation/goodMetaCyc/phylodist_clean.table.tsv: phylogenetic distances between genera
      • Other accessory files linking MetaCyc pathway IDs to pathway names and broader functional categories
  • 03-analysis: R code used to analyze the results, and the resulting figures

The following conda environment should provide the libraries required to run the different steps of the analysis: conda create -c conda-forge -c r -n microbialNetworks networkx==1.11 lxml pandas scipy rpy2 mysqlclient cython r r-ade4 r-ggplot2 r-reshape2 r-purrr r-gplots r-dendextend r-svglite r-stringr For reproducing the results in 01-pathways-per-genus/validate_inference, mOTUlizer can be installed with python3 -m pip install mOTUlizer==0.2.4


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