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guglicap edited this page Mar 25, 2019 · 9 revisions

Clone the repo and symlink the wal-discord script to somewhere in your $PATH.

By default, wal-discord will copy the repo config folder to $HOME/.config/wal-discord.
Symlinking $HOME/.config/wal-discord/master.scss and $HOME/.config/wal-discord/backends to the respective folders in the repo config folder will make it so that you can update wal-discord by updating the repository.

wal-discord strictly depends on sassc and bash.

However, it only generates a css file, and doesn't actually load it into Discord.

For that, you can either use BeautifulDiscord or BetterDiscord.

It's also possible to theme the webapp if you're using Firefox. Chromium is unsupported right now as they dropped support for user-defined stylesheets in recent version and thus it would require an addon anyway.

Set-up with BeautifulDiscord

Once you have BeautifulDiscord installed, simply run wal-discord; beautifuldiscord --css $HOME/.cache/wal-discord/style.css.

Set-up with BetterDiscord

If you already have BetterDiscord setup, you're pretty much done, have a look at Usage for information on how to apply the theme.

Set-up with Firefox

Actually, Firefox should run out of the box. Just run wal-discord -x and restart the browser if needed. Please note that doing this will erase your current userContent.css (if any). If you wish to keep your current userContent.css (for example if you're theming other websites this way) then you can try running wal-discord -xs >> userContentPath in order to append the generated stylesheet.

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