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LetMeAsk app

The app was developed during the NLW#06 offered by the RocketSeat team.


The app was developed using React running in a Docker container.

yarn create-react-app letmeask --template typescript

yarn add firebase

Set the firebase data as local environment variables creating a .env.local file.

To apply styles use plane CSS or SASS yarn add node-sass@^5.0.0

To navigate between the different pages use the React Router Dom yarn add react-router-dom and the types with development dependence yarn add @types/react-router-dom -D

To manage conditional class names use the yarn add classnames package.

To deploy the app in a host, use the Firebase host by installing:

export PATH="$(yarn global bin):$PATH"

yarn global add firebase-tools

firebase login

firebase init

As your public directory select build

Finally to deploy you must write yarn build follow by a firebase deploy and that's it.

Some improves and features

  • responsive
  • dark and light theme transition
  • PWA version
  • other options of database like firestore database or supabase
  • Styled components
  • ESLint and Prettier
  • Github repository with a well detailed description