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fujaru edited this page Dec 9, 2017 · 1 revision

This page documents how transliteration rulemap works. The rules are defined under Aromanize.rules object. This documentation is intended for developers to define new transliteration rules utilizing Aromanize transliteration engine.

From Hangul

    hyphen: [String],
    cho: Object,
    cho2: [Object],
    jung: Object,
    jong: Object


since 0.1.5 optional

string Character used to hyphenate syllables.


since 0.1

Object Character map for first consonant (초성).


since 0.1.5 optional

Object When provided, this map will be used in place of cho for subsequent syllables in a word.


since 0.1

Object Character map for middle vowel (중성)


since 0.1

Object Character map for final consonant (종성). This map can also be used to match combination of final and first consonant of the next syllable. For example, 'ᆫᄅ': 'll' changes final n to l and first r to l.


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  1. Transcription Rules
  2. API Documentation
    1. Aromanize
    2. String
  3. Developer Documentation
    1. Rulemaps
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