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Table of contents


  • Control buttons to reorder items.
  • Drag and Drop.
  • Customizable API.
  • Custom 'item', 'sourceHeader' and 'targetHeader' templates.
  • Multiple selection.
  • Keyboard navigation.
  • Accessibility.

Getting started

ngx-picklist is used to reorder items between different lists. Items can be reordered using control buttons and drag and drop.
ngx-picklist uses @angular/cdk's DragDropModule: npm i @angular/cdk

Step 1: Install ngx-picklist:


npm i ngx-picklist

Step 2: Import the NgxPicklistModule:

import {NgxPicklistModule} from '@gmerabishvili/ngx-picklist';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [NgxPicklistModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Usage sample


  <ng-template #sourceHeaderTemplate>
    <h3 class="title">Available</h3>

  <ng-template #targetHeaderTemplate>
    <h3 class="title">Selected</h3>

  <ng-template #itemTemplate let-item>
    <div class="item">
      <div class="image-container">
        <img src="assets/images/{{item.image}}" [alt]="" class="image"/>
      <div class="item-detail">
        <span class="text">{{item.category}}</span>
      <div class="item-description">
        <span class="text">{{item.description}}</span>

class TestComponent {
  sourceBooks: any[] = [
      id: 1,
      name: "Design Patterns",
      description: "Book Description",
      image: "design-patterns.jpg",
      category: "Programming",
      price: 99
      id: 2,
      name: "Eloquent Javascript",
      description: "Book Description",
      image: "eloquent-javascript.jpg",
      category: "Programming",
      price: 150
      id: 3,
      name: "Javascript Ninja",
      description: "Book Description",
      image: "javascript-ninja.jpg",
      category: "Programming",
      price: 250

  targetBooks: any[] = []
  onMoveToTarget(event: any) {
    // console.log(event);

  onMoveToSource(event: any) {
    // console.log(event);



Input Type Default Required Description
[source] Array<any> [] yes An array of objects for the source list.
[target] Array<any> [] yes An array of objects for the target list.
showControls boolean true no Whether to show control buttons.
showResetControl boolean false no Whether to show reset control button. It is hidden by default.
styleClass string - no Style class of the component.
disabled boolean false no When present, it specifies that the component should be disabled.
dragdropDisabled boolean false no When present, it specifies that the Drag and Drop should be disabled.
trackBy (index: number, item: any) => item Function no Function to optimize the DOM operations by delegating to ngForTrackBy, default algorithm checks for object identity.
sourceHeaderTemplate TemplateRef<any> null no Custom header template of source list.
targetHeaderTemplate TemplateRef<any> null no Custom header template of target list.
itemTemplate TemplateRef<any> null yes Custom item template. Parameters: $implicit: Data of the item; index: Index of the item


Output Description
(movedToTarget) Event is emitted when items are moved from source to target.
(movedAllToTarget) Event is emitted when all items are moved from source to target.
(movedToSource) Event is emitted when items are moved from target to source.
(movedAllToSource) Event is emitted when all items are moved from target to source.
(targetReordered) Event is emitted when items are reordered within target list.
(sourceReordered) Event is emitted when items are reordered within source list.
(targetSelected) Event is emitted when items are selected within target list.
(sourceSelected) Event is emitted when items are selected within target list.
(reset) Event is emitted when reset control button is present and clicked.

Support ngx-picklist!

If you do love ngx-picklist I would appreciate a donation :)

