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This is a wrapper for Freesurfer; a popular brain segmentation tool developed by Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital.


This fork adds compatibility for spm within the app-freesurfer api as a temporary measure until we decide whether to spin it off into it's own thing (app-spm or something) or just keep it as is.


Installing the App

  1. git clone this repo.

For the purpose of this document, it is assumed that the repository is cloned at $HOME under the name app-freesurfer.

$ cd $HOME
$ git clone [email protected]:gpnlab/app-freesurfer.git
  1. source the App configuration file
$ source $HOME/app-freesurfer/etc/app.conf
bash /iw82/gpntk/libexec/ run_spm test_spm


This App only requires jq and singularity to run. Also, for batch jobs, SLURM or parallel if SLURM is not available.

Running the App

  1. Inside the folder jobs in the root of the cloned directory, create a folder with your job name (job_name) and a config.json inside it
├── jobs
    └── example
        └── config.json

The configuration file config.json must be populated with something like

    "job_name": "test_spm",
    "location": "psc_bridges2",
    "subjects": "/ocean/projects/med200002p/liw82/metadata/subjects.txt",
    "studydir": "/ocean/projects/med200002p/liw82/fMRI",
    "batchdir": "/ocean/projects/med200002p/liw82/fMRI/batches",
    "batchscript": "/ocean/projects/med200002p/liw82/fMRI/batches/make_batches",
    "clean_job": false,
    "mail_user": "[email protected]",
    "time": "01:00:00",
    "step_names": "step03_motion_correction/ step04_mean_skullstrip_BET.txt"

The arguments allowed in the config.json are the ones processed by the $HOME/app-freesurfer/src/ script. A list of the supported arguments can be accessed by executing

$ app-freesurfer --help

Below is a short summary of the supported arguments

"job_name": <name for job allocation>
["location": <name of the HCP>]                       Default: psc_bridges2
["partition": <request a specific partition>]         Default: RM
["exclude": <node(s) to be excluded>]                 Default: None
["cpus_per_task": <number of CPUs per task>]          Default: 8
["mem_per_cpu": <real memory per CPU>]                Default: 1G
["time": <limit on the total runtime]                 Default: 10 hours
["export": <export environment variables>]            Default: ALL
["mail_type": <type of mail>]                         Default: FAIL,END
["mail_user": <user email>]                           Default: None

Freesurfer Options
--subjects=<path or list>
--studydir=<study directory>                         Default: None
[--subjectsdir=<subjects directory>]                 Default: None
[--input_dirname=<path to append to subject dir]     Default: None
[--input_filename=<name of DICOM or NIFTI file>]     Default: None
[--input=<path to DICOM or NIFTI>]                   Default: None
[--batchdir=<batch directory>]                       Default: None
[--batchscript=<path to batch file>]                 Default: None
[--step_names=<list of steps>]                       Default: None
[--debug=<true or false>]                            Default: false

Miscellaneous Options
["print": <print command>]                            Default: None
[--clean_job=<clean all previous run of this job>]    Default: false
[--clean_instance=<clean specific run of this job>]   Default: None

PARAMETERs are [ ] = optional; < > = user supplied value
  1. Launch the App by executing $ app-freesurfer run 'job_name', where job_name is the name of the folder inside the directory jobs with a json.conf with the job specifications inside. For example
$ app-freesurfer run example


The main output of this App are directories named studydir/processed/app-freesurfer/jobs/job_name/subjid/timestamp, where studydir is the root directory where the data is located, job_name refers to the job name, subjid refers to the name of the folder where the subjects' input volume data are located, and timestamp is a unique identifier for the job instance. A example of output (e.g., /data/processed/app-freesurfer/jobs/example/bert/20210407095730UTC, where /data is the data root directory, example is the job name, bert the subject id, and 20210407095730UTC is the timestamp). This folder contains various freesurfer sub directories

      └── app-gpntk
          └── jobs
              └── example
                   └─ 20210407095730UTC
                        ├─── metadata
                        └─── bert
                              ├── etc
                              ├── label
                              ├── log
                              ├── mri
                              ├── scripts
                              ├── stats
                              ├── surf
                              ├── tmp
                              ├── touch
                              └── trash

The folders etc and log are not generated by FreeSurfer; etc has a copy of the config.json file and a copy of the expert.opts file if one was provided. The log folder has a copy of the standard out and standard error produced by app-freesurfer. The name convention for these log files are subjid_-_app-freesurfer_-_jobname_-_timestamp.out and subjid_-_app-freesurfer_-_jobname_-_timestamp.err, for the App's standard output and standard error, and subjid_-_config_-_jobname_-_timestamp.json and subjid_-_expert_-_jobname_-_timestamp.opts for the config.json and expert.opts files, respectively. For example, bert_-_app-freesurfer_-_example_-_20210407095730UTC.out, bert_-_app-freesurfer_-_example_-_20210407095730UTC.err, bert_-_config_-_example_-_20210407095730UTC.json, and bert_-_expert_-_example_-_20210407095730UTC.opts. The metadata folder has all configuration, expert options, and log files produced by the given job instance. This metadata folder is also conveniently saved at the data root directory:

  └── metadata
       └── app-freesurfer
             └── jobs
                  └── example
                      └─ 20210407095730UTC
                              ├── subjects.txt
                              ├── etc
                              └── log

The file subjects.txt has the list of the subject id's processed in that particular job instance.


If $ app-freesurfer --help doesn't work out of the box, please source app.conf again by executing:

$ source $HOME/app-freesurfer/etc/app.conf

And/or add the following line to your $HOME/.profile:

export PATH=$HOME/app-freesurfer/bin:$PATH


Place your expert options file, if any, in the same path as json.conf for the sake of organization. A backup copy with the name expert.opts is saved inside the log folders.

For the time being, if sharing an installation of app-freesurfer with other users, add your name to the job folder if possible as a preventive measure from others (re-)running your job by mistake. You can also change your job folders permission. Security measures are planned to be implemented in a future release.