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Hash Array Mapped Tries

This library contains:

It was completed as part of the B503 Algorithms graduate course at Indiana University Bloomington (Fall 2016). It was also just a great excuse to learn all this stuff.


The accompanying paper gives a tutorial on HAMT's, and outlines other details are required by my course which are less useful for the casual reader.

PersistentHashMap port

The top-level directory of this repository is a Leiningen project containing a HAMT port.

To use, first install Leiningen.

Start a REPL in the top-level directory of this repository.

ambrose@ambrose-VirtualBox:~/Projects/B503/term-project$ lein repl
nREPL server started on port 41576 on host - nrepl://
REPL-y 0.3.7, nREPL 0.2.12
Clojure 1.9.0-alpha13
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_101-b13
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
          (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
  Source: (source function-name-here)
 Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
    Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, an exception in *e

user=> (require '[ :as hamt])

The function hamt/hash-map then creates a new HAMT with as the underlying type.

It is a full hash map with the same features as clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap.

user=> (hamt/hash-map 1 2 2 3 3 4)
{1 2, 3 4, 2 3}
user=> (= (hamt/hash-map 1 2 2 3 3 4) {1 2 2 3 3 4})
user=> (into (hamt/hash-map) (zipmap (range 16) (range 16)))
{0 0, 7 7, 1 1, 4 4, 15 15, 13 13, 6 6, 3 3, 12 12, 
 2 2, 11 11, 9 9, 5 5, 14 14, 10 10, 8 8}

Visualizing HAMTs

The namespace also comes with visualization capabilities. It uses rhizome to create a new window with the summarized HAMT.

user=> (hamt/visualize (hamt/hash-map 1 2))

Here's what would pop up.

Each internal level of the HAMT is rooted by either a BitmapIndexedNode, HashCollisionNode, or an ArrayNode.

Most commonly, the resizable BitmapIndexedNode will be the main branching internal node in your tree.

In the above example, the level is 0: that is the trie is branching on the first 5 bits of the key hashes. The 32-bit bitmap is also displayed---here the 5th bit is set to 1. The current root node has allocated room for only 4 nodes (which means an array of size 8 has been allocated for each key-value pair). The node also says only 1 spot of the possible 4 has been filled. This number will increase as the node gets more branches. After 16 entries, the root node will be replaced with an ArrayNode.

For larger HAMT's, it helps to output to png instead. There's a roundabout way of doing this: first output to dot, then use a terminal command to output a scaled png.

;; write HAMT to
user=> (hamt/dot-to-disk 
         (hamt/hash-map :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5 
                        :f 6 :g 7 :h 8 :i 9 :j 10) 

Now, in the terminal, run:

cat  | dot -Gdpi=64 -Tpng:cairo:cairo > example.png

The output should be in example.png.

For convenience, here are the hashes of each key, split into 7 levels.

             6    5     4     3     2     1     0
(hash :a) = 10 00000 10110 11110 10111 11000 11110
(hash :b) = 01 01100 00101 10001 11100 11010 10110
(hash :c) = 10 01011 01110 01111 10100 10111 10001
(hash :d) = 01 11010 11000 11001 00000 01010 11000
(hash :e) = 01 01001 00101 01000 11111 10110 01110
(hash :f) = 10 10000 01100 11011 01000 01010 11000
(hash :g) = 01 10011 11001 10010 01001 01101 10001
(hash :h) = 01 00001 00010 01000 00011 00011 10100
(hash :i) = 10 10110 10101 01100 11110 11000 11101
(hash :j) = 10 10110 01010 11001 00110 01000 10011

There are a couple of extra details in these larger HAMT visualizations.

The children of a branching node are ordered in the same order at the bitmap. For example, :e is the far right child of the root node because its entry is the far right most (least significant) 1.

Now we can also see what happens when collisions happen at a level. The hashes for :c and :g collide in the first 5 bits (10001), so we create a new level to disambiguate them on the next 5 bits (10111 and 01101 respectively for each). Since the hash at bits 5-9 for :g is a lower number that :c's, it occurs on the left.

This disambiguation continues in the same way if collisions happen in lower levels, like :f and :d, who share the same first 10 bits in their hashes. A level 2 node is used to disambiguate them at hash bits 10-14.

Keyword map optimizations

I experimented with a cool little idea: generating defrecords at runtime. The finished product wasn't too successful, but there seems to be more to be said in this area.

A prototype is implemented in It is not a complete map implementation, but enough to run a couple of benchmarks.

There are two main classes:

  • UncachedMap: a wrapper for PersistentHashMap that also remembers the keyword keys. If a specialized map for the current keyword keys set exists, then it is coerces into a CachedMap* on the next assoc operation.
  • CachedMap*: a family of record-like datatypes that offer a fast lookup on a fixed set of keys like defrecord. We compile many different variants for each common keyset (eg. CachedMap1, CachedMap542). On assoc, if there is a specialized CachedMap* available, it coerces to it, otherwise it defaults back to an UncachedMap.

A separate thread performs the actual compilation, to avoid too much overhead during assoc. (Below)

(let [actually-me current-thread]
      (fn []
        (loop []
          (Thread/sleep 100)
          ;; kill the thread if we recompile
          (when (= actually-me current-thread)
            (doseq [[k v] @keys-frequencies]
              (when (< gen-threshold v)
                (generate-fast-kw-map k)))

Map assoc operations simply write to keys-frequencies, incrementing a counter for the frequency of a given keyset. If a keyset occurs more than gen-threshold times (set to 16), a specialized CachedMap* is generated for the current keyset.

Since the optimizations happen on an assoc operation, a little benchmark to show off the implementation is given that performs 20 assoc operations, with 100,000 lookups between each assoc. (Below)

(defn exercise-bench [f n]
  (loop [i 20
         m (f (into {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4
                     :e 5 :f 6 :g 7 :h 8}
                    (map #(vector % %) (range n))))]
    (when-not (zero? i)
      (dotimes [_ 100000] 
        (+ (:a m) (:b m) (:c m) (:d m)
           (:e m) (:f m) (:g m) (:h m)))
      (recur (dec i) (update m :a inc)))))

The benchmark always runs with a fixed map {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5 :f 6 :g 7 :h 8}. The n parameter with generate n extra entries, designed to fill up the HAMT to show better performance in the specialized versions.

We first test with zero extra keys. For plain maps:

user=> (time (fast/exercise-bench #(into {} %) 0))
"Elapsed time: 918.679767 msecs"

For hand rolled defrecords:

user=> (defrecord Exercise [a b c d e f g h])
user=> (time (fast/exercise-bench map->Exercise 0))
"Elapsed time: 788.005321 msecs"

For optimized maps:

user=> (time (fast/exercise-bench fast/uncached-1arg 0))
"use optimised map"
"Elapsed time: 901.342483 msecs"
user=> (time (fast/exercise-bench fast/uncached-1arg 0))
"use optimised map"
"Elapsed time: 785.89559 msecs"

The optimization takes a while to kick in, but seem to show similar speedups as records.

For 1,000 extra keys, things are still looking ok for the optimized map, which keeps up with records.

user=> (time (fast/exercise-bench #(into {} %) 1000))
"Elapsed time: 1375.165084 msecs"
user=> (time (fast/exercise-bench map->Exercise 1000))
"Elapsed time: 766.720069 msecs"
user=> (time (fast/exercise-bench fast/uncached-1arg 1000))
"use optimised map"
"Elapsed time: 773.391029 msecs"

Future work

It would be nice if the HAMT implementation in could be swapped in as the default persistent map implementation in Clojure. There is some preliminary work in, but there's some stuff hardcoded in which is getting in the way.

Then, transferring optimizations such as the one I experimented with into a full implementation like would allow us to test on large programs that extensively use plain maps as records (eg. tools.analyzer).



Copyright © 2016 Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Exploration of Hash Array Mapped Tries.







No releases published
