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Openldap docker image for Shibboleth IDP

This image is based on osixia/openldap docker image and is configured as Shibboleth IDP backend for password authentication. The image has some custom ldiff and a schema file to pre-populate the directory with a new objectclass which has some custom attributetype.

The new objectclass, see spid.schema, is spidObject and is a SUP inetOrgPerson that MUST have the attributetype spidCode and MAY have some of name, mobilePhone, digitalAddress, expirationDate, address, email, familyName, placeOfBirth, countyOfBirth, dateOfBirth, gender, companyName, registeredOffice, fiscalNumber, ivaCode, idCard: fields are defined by AGID - Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale but you can change according your needs.

The spidCode is an unique identifier assigned by the Identity Provider and cannot be changed by the user. A custom ocl is defined to deny any change to this field: see 00-ocl.ldiff. The file enable everyone to read the directory except for the userPassword and shadowLastChange fields that are granted to the admin user only in write mode.

The directory is pre-populated with the OU Users and some users:

  • admin: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org the directory admin;
  • shibboleth: uid=shibboleth,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=org which is the user Shibboleth IDP uses to connect to the directory;
  • test: uid=test,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=org used for authentication.

The password is password.1 for all users.


Building the image

To build the image:

docker build -t giafar/spid-ldap .

if you change the tag giafar/spid-ldap please remember to modify the docker-compose.yml file as well.

From docker hub

To download the image from docker hub

docker pull giafar/spid-ldap

Running the image

To run the image in interactive mode and expose the LDAP protocol:

docker run -it --name spid-ldap -p 389:389 giafar/spid-ldap

or in detach mode

docker run -d --name spid-ldap -p 389:389 giafar/spid-ldap

To look at the logs in detached mode

docker container log --follow spid-ldap

To get the ip adddress of a running container

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' spid-ldap


TSL is not configured so is available only LDAP and not LDAPS.