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Minecraft server protected by Cloudflare Spectrum


Terraform recipe to create your own personal economical Minecraft server in Google Cloud that is proxied by Cloudflare Spectrum.


  • Preemptible VM instance running Minecraft server in a docker container
  • Reserved public IP and persistent disk
  • Advanced DDoS attack protection


  • Install Terraform and gcloud command line tool
  • Authenticate to Google Cloud
gcloud auth application-default login
  • Get the Project ID
DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID="$(gcloud config get-value project)"
  • Create Google Cloud service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create terraform --display-name "Terraform service account"
  • Create Google Cloud service account key
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./key.json \
  --iam-account terraform@$
  • Create Cloudflare API Token that contains Zone Settings:Edit permission
  • Edit terraform.tfvars file with the corresponding variable values
# Cloudflare
cloudflare_api_token = "YOUR_CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN"
cloudflare_zone_id = "YOUR_CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID"
cloudflare_spectrum_hostname = "YOUR_SPECTRUM_HOSTNAME"

gcp_project = "YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_ID"
credentials_file = "key.json"
gcp_region = "asia-southeast1"
gcp_zone = "asia-southeast1-b"
  • Run Terraform in the directory containing the repository
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply 


Approximate operating cost for GCP:

Resources Cost
Reserved IP address $1.46/month
Reserved 10Gb disk $0.40
Preemptible VM instance $0.01/hour

Cloudflare Spectrum features that are available depends on the plan you are subscribed to.

Cloudflare Plan Protocol Data Allowance Cost
Free none n/a $0/month
Pro SSH, Minecraft 5GB/month(*) $20/month
Business SSH, Minecraft, RDP 10GB/month(*) $200/month
Enterprise SSH, Minecraft, RDP 10GB/month(*) Custom price

(*) After the free cap you will be billed $1/GB. Traffic generated from DDoS attacks do not incur charges.


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