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Releases: hashicorp/waypoint


09 Aug 18:32
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0.11.4 (August 9, 2023)


  • plugin/aws/ecr-pull: Support entrypoint injection in ecr-pull builder [GH-4847]


  • cli: Fix possible issues with deleted applications or projects failing to render in output [GH-4867]
  • runneruninstall/aws-ecs: Fix installing runners in new AWS accounts by fixing an inline policy syntax error. [GH-4873]


18 Jul 18:04
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0.11.3 (July 18, 2023)


  • cli: Add config source's plugin type, scope, project, app, and workspace to
    output of waypoint config source-get when getting a specific config source. [GH-4822]
  • cli: Add option all to flag -scope on waypoint config source-get command
    to output all config sources. [GH-4822]


  • runnerinstall/aws-ecs: Fix ODR policy for AWS ECS runners to enable adding tags
    to an ALB. [GH-4818]
  • runnerinstall/ecs: Add IAM permission required for project destruction [GH-4840]
  • runneruninstall/aws-ecs: Fix panic when uninstalling ECS runner after failing to find EFS [GH-4829]


15 Jun 18:38
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0.11.2 (June 15, 2023)


  • cli,server: Introduce explicit delete endpoint for CLI and Server for Config
    and Config Sourcers. [GH-4754]
  • cli: Use -w flag for workspace scoping on config set and config delete,
    instead of workspace-scope. [GH-4770]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Add config options for the target group protocol and protocol
    version. [GH-4742]
  • runnerinstall/nomad: Add CLI flags for setting custom CPU and memory resources. [GH-4798]
  • serverinstall/nomad: Add config flag -nomad-host-network for specifying the
    host network of the Waypoint server Nomad job's gRPC and HTTP (UI) ports. [GH-4804]


  • auth: Prevent a runner token from generating a new token for a different runner [GH-4707]
  • builtin: de-dupe various hcl annotation keys [GH-4701]
  • cli: Honor runner install -platform arg [GH-4699]
  • config-sources: Return correct workspace-scoped config sources at the global
    scope, when a workspace is specified. [GH-4774]
  • config: Remove extra eval context append for parsing configs which caused a slowdown during pipeline config parsing. [GH-4744]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Destroy the ALB only if it is managed by Waypoint. [GH-4742]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Fix failure when destroying the target group during a release
    destroy operation. [GH-4742]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Fix panic when settings grpc_code or http_code for a health
    check. [GH-4742]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Set the protocol of a health check correctly. [GH-4742]
  • plugin/azure-aci: Update plugin to attempt CLI auth if environment auth fails. [GH-4763]
  • plugin/ecs: Make alb.load_balancer_arn optional [GH-4729]
  • plugin/ecs: Set health check timeout and interval values to compatible default
    values. [GH-4767]
  • runnerinstall/aws-ecs: Add missing permission to on-demand runner IAM policy. [GH-4742]
  • runneruninstall/aws-ecs: Fix deletion of file system for AWS ECS runner. [GH-4792]


11 May 18:01
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0.11.1 (May 11, 2023)


  • cli: Add a -verbose flag to waypoint job list to improve relevant columns shown to user
    at a glance. [GH-4531]
  • cli: Include job QueueTime in output for waypoint job list and waypoint job inspect. [GH-4531]
  • cli: Introduce waypoint runner profile edit to edit a runners plugin config
    directly in your configured terminal editor [GH-4594]
  • cli: Update the waypoint runner profile set command to accept an argument
    for setting the name. This also removes the behavior where if no name was given,
    it would generate a random one. [GH-4527]
  • cli: new flags for waypoint install on Nomad:
    -nomad-service-address and -nomad-network-mode [GH-4619]
  • plugin/ecs: Enable custom health checks for ECS plugin. [GH-4473]
  • plugin/ecs: Update ECS releaser to verify deployment health before releasing. [GH-4520]


  • builtin/consul: Fix request logger to properly log configured data center [GH-4670]
  • cli: Avoid panic in empty slice for runner installs platform var. [GH-4672]
  • cli: Fix load path for custom Waypoint plugins [GH-4623]
  • core: Ensure project and workspaces cannot be created with malformed names [GH-4588]
  • internal: Improve git URL string trimming when determining remote URLs [GH-4675]
  • plugin/ecs: Update ECS destroyer to wait for there to be zero listeners for the
    target group before destroying the target group. [GH-4497]
  • trigger: Ensure trigger Name is only alpha-numeric [GH-4660]
  • ui: Only show health-check “Re-run” button if project has a data source. [GH-4553]


16 Feb 18:50
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0.11.0 (February 16, 2023)


  • server: Add pagination protobuffs and stubs for pagination in ListProjects [GH-4203]


  • cli: waypoint job cancel now outputs additional insights
    when trying to cancel a running job. [GH-4294]
  • cli: add socket-path flag to runner install [GH-4246]
  • core: waypoint job list will now retrieve paginated list of jobs to avoid
    grpc data limits per request [GH-4271]
  • core: improve runner job stream error logging [GH-3872]
  • install/nomad: Allow mount options to be specified when provisioning a volume with CSI plugins [GH-4387]
  • plugin/aws: Add CORS configuration to lambda-function-url releaser [GH-4418]
  • plugin/tfc: Allow non-string tfc outputs to be used as waypoint.hcl dynamic default variables [GH-4357]
  • plugin/tfc: Allow reading all outputs from a tfc workspace with a single variable stanza [GH-4357]
  • plugins/k8s: Add prune_whitelist option to only prune specific resources [GH-4345]
  • plugins/k8s: Add security_context to the TaskLauncherConfig (on-demand runner configuration) [GH-4346]
  • server: Add UI_GetDeployment convenience endpoint [GH-3856]
  • server: Enable gRPC-Gateway on the http port of Waypoint server to add in an HTTP API for interfacing [GH-4379]


  • aws/lambda: fix issue where deployment configuration was not injected in to
    Lambda function environments, preventing waypoint-entrypoint from authenticating
    with the Waypoint server [GH-4328]
  • cli/snapshot: Fix server snapshot when a config source is set. [GH-4523]
  • cli: Fix panic in waypoint pipeline list and waypoint pipeline inspect where
    a pipeline run was given with no jobs. [GH-4424]
  • cli: Show full command flags when displaying help text for waypoint runner inspect. [GH-4435]
  • install/nomad: Fix connectivity to Waypoint server from the CLI at the end of
    the Nomad server install. [GH-4363]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Fix bringing your own alb to ecs deployments. [GH-4457]
  • plugin/k8s-apply: Update the prune_whitelist param to match the updated parameter
    in kubectl apply, prune_allowlist. It also ensures this param in the plugin
    is optional and not a hard requirement to use the k8s apply plugin. [GH-4517]
  • ui: fix safari bug with xterm/webgl rendering [GH-4054]
  • upgrade: Fixes a bug where pre-v0.10.4 config sources could not be updated or
    deleted. [GH-4382]


15 Dec 18:20
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0.10.5 (December 15, 2022)


  • Waypoint now uses Go 1.19.4 to address security vulnerability (CVE-2022-41717) See the Go announcement for more details.



  • plugin/ecs: runner install now creates aws policies to facilitate remotely running StopTask and WatchTask jobs [GH-4296]


08 Dec 17:24
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0.10.4 (December 08, 2022)


  • plugin/ecs: Accept ALB security group IDs. [GH-4230]
  • plugin/packer: A Packer config sourcer plugin to source machine image IDs from
    an HCP Packer channel. [GH-4251]


  • cli/runnerinstall: Check if runner is registered to the server before
    attempting to forget it. [GH-3944]
  • cli/runnerinstall: Delete EFS file system during ECS runner uninstall. [GH-3944]
  • cli: project destroy requires the -project or -p flag regardless of where it's run. [GH-4212]
  • cli: Pipeline run now shows the number of steps successfully executed for a failed run. [GH-4268]


  • cli/context: Fix possible error when listing contexts if a non-Waypoint context file exists in the context directory. [GH-4257]
  • cli: Ensure a deploy and release URL has a scheme included if not set. [GH-4208]
  • cli: project destroy now successfully destroys a project created in the UI without a remote source or local waypoint.hcl file. [GH-4212]
  • plugin/nomad: Update Nomad task launcher plugin to use entrypoint config - fixes
    pipeline exec steps run in Nomad. [GH-4185]
  • plugin/vault: Fix usage of dynamic secrets from Vault for dynamic Waypoint app
    config. [GH-3988]


03 Nov 19:00
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0.10.3 (November 03, 2022)


  • plugin/consul: Consul key-value data config sourcer plugin [GH-4045]


  • cli/config-sync: Add operations flags to config sync command. [GH-4143]
  • cli/fmt: Add a -check flag that will determine if the waypoint.hcl is already
    properly formatted, similar to terraform fmt -check. [GH-4020]
  • cli/pipeline_run: Show app deployment and release URLs if exist from running
    pipeline. Also show input variables used. [GH-4096]
  • cli: Add prune flags to waypoint deploy for configuring the automatic release. [GH-4114]
  • cli: Introduce new CLI flag -reattach for waypoint pipeline run which will stream
    an existing pipeline run either by the latest known run or a specific sequence id. [GH-4042]
  • cli: Only echo file name when config file is formatted with waypoint fmt. [GH-4111]
  • cli: Update waypoint runner profile inspect to show default runner profile
    if no name argument supplied. [GH-4078]
  • core: Auto run a status report after a deployment or release operation rather
    than only if waypoint deploy or waypoint release CLI is run. [GH-4099]
  • core: Combine git clone messages from job stream into a single message [GH-4115]
  • pipelines: Add ability to evaluate input variables in pipelines stanzas. [GH-4132]
  • ui/input-variables: Adds the ability to set an input variable as sensitive and hides its value from the list and form [GH-4139]


  • cli/runner-profile-set: Fix panic when setting runner profile environment variables [GH-3995]
  • cli/upgrade: Update the OCI URL for the bootstrap runner profile during server upgrade [GH-4175]
  • cli: Fix bug where input variables were not included on pipeline run jobs. [GH-4137]
  • cli: Fix panic in waypoint runner profile set when no flags are specified. [GH-4013]
  • cli: Fix panic in cli for waypoint task cancel if attempting to cancel by run
    job id with no argument. [GH-4019]
  • cli: Only show "CompleteTime" on waypoint pipeline list if the job has a valid
    complete time. [GH-4113]
  • cli: Remove automatic uppercasing of ids, so that future runner profiles will match [GH-4063]
  • cli: Respect the -workspace flag when requesting a logstream for a deployment
    by workspace [GH-4009]
  • core: Fix panic if no Use stanza found for given workspace scope on a build,
    deploy, release, or registry stanza. [GH-4112]
  • core: fix panic when null value is set on a string variable [GH-4067]
  • install/nomad: Update installation with Nomad to use CSI parameters. [GH-4157]
  • pipelines: Properly mark a pipeline run as complete [GH-4053]
  • plugin/docker: fix issue with authenticating with registries when using
    docker-pull [GH-4121]


03 Oct 18:34
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0.10.2 (October 03, 2022)


  • plugin/helm: Add support for create_namespace and skip_crds (default is now false) [GH-3950]


  • cli/runnerinstall: Update runner install to set the new profile as the default
    if none exists [GH-3922]
  • cli: A new -runner-target-any flag has been added to runner profile set to allow users to specify targeting any runner. [GH-3854]
  • cli: Setting configurations in a runner profile no longer resets unspecified configuration [GH-3854]
  • plugin/ecs: Implement WatchTask plugin for AWS ECS task launcher. Store ECS on-demand runner logs in the job system. [GH-3918]
  • plugin/docker: Add new docker-ref plugin for a build noop for referencing a Docker Image [GH-3912]


  • cli/install: Set image pull policy configuration on Helm installation of Waypoint server and runner [GH-3948]
  • cli: Fix panic when setting project datasource to local [GH-3972]
  • core: Connected entrypoints for deleted projects now error out properly. [GH-3949]
  • core: Fix out of order job ids for waypoint pipeline run job stream CLI. [GH-3946]
  • plugin/nomad-jobspec: Fix deployment of periodic and system Nomad jobs. [GH-3963]
  • ui: Fix crash when encountering resources without IDs [GH-3929]


22 Sep 18:13
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0.10.1 (September 22, 2022)


  • core: Update TaskCancel to also cancel WatchTask job, if it was launched. [GH-3893]


  • plugin/nomad-jobspec: Update Nomad jobspec status check to not report partial
    health for deployments with canaries [GH-3883]
  • plugin/nomad: Update Nomad task launcher plugin to respect namespace and region
    configs in runner profile [GH-3883]
  • plugin: Fix panic in non-ECS plugins when destroying resources [GH-3896]
  • runner-install/k8s: Use the service account created by helm in the runner profile, rather than using the default service account. [GH-3894]
  • runner-install/kubernetes: Fix the static runner image used in the waypoint runner install command [GH-3890]