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Hacktival Website

Run locally

  • Install bundler and jekyll: gem install bundler jekyll
  • Serve the website: bundle exec jekyll serve


This website is deployed via Github Pages directly from the master branch.


Search Engine Optimization

You may tweak the following SEO tags for each page. Not set tags will default to the ones defined in _config.yml.

  • title: The title of the page
  • description: A short description of the page's content
  • image: URL to an image associated with the page
  • author: Page-specific author information
  • lang: Page-specific language information

Our SEO tags are managed by the jekyll-seo-tag plugin. Check out their Github Repo to lear more about config options and advanced usage.


  • Categories are located in _cats/
  • Categories marked with draft: false are rendered by categories.html
  • Prefix catergories with a number to order them. (thats for simplicity).


  • Jury members are located in _jury/
  • Jury members marked with draft: false are rendered by jury.html
  • Prefix jury members with a number to order them. (thats for simplicity).