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Releases: fracpete/python-weka-wrapper3

Release v0.2.16

09 May 23:27
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  • no longer lists python-javabridge with github URL, as it fails to install via pip otherwise

Release v0.2.15

09 May 23:09
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  • the methods create_instances_from_lists and create_instances_from_matrices of the weka.core.dataset module can handle missing values now (None in case of lists, nan in case of matrices), as well as being able to force columns to be nominal
  • added the method load_csv_file to the module weka.core.converters to provide a more reliable way of loading CSV files compared to Weka's native CSVLoader converter (uses Python's csv module and then calls create_instances_from_lists).
  • added simple_range library as dependency to make it easier to generate integer list from range strings
  • added weka.core.utils module with following methods: correlation, variance, normalize
  • updated requirements (and install instructions) to make pww3 work with Python 3.11+

Release v0.2.14

03 Jul 23:16
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  • extracted arpack_combined.jar, core.jar and mtj.jar from weka.jar to make them available under Java 17

Release v0.2.13

25 Apr 22:48
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  • moved Configurable and JSONObject into configurable-objects library
  • moved base flow components into simple-data-flow library
  • added methods subset_results, rank_results to class AttributeSelection (module: weka.attribute_selection) to give access to cross-validation output in numeric rather textual form (NB: it has to parse the textual CV output).
  • made the plot_experiments method (module weka.plot.experiments) more customizable

Release v0.2.12

07 Dec 20:40
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  • method install_packages (module: weka.core.packages) now no longer interprets the installation message returned when installing from URL or local zip file as failure to install; also outputs any installation message now in the console; now has flags for fail_fast mode (first package that fails stops installation process) and whether to return details (dict per package rather than just a bool for all packages)
  • method install_package (module: weka.core.packages) can return either a boolean flag of success or detailed information

Release v0.2.11

10 Oct 21:39
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  • methods install_packages and install_missing_packages of module weka.core.packages now allow a list of package names instead of tuples (name, version), assuming latest as version
  • method get_jclass in module weka.core.classes can handle primitive classes now as well (eg int -> java.lang.Integer.TYPE)
  • methods get_non_public_field and call_non_public_method in module weka.core.classes allow accessing private/protected fields and calling private/protected methods of Java objects, which avoids having to sub-class classes to get public access to them (NB: only works as long as the security manager allows that)
  • added split_commandline method to module weka.core.classes, which splits a command-line into classname and option list tuple
  • the Instances class (module: weka.core.dataset) now supports slicing
  • added methods plot_xmlbif_graph and xmlbif_to_dot to module weka.plot.graph for plotting XML BIF graphs generated by BayesNet using GraphViz
  • added method plot_graph to module weka.plot.graph to plot dot or XML BIF graphs

Release v0.2.10

26 Jun 23:49
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  • added logging_level parameter to the start method of the weka.core.jvm module, enabling the user to turn off debugging output in an easy way (#40)
  • added method cv_splits to class Instances from module weka.core.dataset to return a list of train/test tuples as used by cross-validation
  • the Tester class (module: weka.experiments) now has an option to swap columns/rows for comparing datasets rather than classifiers
  • the SimpleExperiment class and derived classes (module: weka.experiments) now have the additional parameters in the constructor: class_for_ir_statistics, attribute_id, pred_target_column
  • the method is_installed (module: weka.core.packages) now can check whether a specific version is installed
  • added pww-packages entry point to allow managing of Weka packges from the command-line (actions: list/info/install/uninstall/suggest/is-installed)

Release v0.2.9

16 Apr 23:23
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  • method JavaObject.new_instance in module weka.core.classes now automatically installs packages based on suggestions if the JVM was started with the auto_install flag enabled.
  • method test_model_once of class Evaluation (module: weka.classifiers) now has the additional parameter store, which allows the recording of the predictions (necessary for statistics like AUC)

Release v0.2.8

24 Mar 01:58
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  • methods create_instances_from_lists and create_instances_from_matrices (module weka.core.dataset) now allow the specification of column names, for input and output variables.

Release v0.2.7

21 Feb 22:30
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  • Added property for attribute indices to DistanceFunction class (module weka.core.distances) (thanks to Martin Trat, #39)
  • improved instantiation of classes, avoiding misleading output of exceptions
  • JavaArray class (module: weka.core.classes) now has __str__ and __repr__ methods that output classname and size