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Getting Started

Let's quickly walk through setting up a development environment.

All programs mentioned below should be able to run on a single-core 8GB RAM laptop. However, for training the machine learning (ML) models, the more CPU cores available, the faster they will be trained.

If you don't mind using a VM and things being a bit slower, we've provided one for you. Just import the .ova file into Oracle VM VirtualBox (or any other virtualization product that supports .ova files) and use the default settings. You can always increase the number of processors used by the VM to a number of your choice in order to speed up the ML model training later on.

The user and password for the VM are both "rite". The VM should already have everything you need installed, and will boot with a terminal open in the repository. You just need to activate the python virtualenv with

~/rite $ source .venv/bin/activate

and then you should be able to skip to "Reproducing the evaluation (Step-by-Step Instructions)".

Getting the source

Make sure you clone with --recursive as we have a few submodules.

~ $ git clone --recursive
~ $ cd rite


This project uses Haskell for feature extraction and Python (3.8) for learning/executing the models.

There are also some required libraries and tools that won't be installed automatically. If you're on Ubuntu, the following command should suffice.

$ sudo apt install haskell-stack python3-pip libtinfo-dev libopenblas-dev python3-tk dvipng

We recommend building the Haskell components using the stack tool.

~/rite $ stack setup && stack build

If the above command fails to build RITE, then try installing the most recent version of stack with:

~ $ curl -sSL | sh -s - -f

For python we recommend using virtualenv.

~/rite $ virtualenv .venv
~/rite $ source .venv/bin/activate
~/rite $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Let's run a quick test to make sure everything was built/installed correctly. We'll train a deep neural network using only a subset of our features.

First, we'll extract the features from the paired programs and find all fix templates (clusters). This should take around half an hour. You'll also see a bunch of warnings about unbound variables (in particular for variants of printf which we don't yet support), this is expected. OCaml interleaves name resolution and type checking, so it will sometimes abort with a type error before discovering an unbound variable.

~/rite $ stack exec -- generate-features \
            --features clusters+some \
            --source features/data/ucsd/data/derived/sp14/pairs.json \
            --out data/sp14_min
Number of clusters = 146
~/rite $ stack exec -- generate-features \
            --features known+clusters+some \
            --source features/data/ucsd/data/derived/fa15/pairs.json \
            --out data/fa15_min \
            --clusters data/sp14_min/clusters/top_clusters.json
Number of clusters = 118

The command line output should include the lines with Number of clusters = near the end. Those are the total number of fix template clusters extracted from each year.

The result will be a set of .ml files in the data/{sp14_min,fa15_min} directories, containing the individual programs, a set of .csv files in the data/sp14_min/clusters+some and data/fa15_min/known+clusters+some directories, containing the extracted features for each program, and a set of .ml files in the data/{sp14_min,fa15_min}/clusters containing the fix template clusters. We are not going to use the clusters in the data/fa15_min directory.

Next, let's train a deep neural network (DNN) on the sp14 programs and test it on the FA15 programs. The specific learning parameters don't particularly matter here and are predefined in the script.

~/rite $ python3 learning/ \
            small \
            data/sp14_min/clusters+some/ \
Clusters = 50
accuracy for top 6
top 1
top 3
top 5
top 6
accuracy for top 3 locations
accuracy for top 5 locations

The output will contain a lot more information, mainly for the training of the DNN, but the above lines contain the important information, i.e. the fix template prediction accuracy and the error localization accuracy.

Finally, we will repair a program using the appropriate predictions.

~/rite $ stack exec -- make-fixes \
            --source features/data/ucsd/data/derived/fa15/pairs.json \
            --mode tiny \
            --predictions data/fa15_min/known+clusters+some/small-50-multiclass \
            --clusters data/sp14_min/clusters \
            --out data/fa15_min/repaired/rite \
            --file 42
Just ((100.0,0.0),[(Nothing,120)])

The command line argument --file ID can get as a value, any number ID that represents the ID of a .ml program from the directory data/fa15_min. The first output line will contain that ID, the second will return True if the program repair was successful and the third will contain some statistical information for other use.

The final repaired solutions for the program will be in a new .ml file in the directory that we passed with the --out argument, i.e. data/fa15_min/repaired/rite, with same filename. This file will contain up to 3 top ranked solutions, i.e. repairs for the ill-typed program.

If the above command fails with:

make-fixes: ./data/fa15_min/known+clusters+some/small-50-multiclass/1544.csv: openBinaryFile: resource exhausted (Too many open files)

then try:

~/rite $ ulimit -n 524288

Reproducing the evaluation (Step-by-Step Instructions)

Running the entire evaluation can take quite a while (i.e. 24 hours) since there are so many computation-heavy steps we have to follow. Where possible, we provide commands to run both the full evaluation and a smaller subset, which may be particularly useful if you're using our VM.

Generating all feature sets and clusters

First, we'll extract the features from the paired programs and find all fix templates (clusters). This should take around an hour.

~/rite $ stack exec -- generate-features \
            --features clusters+all \
            --source features/data/ucsd/data/derived/sp14/pairs.json \
            --out data/sp14
Number of clusters = 146
~/rite $ stack exec -- generate-features \
            --features known+clusters+all \
            --source features/data/ucsd/data/derived/fa15/pairs.json \
            --out data/fa15 \
            --clusters data/sp14/clusters/top_clusters.json
Number of clusters = 118

The command line output should include the lines with Number of lines = near the end. Those are the total number of fix template clusters extracted from each year.

The result will be a set of .ml files in the data/{sp14,fa15} directories, containing the individual programs, a set of .csv files in the data/sp14/clusters+all anddata/fa15/known+clusters+all directories, containing the extracted features for each program, and a set of .ml files in the data/{sp14,fa15}/clusters containing the fix template clusters. We are not going to use the clusters in the data/fa15 directory.

We are also providing all these extracted files, if you want to skip this step.

Accuracy (Sec. 6.1)

The first experiment compares the accuracy of our learned models against a random and a popular classifier.

Let's first train all of RITE's various models. This will take a while depending on how many cores you have, so you might want to go grab a cup of coffee.

~/rite $ python3 learning/ \
            dnn \
            data/sp14/clusters+all/ \
Clusters = 50
Test ALL loss = 0.6660116819735946 , acc = 88.53344917297363
Test loss = 3.506852368973419 , acc = 43.78748834133148
accuracy for top 6
top 1
top 3
top 5
top 6
accuracy for top 3 locations
accuracy for top 5 locations

Similarly, we can get the results for the other two classifiers with:

~/rite $ python3 learning/ \
            random \
            data/sp14/clusters+all/ \
~/rite $ python3 learning/ \
            popular \
            data/sp14/clusters+all/ \

The results are not expected to be exactly the same as presented in the paper, but they should be very close. You can reproduce our results for the DNN classifier by loading a pretrained model that we provide with:

~/rite $ python learning/ \
            load \
            data/sp14/clusters+all/ \
            data/fa15/known+clusters+all \

Finally, we can reproduce the confusion matrix of the top 30 fix templates with:

~/rite $ python3 learning/ \
            load \
            data/sp14/clusters+all/ \
            data/fa15/known+clusters+all/ \

Efficiency (Sec. 6.2)

Next, let's see how to reproduce the program repair rates.

This will take quite a while as there are many programs to synthesize and each program has a synthesis timeout of 90 seconds. Running the full test can take up to 20 hours.

~/rite $ python3 all

The final repaired solutions for the programs will be in new .ml files in the directories data/fa15/repaired/{rite,naive}. Each file will contain up to 3 top ranked solutions, i.e. repairs for the ill-typed program.

You can skip synthesizing solutions for all the programs in the test set (FA15) by using the provided synthesis times that we extracted. The repair rate graph can be generated with our data or by the data from the previous command, by using:

~/rite $ python3 all

You can generate the repaired solutions for a smaller subset of programs from the test set, e.g. the 100 first programs, by using:

~/rite $ python3 100
10 sec: Repair rate = 0.61
20 sec: Repair rate = 0.75
30 sec: Repair rate = 0.79
40 sec: Repair rate = 0.83
50 sec: Repair rate = 0.86
60 sec: Repair rate = 0.87
70 sec: Repair rate = 0.87
80 sec: Repair rate = 0.89
90 sec: Repair rate = 0.92
10 sec: Repair rate = 0.8
20 sec: Repair rate = 0.85
30 sec: Repair rate = 0.88
40 sec: Repair rate = 0.9
50 sec: Repair rate = 0.92
60 sec: Repair rate = 0.93
70 sec: Repair rate = 0.93
80 sec: Repair rate = 0.95
90 sec: Repair rate = 0.96

An then you can plot the repair rate graph for the data from the previous command, by using:

~/rite $ python3 100

If you get an error running the script, because of the argument capture_output=True in line 30, then you should replace it in both line 30 and line 82 with stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE and should import PIPE at the top of the file with from subprocess import PIPE. This could happen if you have an older version of python.

Usefulness & Impact of Templates on Quality (Sec. 6.3 & 6.4)

The rest of our evaluation was based on a user study and an expert study. For both of them, we used a web interface that can be reached here.

We can't provide a way to run Seminal at the moment, since it requires another VM with a much older version of Ubuntu to compile it and generate the programs. We provide however all the generated outputs of Seminal in the data/{sp14_seminal,fa15_seminal} directories, where each file corresponds to the program from our dataset.

Furthermore, the list of program IDs used for the human studies are the following:

42, 56, 1007, 71, 2056, 1777, 102, 108, 109, 709, 1421, 156, 174, 178, 180, 209, 269, 329, 569, 628, 651

and the RITE solutions can be reproduced with:

~/rite $ stack exec -- make-fixes \
            --source features/data/ucsd/data/derived/fa15/pairs.json \
            --mode tiny \
            --predictions data/fa15/known+clusters+all/dnn-50-multiclass \
            --clusters data/sp14/clusters \
            --out data/fa15/repaired/rite \
            --file ID

by replacing ID each time with the appropriate program ID from the list. This step is not necessary if all programs were generated in the previous step with:

~/rite $ python3 all

or in order to generate only the RITE solutions for all the programs in FA15:

~/rite $ stack exec -- make-fixes \
            --source features/data/ucsd/data/derived/fa15/pairs.json \
            --mode timed-synth-total \
            --predictions data/fa15/known+clusters+all/dnn-50-multiclass \
            --clusters data/sp14/clusters \
            --out data/fa15/repaired/rite

We have also provided the (anonymized) human study responses that were used in Sec. 6.3 of the paper and the expert study responses that were used in Sec. 6.4.