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EE4C16 - Self Driving Car Lab


This lab is based on Udacity's self driving car simulator, which is a nice testbed for training an autonomous car using Convolutional Neural Networks.

Simulated Self Driving Car Project Demo

The simulator, written in Unity, allows you to drive a car around a track and record a video of the front view of the ride as well as the input commands.

You will upload this training data (the images + the input commands) to the clusters and train a CNN to predict the steering angle command from the front view image alone. Thus, the input of your CNN is an image and the output is the steering angle.

You will then download back the trained model onto your lab machine so that you can run the car simulation in autonomous mode.

Preparing your lab machine

  1. Download and extract the ZIP of this repo (download link here). Rename this folder self-driving-lab.

  2. If you are on the CADLab machines, start the anaconda prompt, Anaconda Prompt (Miniconda3)


Note: Make sure you select Anaconda Prompt (Miniconda3), you must find specifically this version, inside All Programs -> Anaconda 3 (64 bit).

  1. In your conda prompt, go to the extracted self-driving-lab directory and then type:
conda env create -f environment.yml

Then activate the environment. On windows you'll do:

conda activate 4c16

This will take a while, so in the meantime, let's play with the simulator (see step 4).

  1. Download our modified Udacity's self driving car simulator.

On the Lab machines, you will find a copy on c:\4c16 Car\. Otherwise you can download a version for your system here:

On OSX, you'll need to follow instructions for how to open an app from an unidentified developer.

Local Machine setup

If you want to install this on your machine, you will need miniconda or anaconda to use the environment setting, or simply install the depencies with pip.

NOTE: If you using Apple M* (M1/M2) PC, you will have to install tensorflow-macos and tensorflow-metal instead of tensorflow.

Collecting the training data

  1. Start up the Udacity self-driving simulator, choose the lake scene (left) and press the Training Mode button.

  2. Then press R key and select the data folder, where your training images and CSV will be stored.

  3. Press R again to start recording and R to stop recording and wait for the processing of video to complete.

  4. You should do around 1 to 5 laps of the lake track.

  5. Zip both driving_log.csv file and IMG directory into a zip file that you will name (do this by selecting these two items inside the recordings folder and selecting 'create archive', rather than by right-clicking and compressing the folder from the parent). Then upload inside the 4c16-labs/data directory of your Google Drive. image

  6. In the Jupyter notebook, the cell containing the following line will unzip the file to the Colab:

!unzip -o -qq /content/gdrive/MyDrive/4c16-labs/data/ -d /content/recordings

Training your CNN

check the Jupyter notebook for instructions.

Run in autonomous mode

  1. Once you have trained your model and saved the weights in model.h5. Download the weights back to your lab machine in the self-driving-lab directory.

  2. Start up the Udacity self-driving simulator, choose the lake (left) scene and press the Autonomous Mode button.

  3. In your conda prompt type

python model.h5

and watch.

  1. to stop the simulation: close the simulator window. Check in the prompt window that the outout file car_positions.npz has been saved. Type ctrl-c. It may take a while before ctrl-c has an effect.

Check that the output file is in your directory and uplaod car_positions.npz to your lab-07 folder in the Google Drive and add it to your git for assessment.

Important remark

One key take away from this lab should be that, more important than the network architecture is the design/collection of the training data. Think about what the network needs to learn! If your system performs poorly, this is probably because the training set is poor.


NVIDIA's paper: End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars for the inspiration and model structure.

Siraj Raval & naokishibuya


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