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category: Bug Fix
category: Bug Fix
Fixes a previously-reported issue
category: Bug
category: Bug
Something isn't working
category: Debug Help
category: Debug Help
Request for help debugging GCHP
category: Discussion
category: Discussion
An extended discussion of a particular topic
category: Feature Request
category: Feature Request
New feature or request
category: Question
category: Question
Further information is requested
category: Submodule Update Instructions
category: Submodule Update Instructions
never stale
never stale
Never label this issue as stale
This update will not change the results of fullchem benchmark simulations
No recent activity on this issue
TODO: Documentation
TODO: Documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
TODO: MAPL development
TODO: MAPL development
topic: Build
topic: Build
Related to makefiles or the build sequence
topic: Carbon Simulation
topic: Carbon Simulation
Specific to GCHP carbon simulation
topic: Containers
topic: Containers
Relating to environment containers
topic: Diagnostics
topic: Diagnostics
Related to output diagnostic data
topic: GitHub
topic: GitHub
Related to GitHub templates or actions
topic: Input Data
topic: Input Data
Related to input data
topic: Offline Regridding
topic: Offline Regridding
Related to regridding files before or after run
topic: Online Regridding
topic: Online Regridding
Related to MAPL regridding during run-time
topic: Performance
topic: Performance
Related to GCHP model speed and/or memory
topic: Restart Files
topic: Restart Files
Related to GCHP restart files
topic: Run Directories
topic: Run Directories
Related to GCHP run directories
topic: Runtime
topic: Runtime
Related to runtime issues (e.g. simulation stops with error)
topic: Stretched Grid
topic: Stretched Grid
Specific to stretched grid simulation
topic: Usability
topic: Usability
Related to how user-friendly the model is