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/ gocept.logging Public archive

This package provides infrastructure for semi-structured log messages.


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This package provides infrastructure for semi-structured log messages.

This means appending easily parseable information after the free-text log message to facilitate analysis of the logs later on. The logging module of the Python standard library already has support for this, via the extra parameter. gocept.logging provides a Formatter that extracts these extra values, formats them as key=value pairs and appends them to the message:

>>> import gocept.logging
>>> import logging
>>> import sys

>>> handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
>>> handler.setFormatter(gocept.logging.SyslogKeyValueFormatter())
>>> log = logging.getLogger('example')
>>> log.addHandler(handler)
>>> log.warning('Hello, world!', extra={'foo': 'bar'})
Aug 24 12:10:08 localhost example: Hello, world! foo=bar

This package is tested to be compatible with Python version 2.7 and 3.3.

If you have extra values that you always want to pass to your log messages (e.g things like the current user, session id, ...) you can wrap your logger with an LoggerAdapter that prefills these values. gocept.logging provides one that allows both stacking adapters and overriding the prefilled values:

>>> from gocept.logging.adapter import StaticDefaults
>>> import logging

>>> log = logging.getLogger('advanced')
>>> log = StaticDefaults(log, {'foo': 'bar', 'qux': 'baz'})
>>> log = StaticDefaults(log, {'blam': 'splat'})
>>> log.warning('Hello, world!', extra={'foo': 'override'})
    # yields {'foo': 'override', 'qux': 'baz', 'blam': 'splat'}

To help inspecting the extra values, gocept.logging comes with a specialized handler for testing:

>>> import gocept.logging
>>> import logging

>>> log = logging.getLogger('testing')
>>> handler = gocept.logging.TestingHandler()
>>> log.addHandler(handler)
>>> log.warning('Hello, world!', extra={'foo': 'bar'})
>>> handler.messages[0].extra['foo']

The TestingHandler records each log message as a namedtuple of type gocept.logging.testing.LogMessage so you an easily access all parts of the message.

Creating semi-structured log messages is the first half of the issue, while analysing them is the second half. We use logstash for that purpose.

The recommended setup is:

application -> syslogd on localhost -> logstash on central host (via UDP syslog input)

For development you might want to leave out the middle man and configure the application to send log messags via syslog protocol directly to logstash.

If you have a paste.ini for your application, you might use something like this:

keys = root

keys = console, syslog

keys = generic, keyvalue

level = INFO
handlers = console, syslog

class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic

format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s %(name)s: %(message)s

class = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler
args = ()
formatter = keyvalue

class = gocept.logging.SyslogKeyValueFormatter

If you have a Zope application, you might use something like this:

    formatter zope.exceptions.log.Formatter
    format %(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s %(name)s: %(message)s
    path STDOUT
    formatter gocept.logging.SyslogKeyValueFormatter


$EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive off
$MaxMessageSize 64k
user.* @localhost:5140

The first two lines are to support tracebacks, which are multiline and might take up some space. The last line tells rsyslogd to forward all messages of the user facility (which is what stdlib logging uses by default) via syslog UDP protocol to localhost port 5140 (where logstash might be listening).

input {
        tcp {
                host => "localhost"
                port => 5140
                type => syslog
        udp {
                host => "localhost"
                port => 5140
                type => syslog

filter {
        grok {
                type => "syslog"
                pattern => [ "(?m)<%{POSINT:syslog_pri}>%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} %{DATA:syslog_program}(?:\[%{POSINT:syslog_pid}\])?: %{GREEDYDATA:syslog_message}" ]
        syslog_pri {
                type => "syslog"
        date {
                type => "syslog"
                match => [ "syslog_timestamp", "MMM  d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss" ]
        mutate {
                type => "syslog"
                exclude_tags => "_grokparsefailure"
                replace => [ "@source_host", "%{syslog_hostname}" ]
                replace => [ "@message", "%{syslog_program}: %{syslog_message}" ]
        mutate {
                type => "syslog"
                remove => [ "syslog_hostname", "syslog_timestamp" ]
        kv {
                exclude_tags => "_grokparsefailure"
                type => "syslog"

output {
        elasticsearch { embedded => true }

The provided gocept.logging.ArgumentParser provides you with the ability to set a logging level in you runscripts.:

from gocept.logging import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser()
# Optionally set a custom log format, defaults to ``logging.BASIC_FORMAT``
parser.LOG_FORMAT = 'LOG:%(message)s'
# add your arguments with parser.add_argument() here
options = parser.parse_args()

Use your_run_script --help to see a help message about the arguments you can pass to set logging level.

If you log messages as unicode, e.g.'foo'), the SyslogHandler will (incorrectly) prepend a byte-order mark, which confuses the logstash parser, resulting in "_grokparsefailure". This is a known bug in the Python standard library that has been fixed in Python-2.7.4.


This package provides infrastructure for semi-structured log messages.








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