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Feature ideas

deeplook edited this page Mar 12, 2021 · 4 revisions

This is an emerging list of possible features to be implemented in this repository/project (carefully avoiding the term "wish list").


  • add more value to the already rich Jupyter widgets (ipywidgets) and ipyleaflet ecosystem
  • provide a home for reusable map tools (widgets/layers/controls) people tend to write after using ipyleaflet for a while
  • have tools integrated with the existing ipyleaflet/ipywidgets ecosystem
  • provide builtin tools with no dependencies on other packages, but also
  • provide dedicated tools for other packages like geemap
  • integrate into ipyleaflet at some point of time if that appears useful


  • add/access/remove tools to/on/from the map more dynamically
  • allow tools to be used outside a map, but in the notebook if possible
  • address some issues with existing ipyleaflet layers/controls like LayersControl
  • add some tests if possible
  • make tools expand/collapse to save space on the map if not needed
  • give tools a close button to save even more space
  • provide a "main tool" (tool bar) to find and use other tools
  • add/remove tools to/from by calling some function/method in a Jupyter cell
  • add/remove tools to/from via the tool bar GUI

Candidate tools

  • some tool bar as the main access point to all other tools
  • some TileLayerControl with improved access to the TileLayers (bitmap basemaps)
  • some similar VectorTileLayerControl, but for VectorTileLayers (vector basemaps)
  • some other LayersControl with improved access to the map layers (GeoJSON, etc.)
  • some StyleControl as UI for the style, hover_style and point_style parameters
  • some data selection/loading/importing tool
  • some data saving/exporting tool
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