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Nacelle Littledata Nuxt Module

Integrate Littledata in your Nacelle Nuxt Starter project


This plugin makes it easier to add the Google Analytics client ID to checkout attributes, as documented in step 4 of Littledata's headless setup guide.


Add Module to Nacelle

Once you have Nacelle, Google Analytics and Littledata set up you can install this module in your project from npm:

npm install @nacelle/nacelle-littledata-nuxt-module --save

In nuxt.config.js, add @nacelle/nacelle-littledata-nuxt-module to the modules array:

modules: [
  // ...other modules,

Finally, use the $getLittledataMetafield function to add the Google Analytics client ID to $nacelle.checkout.process:

const processCheckoutObject = await this.$nacelle.checkout.process({
  cartItems: getters.checkoutLineItems,
  checkoutId: getters.checkoutIdForBackend,
  metafields: [await this.$getLittledataMetafield()],