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How to use this?

System Requirement

To run this workflow, you should have the below installed globally. If you are on Mac, consider using Homebrew to prevent permission issues.

The package comes with linter files to maintain code style and you are encouraged to have the below linters installed.


  1. Set up a local WordPress instance. Local by Flywheel could be helpful.
  2. Make necessary changes to composer.json and gulpconfig.js.
  3. If this is a fresh set-up, run npm run setup in the terminal to get the dev dependencies and WordPress ready; otherwise run npm install && npm audit fix && gulp build && composer install.
  4. Set up config credentials for different environments if necessary.


  • Run gulp build in the terminal to create a compiled copy of the site
  • Run gulp watch in the terminal for a development instance
  • Run gulp --tasks-simple in the termianl to view all avaialble tasks
  • Add --production to prepare output for production use

WordPress-related Documentation