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Go WebSocket


This is a simple websocket chat application.

The server and client were written in Go and VueJS.

See the Features




The websocket packaged used in this project is:


Testing the app locally

The ./public/script.js file has a ENVIRONMENTS const that can be used to switch between the local server and the production server.

  1. find and replace the ENVIRONMENTS const in ./public/script.js:

    search for .PROD. and replace it with .DEV.

  2. run the server:

    go run ./main.go

Connect to the server only

To open a new WebSocket connection to the server, you have to pass the following query parameters:

  • nickname: the nickname of the user
  • room: the room name (optional, default: general)


  1. Connect to the general room with the nickname John:

    const ws = new WebSocket(
  2. Subscribe to see the messages from the ws:

    ws.onmessage = (event) => {

    if you don't want to get spammed with the notifications, you can filter the messages:

    ws.onmessage = (event) => {
      const data = JSON.parse(;
      if (data.type === "message") {
  3. Send a message to the server:

    You can send two types of messages to the server: message and notification.

    • message: a message that will be displayed in the chat
    • notification: the sender will be added to a list of who is typing (displayed below the chat)

    3.1. Payload message format:

        "type": "message", // string (required): accepted values = "message", "notification"
        "from": {
            "nickname": "John", // string (required): your nickname
            "color": "#000000", // string (optional): hexadecimal color (default: #000000)
        content: "Hello world!", // string (required for "message" type): the message content
        isTyping: true, // boolean (required for "notification" type): notifies other connected clients that you are typing

    3.2. Sending a Hello world! message:

        type: "message",
        from: {
          nickname: "John",
        content: "Hello world!",