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Dynamic import and prefetch of images, components and data

No due date 0% complete

Somehow, our application may import modules (what could be components, images or JSON data files) dynamically (with its matching babel polyfill) and using prefetch order number to prioritize those chunks we should need to be first in the dynamic loading queue.

We also want to use webpackMode for choosing destination chunks: one chunk for many modules (laz…

Somehow, our application may import modules (what could be components, images or JSON data files) dynamically (with its matching babel polyfill) and using prefetch order number to prioritize those chunks we should need to be first in the dynamic loading queue.

We also want to use webpackMode for choosing destination chunks: one chunk for many modules (lazy-once), parent chunk (eager) or module's own chunk (lazy).
By using webpackChunkName we will set names to chunks rather than letting webpack assigning just numbers.

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